Selectively Depress Copper-Activated Pyrite in Copper Flotation …
Pyrite depression in the flotation of copper ores is difficult due to the activation of Cu2+ ions on pyrite surface. In this study, the radical chain reaction involving the redox cycling of Cu(I/II) induced by sodium metabisulphite (MBS) was exploited to selectively depress the flotation of copper-activated pyrite at pH 8.0. Electrochemical …

Polysaccharides-based pyrite depressants for green flotation …
The flotation of pyrite is pH-dependent, and pH 5 is a boundary value where pyrite has a naturally hydrophobic surface with both negative and positive hydroxy ... it was suggested that the pyrite depression by CMC increases only up to an optimum concentration value. It was documented that in the case of native and oxidized starches, …

Adsorption and depression mechanism of an eco-friendly …
The results of the flotation experiments showed that PCA could selectively depress the flotation of pyrite rather than that of chalcopyrite when using SBX as the collector, and the optimum separation performance was realized at the reagent scheme of 60 mg/L PCA and 15 mg/L SBX when pH was 8.16. Meanwhile, the selective depression …

Determination of Optimum Parameters for Flotation of …
2.1. Effect of Collector Concentration on Flotation Recovery. Xanthates are the salts of xanthic acid (alkyl/aryl dithiocarbonic acid) and are formed through the replacement of two oxygen atoms in carbonic acid by sulfur and replacement of one hydrogen atom by an alkyl/aryl group. 22 They are commonly used as a standard …

Polysaccharides-based pyrite depressants for green flotation …
The synergistic effect of lime (CaO) and TCSS caused a strong depression of pyrite through its flotation separation from chalcopyrite in a wide pH range of 7–12. The …

Pyrite Flotation Separation and Encapsulation: A …
Pyrite flotation separation and encapsulation in tailings dams is proposed as a viable way to chemically stabilize tailings. Characterization of potential acid mine …

A New Innovative Method of Flotation Separation for High …
Thus, the optimum grinding condition was determined as 85% particles finer than −0.074 mm. Figure 2b–d shows the flotation performance of galena, sphalerite, and pyrite under the different collector systems. It is clear from the results that good flotation behavior was not achieved by adopting individual collector .

The depression of pyrite in selective flotation by different …
Liu et al. (2009) found that the selective depression of pyrite in the flotation of chalcopyrite-pyrite mixtures was due to the preferential adsorption of lignosulfonate …

Froth Flotation of Chalcopyrite/Pyrite Ore: A …
The study of Fairthorne et al. indicated that the flotation of chalcopyrite and pyrite at pH 7 increased with the concentration of O-isobutyl-Nethoxycarbonyl thionocarbamate (IBECTC) and that the …

A potential ceramic ball grinding medium for optimizing flotation
The CB system performed better than did the CIB system in the flotation separation of chalcopyrite and pyrite. Under the optimal flotation conditions, the Cu grade, S grade, and chalcopyrite recovery of the flotation concentrate in the CB system were 2.90%, 0.70%, and 18.88% higher than those in the CIB system.

Selective adsorption behavior and mechanism of a high …
The results of the flotation experiments showed that PCA could selectively depress the flotation of pyrite rather than that of chalcopyrite when using SBX as the collector, and the optimum separation performance was realized at the reagent scheme of 60 mg/L PCA and 15 mg/L SBX when pH was 8.16. Meanwhile, the selective depression …

Differential flotation of pyrite and arsenopyrite: Effect of …
Although some level of selectivity was achieved at the selected pH and collector concentration, the flotation recovery of both pyrite and arsenopyrite dropped compared with single mineral flotation. Pyrite and arsenopyrite recovery for DTP reduced from 92.85% and 49.61% in the single mineral study to 78.1% and 36.23%, respectively …

Advances in depressants used for pyrite flotation …
Pyrite is separated from other minerals mainly by flotation. However, the hydrophilicity of pyrite is affected by many factors, causing it to easily enter the concentrate and consequently reduce the quality of concentrate. Highly efficient pyrite depressants can be selectively adsorbed on the surface of pyrite to improve its hydrophilicity, thereby …

Flotation of Gold and Gold-Bearing Ores
At a pyrite flotation plant in South Africa, ... The selection of an optimal flotation reagent scheme is very dependent on the specific mineralogy of the gold ore to be processed (Blaskett and Woodcock, 1953, Elvey and Woodcock, 1985, Woodcock, 1980). 10.1. Refractory Gold Ores.

Synthesis of a novel collector based on selective nitrogen coordination
Under the optimal reagent scheme, flotation recoveries of pyrite, sphalerite and galena vary slightly within a pH range of 4–10. In particular, flotation recoveries of sphalerite and galena collected by CSC-1 stand as high as 76% and 88% respectively over a wide pH range (pH 4–10), while that of pyrite is below 34%.

(PDF) Determination of optimum conditions to remove
Then, to reach an optimum operational condition in terms of flotation time and reagent usage, a few tests were performed and finally the flotation time of 5 min along with a collector dosage of ...

(PDF) The depression of pyrite in selective flotation by …
However, in the flotation of pyrite-galena mixtures chitosan selectively depressed pyrite while galena was floated and the optimum separation result was observed around pH 4 (Huang et al., 2013). The difference indicated that when both minerals were present, chitosan preferred to adsorb on pyrite, which was confirmed by ToF-SIMS measurement.

Effect of regrinding conditions on pyrite flotation in the …
As studied previously, pyrite flotation was depressed in alkaline solutions, but the addition of copper ions significantly increased pyrite recovery within the pH 6-10 range by activating the ...

Effect of regulating dissolved oxygen concentration in pulp …
The correlation between DO concentration and pyrite floatability was established and the optimal DO concentration for pyrite flotation was proposed to further improve the relevant sulfide ore flotation theoretical basis, which had practical guiding significance to some extent for the flotation of sulfide ores, especially pyrite. 2.

Solving the mystery of natural pyrite flotation
The pyrite flotation results clearly demonstrate that different flotation domains exhibit significantly different pyrite recoveries. Overall, these values are similar to those ... to achieve better liberation or a more optimum particle size distribution is unlikely to result in a relative difference in flotation performance between the ...

FLOT-ART: An integrated plant optimization tool for the flotation …
FLOT-ART's application of advanced electrochemistry in the flotation of some copper and copper–gold ores using non-conventional water sources like seawater has demonstrated that effective depression of pyrite is possible using a low alkaline flotation system (pH < 8.5), once the first pillar of FLOT-ART has been successfully …

Selective Adsorption Mechanism of Ferric Ions on the …
The results of the flotation experiments showed that PCA could selectively depress the flotation of pyrite rather than that of chalcopyrite when using SBX as the collector, and the optimum ...

Pyrite Flotation With Xanthate Under Alkaline Conditions
The extensive literature on sulfide flotation indicates that pyrite poorly floats under alkaline condition. Xanthate concentration has a positive effect on pyrite flotation, but above a pH of 11, pyrite seems to be strongly depressed, independently of the concentration in xanthate. In this investigation, aeration and xanthate concentration effects were studied …

A potential ceramic ball grinding medium for optimizing flotation
The selectivity indexes were 2.65 (CB) and 1.58 (CIB) at the optimal conditions. ... Large quantities of oxidation products are generated on the pyrite surface, thus inhibiting the pyrite flotation in a low-carbon-steel medium. Peng et al. [27] found that the chalcopyrite froth flotation recovery of a high‑chromium alloy (30% chromium) …

Optimization of physicochemical parameters of pyrite flotation …
The obtained results show that the optimal pH value is 7, in this condition; we can get an optimal adsorption and maximum recovery of Pyrite up to 90%. Tailings issued from polymetallic ore flotation of Chaabat el-Hamra mine contain sulfides such as Galena (PbS), Pyrite (FeS2) and Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2).

Effect of regulating dissolved oxygen concentration in pulp …
The results showed that the flotation recovery of pyrite could be remarkably affected by DO concentration in pulp; it increased first and then decreased with the increase of DO concentration; an optimal DO concentration (DO = 3.3 mg/L) was helpful for pyrite flotation recovery; both the formation of dixanthogen and the avoidance of excessive ...

Does anyone have flotation data defining …
Does anyone have flotation data defining optimum Eh and pH for arsenian pyrite flotation? Arsenian pyrite contains 0.58% As and is a type p semiconductor.

The selective flotation of arsenopyrite from pyrite
B.Tapley et al. researched the inhibition behavior of methylarsonic acid (MMA) on the pyrite/arsenopyrite separation, and they found that MMA can strongly inhibit the arsenopyrite flotation while ...

Oxygen demand test: A diagnostic tool for determining the optimum …
A mobile flotation facility, based on two 5 L minicells equipped with on-line monitoring of pH, dissolved oxygen and pulp potential, was used to study flotation of pyrite from zinc concentrate (i ...

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