cctv system pairs scheme coal mine

A novel wireless sensor network deployment scheme for environmental

A typical longwall mine consists of a longwall face, goaf and intake and return airways. The layout of sensor node deployment in the maingate (intake airway) and tailgate (return airway) of a retreating longwall coal mine has been shown in Fig. 1.The gate roads are divided into a number of rectangular logical partitions known as monitoring regions (M).

MineBL: A Battery-Free Localization Scheme with …

in the underground coal mines. (1) Security risk issues: The above localization scheme needs to deploy active localization base stations underground in advance, and such base stations usually require an external power supply, which is prone to safety accidents. (2) Low localization accuracy issues: Harsh underground coal mine environments as well

Quasi-distributed sensing network based on coherence

A low-cost fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing system for coal-mine security monitoring is proposed in this paper. Based on the coherence multiplexing (CM) and spatial division multiplexing (SDM) techniques, this hybrid sensing network can support more than 40 sensors for quasi-distributed detection. It is demonstrated experimentally …

Benefits of video security systems in the mining …

Key benefits of an integrated surveillance solution. Clearly any system helps security staff concentrate on more fruitful activities increases efficiency and improves security. But the availability of a customised …

Mining Site Security and CCTV Surveillance Systems

Our security cameras integrate with third-party products so you can scale your system without overhauling it. Easily manage the security of your mine remotely, with multi-site …


and the variety of work carried out in coal mine, so it is very necessary to monitor the working environment of coal mine. To get over this problem, Nevon projects has proposed a wireless sensor network's application in coal mining safety system Coal mining is the process of extracting coal from the ground.

Design of Coal Mine Intelligent Monitoring System based …

Coal mine intelligent monitoring system can be used to monitor the concentration of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide concentration, oxygen concentration, wind speed, air pressure, smoke, temperature and etc.. Sensor data are transmitted by the ZigBee wireless sensor network to the monitor host machine which using intelligent …


Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation. A STATUTORY BODY UNDER THE CONTROL OF MINISTRY OF COAL, GOVT. OF INDIA. The Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation has been entrusted with the responsibility of administering the Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1948 and different schemes framed there under.

Orthogonal experiment design of EMI of security monitoring …

Security monitoring system of coal mines is indispensable to ensure the safe and efficient production of colliery. Due to the special and narrow underground field …

Demand Analysis and Scheme Design of Coal Mine Safety Monitoring System

In order to improve the safety of coal mine production and ensure the safe working of production facilities, we propose a wireless monitoring system for coal mine safety called WMS.

Design of Surveillance and Safety System for …

transmitting data from underground mines to surface control room. In proposed scheme is used low power and cost­ effective cc2530 transceiver modules that is complete single

(PDF) Coal Mines Security System

CIL —Coal India Ltd is under the control of mafia and a large number of irregularities can be contributed to coal mafia. An Intelligent Coal Mine Security …

[PDF] Coal Mine Security System

The paper shows that the Coal Mine Security System is flexible in the architecture of software and hardware, and can be easily extended to other mine safety production fields. Coal Mine Security System uses sensor, automatic detection, and communication and microcontroller 89S52 technologies, to realize the operational parameter intelligent …


Safety in Coal Mines 9.1 JHARIA & RANIGANJ MASTER PLAN 9.1.1 Un-scientific, unsystematic and illegal mining are the primary causes of fires resulting into subsidence Coal, which are left as safety pillars and ribs during the course of extraction (mining) in old workings and abandoned mines, catches fires due to spontaneous

A Novel Coal Mine Security Monitoring System Based on …

The paper puts forward a novel coal mine management system to solve the real-time monitoring and highly efficient rescue problems of underground work platforms. The scheme of ZigBee wireless sensor network combined with Controller Area Network (CAN) bus is adopted in this system. ZigBee substation is set at proper intervals in mine …

IOT Based Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alerting System

In the mining industry safety and security is a fundamental aspect of all. To avoid any ... Safety is the most vital part of any type of industry. In the mining industry safety and security is a fundamental aspect of all. ... On this basis, the general design scheme of coal mine safety monitoring system was determined. Demand analysis ...

Wearable Real Time Health and Security Monitoring Scheme for Coal mine

Citation/Export MLA S. Jayabratha, Dr. C. N. Marimuthu, "Wearable Real Time Health and Security Monitoring Scheme for Coal mine Workers", March 15 Volume 3 Issue 3, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC), ISSN: 2321-8169, PP: 1221 - 1225, DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150372 …

CCTV Surveillance | Video Surveillance In Mining

The deployment of intelligent security systems in the mining environment through CCTV surveillance and access control systems can ensure monitoring, provide layered protection for strict, regulated security practices and accurate reporting. The use of RFID in mining is creating a safer, cheaper and less personnel-intensive safety system.

MineBL: A Battery-Free Localization Scheme with

Abstract: Accurate localization in underground coal mining is a challenging technology in coal mine safety production. This paper proposes a low-cost battery-free localization scheme based


Intensive Examination of contract agreement no. 63444161/413A1110/CCTV SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM for "Supply, Installation, Commissioning of CCTV surveillance system in different projects/units at NCL along with 04-year CAMC after completion of warranty period" - regarding ... Contribution towards Coal Mines Pension (Amendment) …

A Novel Coal Mine Security Monitoring System Based on …

The paper puts forward a novel coal mine management system to solve the real-time monitoring and highly efficient rescue problems of underground work platforms. The …

Safety in Coal Mines

Coal Production, Marketing & Distribution 57 Chapter-9 Safety in Coal Mines 9.1 Jharia & Raniganj Action Plan 9.1.1 The problems of subsidence and fires are the result of unscientific mining carried out by the earstwhile mine owners over more than 200 years of operations in these coalfields of Jharia and Raniganj prior to nationalisation.

CCTV Surveillance | Video Surveillance In Mining

The deployment of intelligent security systems in the mining environment through CCTV surveillance and access control systems can ensure monitoring, provide layered …

Security in the mining sector: a unique challenge

In the past, mining organisations relied on multiple credentials and access control systems to fulfil different tasks, resulting in the proliferation of single-purpose systems running in parallel. In addition to being resource-intensive, disparate access control and security systems do not scale and can be costly to integrate.

Year End Review

Year End Review – 2021 – Ministry of Mines Mining Sector Acts and Rules Amended to Facilitate Ease of Doing Business Mineral Exploration Norms Further Relaxed MPs, MLAs and MLCs Included in District Mineral Foundation Fund Governing Council Geological Survey of India handed over 152 Mineral Block Reports (G4) to State …

Breaking law of overburden rock and key mining technology …

As the cornerstone of Chinese energy system and a solid support for national energy security, coal plays a crucial role in energy supply that cannot be ignored 1.In actual mining operations, to ...

IoT Based coal mine safety monitoring and controlling

To address the issues, a coal mine safety monitoring system based on a wireless sensor network and the Internet of Things, which can increase the monitoring level is created. Many micro-sensor nodes with small volumes and low costs make up an IoT and wireless sensor network.

IoT-Based Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alerting System

Safety is the most vital part of any type of industry. In the mining industry safety and security is a fundamental aspect for all. To avoid any types of accidents the …


A coal mine safety system is implemented for this project by using an IP address as a data transmission medium. The device is used to monitor a variety of parameters inside coal mines, including light detection, gas leakage, temperature and humidity levels, and fire detection. This sensor network is known as one large device