smelting process in south africa

Smelter and Smith: Iron Age Metal Fabrication Technology in Southern Africa

Abstract New metallographic analyses of large assemblages enable the description of a comprehensive picture of indigenous metallurgy during the southern African Iron Age. Metal working was introduced to southern Africa about 2000 years ago by black agriculturists. In the first millennium ad they produced both copper and iron. Copper was …

The smelting operations of Anglo American's platinum …

The Anglo Platinum Ltd smelting operations have made significant progress since 2006 and further advances are envisaged to further improve on safety, reduce costs, increase …

Science, Not Black Magic: Metal and Glass Production in Africa …

They invented a unique two-stage smelting process that combined two types of furnaces. The first stage was done in a primary furnace of the natural draught type, which only rose to about 1.5 m. ... South Africa. PhD dissertation, University of Cape Town. Google Scholar Bandama, F. (2020). Preindustrial mining and metallurgy in …

Anexperimental studyof iron-smelting

Africa, theiron-smelting process wasjust called 'blowing the bellows', and competent smiths werereferred toas 'menskilled inbellows'2O. Although iron smelting ceased in Africa after the arrival ofthe Europeans, smithying and forging still continued and ispractised eventoday, sothat wehave much information onthemaking ofbellowsforsmithies.

The technology of tin smelting in the Rooiberg Valley, Limpopo Province

The major tin deposits of South Africa are of Precambrian Age and are genetically associated with the intrusion of the Bushveld Magmatic Province (BMP) between 2.05 and 2.06 billion years ago. ... as would the addition of any lead contaminant introduced in the smelting/casting process. If the galena is cogenetic with the cassiterite, then LIA ...

(PDF) Smelting of Magnetite and Magnetite …

Smelting of Magnetite and Magnetite-Ilmenite iron ores in the northern lowveld, South Africa, ca. 1000 CE to ca. 1880 CE March 2014 Journal of Archaeological Science 43(1)

Life Cycle Inventory Assessment of Smelting Process of …

Life Cycle Inventory Assessment of Smelting Process of Platinum Group Metals at the Anglo American Platinum Ltd, South Africa @inproceedings{Mabiza2015LifeCI, title={Life Cycle Inventory Assessment of Smelting Process of Platinum Group Metals at the Anglo American Platinum Ltd, South Africa}, …


There are many similarities between PGM smelting and nickel sulphide smelting, and the range of technologies in use includes six-in …

Pyrometallurgical Recovery of Platinum Group Metals from …

Pyrometallurgical processes are a primary method to recover PGMs from spent catalyst.3 In general, they can be divided into three groups: smelting, chlorination, and sintering processes. Smelting Process. The smelting process is the mostly commonly employed approach for concentrating PGMs in many companies with …

Melting of platinum group metal concentrates in South …

South Africa hosts more than 80 per cent of the world's reserves of platinum group metals (PGM). Recent reviews of the South African ... current matte-smelting process in favour of an alloy-based process, which would offer total flexibility with respect to the amount of chromium that can be tolerated in the feed.


SMELTING. In 2022 Ironveld agreed the acquisition of the Ferrochrome Furnaces (Pty) Ltd, the smelter complex in Rustenburg. ... thereby reducing the disruptions and inefficiencies caused by frequent 'load shedding' in South Africa by ESKOM. ... Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behaviour or ...

Platinum Mining and Refining | Education

Platinum production in South Africa. Photo by Johnson Matthey. Refining platinum ore is a costly and laborious process. It can take from eight weeks to six months to process a batch of ore, and it can take up to 12 tons (11 tonnes) of …

Life Cycle Inventory Assessment of Smelting Process of …

smelting process. SO2 was revealed not to be the most important emission. In an annual initiative, smelter can ... South Africa (corresponding author: 078-879-6283; e-mail: [email protected]). C. Mbohwa is with University of Johannesburg, Bunting road campus, Auckland Park, Johannesburg. South Africa (e-mail: [email protected]).

Operations Overview

MFC is situated in Middelburg, Mpumalanga and was established in 1964 as a Low Carbon Ferrochrome production facility. Charge chrome was first produced on this site in 1974 by Middelburg Steel and Alloys (Pty) Ltd, which was acquired by Samancor in 1991, making it one of only a few alloy plants in the world able to produce both charge chrome and low …


The Outotec Ausmelt Nickel Converting Process is used for the converting of low-grade matte into high-grade matte and is used in the Anglo Platinum Converting Process (ACP) in Rustenburg, South Africa. The variation in nickel sulphide concentrate properties presents challenges in the smelting of these materials.

Extraction and Refining of the Platinum Metals | Johnson …

A major development in the world's platinum industry took place in the early nineteen twenties when large deposits of platinum bearing ore were discovered in the Transvaal in South Africa. This led to the formation in 1931 of Rustenburg Platinum Mines Limited to work these deposits, and this company remains to this day the only platinum producer in …

Life Cycle Inventory Assessment of Smelting Process of …

Due to the Bushveld Complex location in South Africa, the country covers the largest potential economic of PGMs resources ever discovered in the world, which is estimated …

Metallurgy in Africa

The earliest evidence of copper smelting to the south of Cameroon, on the other hand, occurs by the fourth century AD in copper‐rich areas on the Congo coast and in northern Zambia/southeastern Zaïre at about the same time as iron working. ... In South Africa, tin ore was smelted in tiny furnaces, pellets of tin were extracted from crushed ...

14 Smelter jobs in South Africa

Today's top 14 Smelter jobs in South Africa. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Smelter jobs added daily. ... Process Engineer - Mining - Gauteng Process Engineer - Mining - Gauteng Hire Resolve - Recruiting Talent in SA, US & EMEA ... Smelting / Furnace Manager (Aluminium/Steel)

Smelter Jobs

Daily checks of process order balancing and smelter metal balance. ... As a proudly South African company with a global footprint, Rand Refinery is one of the world's leading Gold and Silver Refiner and operates one of the largest low-grade gold recovery Smelters on the African continent. With over a 100-year history, we have transformed and ...

Southern Africa PGM operations

We mine and process PGMs at our South Africa operations from both the UG2 and the Merensky reefs located in the Bushveld Complex, a geologically unique region containing more than 85% of the world's known PGM mineral resources. 2023 …

Johannesburg, South Africa | Contact Us | Group

has been operating in South Africa since 1972, currently with more then 220 employees. ... smelting, power generation, brewing and agricultural processing. A modern manufacturing facility. We manufacture chain conveyors for grain processing, mining and the power industry. ... and process improvement. Pasta Application Centre. Develop ...

(PDF) Early Metal Working in Sub-Saharan Africa: A

Transvaal, South Africa', South African Archaeological Bulletin, xLyr (r99r), r37-4r. ... studying the smelting process. IJndoubtedly, the near-indestructibility of.

Assmang Proprietary Limited » ASSMANG …

Constructed in 1957, smelting operations began in 1959 and metal-recovery plant was commissioned in 2005 ... South Africa High and medium-carbon and/or low-carbon ferromanganese smelting operation …

Aluminium, Alumina and Bauxite

The process, discovered in 1887, extracts alumina from bauxite through crushing, dissolving it in caustic soda, filtration and an electrolytic process. ... To support the development of the downstream aluminium industry in South Africa, liquid metal is supplied to Hulamin and other local companies that sell products in the domestic and …

Refining of Gold at the Rand Refinery

refining in South Africa, the historical development and all operations of the refinery are described in detail in this chapter, although some activities cannot strictly be defined as gold refining. 10.2 Historical Development In the early days of South African gold mining, the crude bullion produced had to be shipped to London for refining.

Minerals and Mining in South Africa | SpringerLink

Mining in southern Africa has a long pre-colonial history. Haematite mining in Swaziland can be traced back more than 40,000 years, iron smelting dates from 400 AD or earlier, and copper from 900 AD. The most iconic evidence for …


Within smelting technologies, Tenova Pyromet, based in South Africa, is leading in the design and supply of high capacity AC and DC furnaces and complete smelting plants for production of ferroalloys, base metals, slag cleaning and refining.


The Miller Chlorination Process is employed to upgrade the gold bullion to 99.50% purity. Subsequent to the Miller refining process, gold electrolysis is employed to produce +99.99% pure gold for the production of gold bars, granules and coins. ... The Smelter provides a Smelting service. Established in 1966, to recover Au, Ag, Pt and Pd from ...