The Concentration Process At Skorpion Zinc Mine


The high extractant concentration (40 vol.% D2EHPA) allows high zinc transfer (20 g/l) in the extraction circuit without the need for neutralisation, and the acid

Zinc and Lead Solvent Extraction and Electrowinning

The first mine to incorporate SX, in the recovery process of Zn from a Zn oxide was Skorpion Zinc, in 2003. Also, presently, this mine produces a silicate ore with 8–14% Zn, 2–3% Fe, 22–27% Si, and 4–6% Al composition.

Geology of the Skorpion Supergene Zinc Deposit, Southern Namibia

The Skorpion zinc deposit in southwestern Namibia comprises a significant nonsulfide orebody (24.6 Mt at 10.6% Zn) and subordinate amounts of primary base metal sulfide mineralization, which structurally underlies the nonsulfide ores at depth. The host rocks of the blind, nonsulfide orebody and relict sulfide mineralization consist of a mixed ...

Skorpion Zinc: optimization and J innovation

The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 107 NON-REFEREED PAPER OCTOBER 2007 657 SAIMM_Oct_53-58:Template Journal 11/5/07 8:17 AM Page 657 ... Figure 2—Simplified process flow sheet of the Skorpion Zinc refinery Figure 3—Schematic representation Skorpion SX circuit

Reducing water consumption at Skorpion Zinc

The Skorpion Zinc refinery, located in Rosh Pinah in southern Namibia, is unique due to its unconventional orebody and the use of solvent extraction, which is a revolutionary departure from conventional zinc processes 1. The Skorpion Zinc process produces high quality zinc at relatively low operating costs.

Base Metal Metallurgy Research Articles

The product development and continuous improvement process for refractories in the base metals industry – A text book and practical perspective The upper ore body, a new dimension to Nchanga underground mining operation The use of sulphuric acid in the mineral sands industry as a chemical mechanism for iron removal …

Skorpion zinc solvent extraction: the upset conditions

Skorpion Zinc is located 25 km north-west of the small settlement of Rosh Pinah in southern Namibia. Commissioned in early 2003, Skorpion Zinc became the first mine-to-metal operation to commer-cially apply a purely hydrometallurgical process route to exploit a zinc oxide orebody. The novel technology, known as The Modified

Skorpion Zinc: optimization and J innovation

The Skorpion process comprises three processing steps-atmospheric leaching in sulfuric acid, zinc solvent extraction and electrowinning to produce special high grade zinc. The …

Vedanta zinc international update on status of Skorpion Zinc

Skorpion Zinc produces Special High Grade (SHG) Zinc and only Refined Zinc producer in Africa. At the time of acquisition, the envisaged life of mine of Skorpion Zinc was the year 2015. Vedanta has since invested significantly to extend the life of the pit to year 2020 with Pit 112 mine-life extension project and continue to explore mines in ...

Solvent Extraction in Zinc Production from a Primary Source: …

The Skorpion Zinc refinery, Namibia, was successfully commissioned during 2003, and is approaching full production of 150 000 t/a of special high grade zinc (> 99.995 % Zn). ... At similar values of the zinc concentration in the stripping solution, the influence of the Zn/Fe molar ratio on the zinc electrodeposition process was negligible ...

Solvent extraction of zinc from a primary source: …

This paper presents a systemic optimization of the water balance of the Skorpion Zinc refinery with the aim of reducing water consumption. An Aspen Plus simulation of the process is used.

Skorpion Zinc refinery could run for another 15 years

The Skorpion Zinc mine and refinery in southern Namibia is currently under care and maintenance, which is a mining terms used to describe processes and conditions when a mine is closed, but where there is potential to recommence operations at a …

Skorpion zinc: Optimization and innovation | Request PDF

The Skorpion process comprises three processing steps-atmospheric leaching in sulfuric acid, zinc solvent extraction and electrowinning to produce special …

Public Participation Guide: Skorpion Zinc Project Case …

The establishment of the Skorpion Zinc mine and refinery resulted in significant changes in Rosh Pinah. In the short term there was a large influx of contractors into the town. ... the environmental assessment process directly. The Skorpion Zinc Project addressed labor issues in a separate process of negotiation with government …

Vedanta Resources breaks ground at Gamsberg zinc mine

Vedanta CEO Tom Albanese. As part of its vision for an integrated zinc business in Southern Africa, Vedanta previously announced the approval of a $782 million investment over a three year period, to develop an open pit zinc mine in Gamsberg, South Africa, as well as the conversion of the Skorpion Zinc Refinery in neighbouring Namibia.

Skorpion Zinc: a Namibian flagship

Producing 1.5 Mtpa of oxide ore and with a nameplate capacity of 150,000 tpa of refined zinc, Skorpion Zinc is without doubt a flagship asset for the country's mining industry. Comprising an open-pit mine and refinery, the operation provides crucial employment for the region, with 1,500 people making sure that the Special High Grade …

Solvent extraction of zinc from a primary source: the Skorpion Zinc …

Studies were conducted on the extraction of copper, nickel and zinc from their sulphate solutions using [bis (2,4,4- trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid] (Cyanex 272, HA) as an extractant.

2011 Reducing water consumption at Skorpion Zinc

The main zinc reactions in the leaching step were formulated as follows: Figure 1—Simplified process flow sheet for Skorpion Zinc 438 JUNE 2011 VOLUME 111 The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Reducing water consumption at Skorpion Zinc [2] [3] [4] These reactions were fixed at a conversion of …

Skorpion Zinc Mine: The jewel in the desert gathers dust

Skorpion Zinc Mine produced 119,200 tonnes in 2004 at a 95% capacity. In 2005, the mine produced 132,800 tonnes. There were some problems – first in February 2008 when a tank house caught fire, and then in 2009 when there were power supply interruptions. This resulted in the mine producing 150,400 tonnes.

A review of the modified zincex® process from skorpion to horsehead

Commissioned in early 2003, Skorpion Zinc became the first mine-to-metal operation to commercially apply a purely hydrometallurgical process route to exploit a zinc oxide orebody.


The high extractant concentration (40 vol.% D2EHPA) allows high zinc transfer (20 g/l) in the extraction circuit without the need for neutralisation, and the acid generated by the …


Skorpion Zinc, an integrated zinc mine and refinery located in the South of Namibia, has a production capacity of 150 000 t/a of special high grade (SHG) zinc. The Skorpion zinc oxide resource will be ... consideration is given to convert the Skorpion Zinc refinery to process zinc sulphides. Concentrates can also be imported via Luderitz harbor ...

J Skorpion Zinc

Reducing water consumption at Skorpion Zinc plant data. The simulation process is critical, given that water quality affects key threshold concentrations throughout the process, most significantly the concentrations of Mn 2+, Mg and Cl-. The concentration of these trace impurities, if the thresholds are exceeded, impacts adversely on the final zinc

Geology of the Skorpion Supergene Zinc Deposit, …

The Skorpion zinc deposit in southwestern Namibia comprises a significant nonsulfide orebody (24.6 Mt at 10.6% Zn) and subordinate amounts of primary base metal sulfide mineralization, which ...

Stripping conditions to prevent the accumulation of rare …

The concentrations of the rare earth elements (particularly Y, Yb, Er and Sc) in the zinc-stripped organic phase streams in the solvent extraction process at …

Skorpion Zinc Refinery Sulphide Conversion …

Skorpion Zinc (Pty) Ltd Skorpion Zinc Sulphide Conversion 14-756 19 August 2015 Page 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Walmsely Environmental Consultants completed an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study for the Skorpion Zinc mine in 1998, defining the sensitive areas on the site and

Leaching and solvent extraction purification of zinc from …

The Skorpion zinc processing method demonstrated the viability of the production of zinc from zinc oxide ores, using hydrometallurgical route including the …

Gamsberg–Skorpion Integrated Project

The Gamsberg-Skorpion integrated project in Gamsberg, South Africa, includes the development of an open-pit zinc mine, concentrator plant and associated infrastructure, and the conversion of the Skorpion zinc refinery in Namibia. Upon completion, the project will make South Africa one of the most important suppliers of …

Upcoming Zinc Mine Projects: The Key for Success is Zincex …

However, the first real large-scale application of the MZP process has been in the recovery of zinc from the Skorpion oxide deposit in SW Namibia.