Technology Of Transportation Iron Ore Concentrate By Sea

Reduction and Carbonization of Iron Concentrate with

Effect of Reaction Temperature. Thermodynamic calculation results have shown that the iron concentrate can be gradually reduced and carbonized to Fe 3 C by CH 4 –H 2 gas mixture at above 610 °C, while the increase of temperature is helpful to the reaction in thermodynamics. Therefore, in order to determine the actual reduction and …


MODEL EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF FLUIDIZATION OF IRON CONCENTRATE ORE IN BULK ... :24-26.(HUANG Zhi. Safety measures of ships carrying ore concentrate[J]. Marine Technology,2012,(3):24-26.(in Chinese)) ... (DING Zhendong. Study on static and dynamic characteristics of heavy floating crane under the action of sea waves[M. S. …

Mechanism of magnetite iron ore concentrate morphology …

1. Introduction. Iron ore pellets are one of the significant sources of iron for iron and steel making due to their superior metallurgical performance, low energy consumption, and less emission of environmentally harmful dust and gases during the production process [1], [2], [3].The two primary raw materials for pellet production are …

China plans sharp increase in overseas iron ore output by …

China plans to raise its equity output of iron ore in overseas mines to 220 million tonnes by 2025 as well as increase domestic raw material supplies, state-backed China Metallurgical News said on ...

Modelling the stability of iron ore bulk cargoes during …

The study presented in this paper investigated the load stability of iron ore cargoes during maritime transport. Two analytical approaches and a numerical method were compared with the results yielding the following major conclusions: • The bulk …

Economics of Marine Transportation Industries 2

Abstract. Iron ore plays a key role in the global economy. It is essential for economic growth and its consumption per capita is indicative of a country's standard of living. As …

Experimental study on fluidization of iron concentrate for …

Aiming at the fluidization phenomenon of iron concentrate in ship transportation, the material column was used to simulate the change of pore water …

Centrifuge modelling of the behaviour of Iron …

sels have been attributed to ore liquefaction, mostly carrying iron, bauxite and nickel (IMO, 1998, IMO 2012). Three elements may generate such a catastrophic event: the cargo properties, the ship design and the sea conditions. In order to investigate the origin of cargo liquefaction during transportation, a new device has been de-

Iron Concentrate Particles

The results show that by only adopting traditional magnetization roasting–magnetic separation, an iron ore concentrate containing 57.49% Fe and 1.4% P 2 O 5 at an iron recovery rate of 87.5% and a dephosphorization rate of 34.27% was produced, indicating that it is difficult to effectively dephosphorize and upgrade iron by …

Modelling the stability of iron ore bulk cargoes during …

The study presented in this paper investigated the load stability of iron ore cargoes during maritime transport. Two analytical approaches and a numerical method were compared with the results yielding the following major conclusions: • The bulk solids flow property theory can be utilised to model cargo slip during maritime transport of iron ...


It is established that the researched ore can be efficiently processed using a complex gravityflotation-magnetic technology, which allows to obtain: gravity gold-containing concentrate with a mass ...

Influence of Surfactant for Stabilization and …

Slurry pipeline systems are widely utilized around the world as a feasible alternative to large-scale solids transport for conveying minerals such as fly ash, iron ore (IO), coal, lime stone, copper …


The GHS provides extensive guidance on how to assess relevance and reliability of data for hazard classification. The guidance is especially important for metals and their …

Modelling the stability of iron ore bulk cargoes during …

This study correlated the physical properties of processed iron ore prepared for barge transportation to its Transportable Moisture Limit (TML). The TML is a …

Global iron ore mining industry

Based on the production of usable iron ore, the two leading iron ore producers in the world were Australia and Brazil in 2023. Australia produced an estimated 960 million metric tons of iron ore ...

Moisture content limits of Iron Ore Fines to prevent …

Since 2006, there have been at least eight reported bulk carrier incidents possibly caused by the iron ore cargo shifting. Currently, the only available parameter …


by sea, usually in bulk, but sometimes in packaged form. While the guidance here is focused on O&Cs, it could be applied to any other inorganic complex solid materials transported in bulk or packaged form. The hazards of O&Cs must be assessed to determine whether compliance with special requirements defined

Iron Ore Flotation Process: The Journey from Ore to Concentrate

Factors affecting iron ore flotation. 1. Ore properties: The physical properties (such as density, hardness, etc.) and chemical properties (such as mineral composition, surface wettability, etc ...

Iron ore – tailored solutions

Concentrate dewatering: higher throughput, lower costs. Dewatering iron ore concentrates is a crucial step in enhancing their handling and transportation by removing excess water. The selection of a suitable dewatering method depends on various factors, including moisture content, particle size distribution, and downstream process requirements.

Model experimental study of fluidization of iron concentrate ore …

Based on the indoor small-scale shaking table model test, Zhou et al. [4, 5] studied the fluidization characteristics of iron ore concentrate and laterite nickel ore. Results all show that water ...


The safe ocean transport of bulk commodities like iron ore, coal, nickel ore, manganese ore and bauxite by large bulk ships is vitally dependent on the stability of the cargo under the...

Experimental study on fluidization of iron concentrate for …

Aiming at the fluidization phenomenon of iron concentrate in ship transportation, the material column was used to simulate the change of pore water pressure in the vertical direction of iron concentrate samples by using saturated iron concentrate samples and six-degree-of-freedom swing experimental bench, and the …

Report: Russia's iron ore mining industry to expand

Exports of iron ore and concentrate are estimated to be 24.8Mt by 2020, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.6% after suffering a 10.9% fall in 2014. Ukraine's decreasing contribution to the international steel market helped increase Russia's exports of products from the metal, leading to a 2.7% increase in iron ore ...


If some solid bulk cargoes such as concentrates, unprocessed nickel ores and iron ore fines contain sufficient moisture, then cargo compaction during a voyage may cause liquefaction.

Sulphur Removal of Iron Ore Tailings by Flotation

The iron ore sample was collected from magnetic separators concentrate stream of Gole Gohar iron ore complex with d80 equal to 90µm. Sulfur and total Fe contents of the sample were found to be 0. ...

Influence of Surfactant for Stabilization and Pipeline …

ABSTRACT: Iron ore is generally transported using a traditional method that releases significantamounts of dust into the environment. In contrast, the pipeline transportation of slurry is noticeably a sustainable approach for efficientlytransporting iron ore by reducing the environmental pollution.

Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | The Potential of Iron Ore …

Rare earths have appeared in the market with new energy and Information Technology and Communications (ITC) applications. While their demand grows exponentially, their production is experiencing a bottleneck given that their deposits are concentrated in very few locations, mainly in China. This scarcity and dependence have …

Recent advances on stabilization and rheological behaviour of iron ore …

The collected iron ore powder and dried iron ore slurry samples were compared with the help of UV-vis, XRF, XRD, SEM, and EDS analysis. Moreover, the DSC spectral graph for both heat flow and mass ...

Towards sustainable extraction of technology materials through

Sulfidic ore is concentrated through froth flotation, after which the concentrate is roasted, followed by a similar hydrometallurgical process as the oxide ore 65,69.