the process of extraction of feldspar

The extraction of potassium from K-feldspar ore by low temperature

However, the potassium extraction ratio presents a downward trend when the mass ratio of NaNO 3 and K-feldspar is over 1:1, and it can be explained by the fact that a crowded liquid environment can affect the process of mass transfer; when the liquid/solid ratio decreased, the viscosity of the reaction system was enhanced, which hindered the ...

A review of feldspar alteration and its geological significance …

The preferential leaching-diffusion controlled mechanism was proposed first by Correns and Von (1938) and Correns (1940).It is initially assumed on the basis of a non-stoichiometric (incongruent) dissolution and the observed parabolic dissolution kinetics (Al and Si concentrations in fluid versus time) that the dissolution rate is controlled by the …


The results were followed by potassium extraction process through leaching using sulfuric acid 6 N, 20% solids for 2 hours without heating. The best result was obtained from a 60-hour mechanically, activated leucite in leaching condition and conducted without heating. ... EXTRACTION OF POTASSIUM FROM FELDSPAR AND LEUCITE BY TWO …

Extraction from Feldspar | METS Engineering

Extraction from Feldspar | Scoping Study. METS conducted a scoping study on extracting potash from feldspar, achieving high potassium extraction (>99%) …

Sustainable Process for the Extraction of Potassium from Feldspar …

To recover potassium from feldspar, a biowaste, i.e., eggshell, was used and the shrinking core model was applied to the roast–leach data, and diffusion through the product layer was inferred as the rate-determining step. To recover potassium from feldspar, a biowaste, i.e., eggshell, was used. The chief composition of eggshells is …

Review of flotation of feldspar

Potassium feldspar can be floated from sodium feldspar in a sodium chloride solution with an amine collector at neutral or acidic pH values. To overcome environmental issues when fluoride ions are used to activate the feldspar in the third flotation stage, fluoride free flotation conditions that utilise a combination of anionic and …

Microwave-assisted extraction of potassium …

A creative approach for the hydrothermal decomposition of K-feldspar for the extraction of potassium (K) in mixed alkaline solutions containing NaOH and CaO pretreated by microwave was studied. Under …

Sustainable Process for the Extraction of Potassium from …

Feldspar is an aluminosilicate mineral that bears potassium in the interstitial sites. To unlock the potassium from the interstitial sites, it was roasted with calcium …

A review paper on the extraction of potassium from non …

However, one of the main challenges associated with the use of molten salt for K + extraction is the process temperature. The process requires a high-temperature roasting reaction between the salt and the ore. ... For K + extraction from K-feldspar using the CaCl 2-CaCO 3 salt system two different reaction mechanisms were proposed …

Sustainable Process for the Extraction of Potassium from …

Complete extraction of potassium was achieved by roasting feldspar with eggshell powder and 1.5 times the stoichiometric amount of hydrochloric acid. The optimized conditions …

The extraction of potassium from K-feldspar ore by low …

The extraction of potassium from K-feldspar via a calcium chloride calcination route was studied with a focus on the effects of the calcination atmosphere, calcination temperature and time, mass ...

Extraction of potassium from K-feldspar via the CaCl2 …

The process of extracting potassium from K-feldspar via the calcium chloride calcination pathway was studied systematically. The factors affecting the extraction involved the calcination atmosphere, temperature, time, mass ratio of the CaCl 2 /K-feldspar ore and particle size of the K-feldspar ore. The results demonstrated that …

Production, Reserves, and Processing of Feldspar and Feldspathoid Rocks

process to remove free Fe that has entered the raw material during proc essing. A product that . ... Extraction of feldspar sand and gravel takes place in an open pit with parallel.

Extraction of potassium from K-feldspar via the CaCl2 calcination route

The extraction of potassium from K-feldspar via a calcium chloride calcination route was studied with a focus on the effects of the calcination atmosphere, calcination temperature and time, mass ratio of CaCl 2 to K-feldspar ore and particle size of the K-feldspar ore. The results demonstrated that a competing high-temperature …

The extraction of potassium from K-feldspar ore by low …

The factors that affect the extraction of potassium were investigated detailedly, and they were mass ratio of NaNO 3 /K-feldspar, NaOH/K-feldspar and H 2 O/K-feldspar, particle size of K-feldspar ore, temperature and time. Besides, the optimum condition for this process was determined according to a series of condition …

Systematic review of feldspar beneficiation and its …

For the first time, a process flowchart was provided in the light of this study to produce a high-quality K-feldspar product from syenite ore, which meets the requirements of feldspar for glass ...

Extraction of Potassium from Feldspar by Roasting with …

Potassium ion released from the silicate matrix combines with chloride ions to form potassium chloride, which solubilized in water during the leaching process of the …

The Use of Flotation and High-Intensity Magnetic Separation …

Abstract The flotation process and magnetic separation are the most common methods for feldspar beneficiation containing approximately 0.4% Fe2O3 and 0.04% TiO2. A model MIH (13) 111-5 Induced Roll dry high-intensity magnetic separator was used in this investigation to produce high-quality feldspar concentrate, and …

The beneficiation of lithium minerals from hard rock ores: …

Feldspar is a common occurrence in spodumene ores, and has applications in glass making. K-feldspar is a key component in the manufacturing of ceramic materials. ... Novel process for the extraction of lithium from β-spodumene by leaching with HF. Hydrometallurgy, 147 (2014), pp. 1-6. View PDF View article View in Scopus Google …

Production of Potassium Chloride from K-Feldspar …

extraction of potassium from liquor generated from water leaching of roasted feldspar has been carried out. Effect of process parameters on extraction was thoroughly studied, and optimum conditions for extraction were determined. 2 Experimental 2.1 Materials Run-of-mine K-feldspar was obtained from a local mine of Rajasthan.

Extraction of potassium from K-feldspar via the CaCl2

The extraction of potassium from K-feldspar via a calcium chloride calcination route was studied with a focus on the effects of the calcination atmosphere, calcination temperature and time, mass ...

Review on K-Feldspar Mineral Processing for Extracting …

The K-feldspar mineral is an insoluble potassium resource with a high potassium content and the most extensive and abundant reserves. To address the insufficient supply of soluble potassium fertilizers in China, the application of appropriate processing methods to extract potassium from K-feldspar and transform it into a soluble …

The 12 Different Types Of Feldspar (With High-Quality Photos)

Feldspar forms in a variety of geological settings, from deep within the Earth's crust to the cooling lava of a volcano. This diversity in formation environments is a big reason why there are so many different types of feldspar. The range of colors seen in feldspar is due to trace elements and impurities that get mixed in during its formation.

Extraction of KCl from Potassium Feldspar by Various …

The calcination process was used to decompose potassium feldspar and form potassium chloride using different kinds of salts, such as CaCl2, NaCl, and CaSO4, followed by the water-leaching process. While 93.4% K dissolution efficiency was achieved in the tests performed with CaCl2, the same dissolution efficiency (93.7%) was obtained …

Recovery of Metallic Values from Feldspar by Mechanical …

The K extraction from silicate rocks has received little attention, probably due to the slow release of K ions, interlocked aluminosilicate matrix, and uneconomical …

Research progress of potassium extraction from potash feldspar

As so far, many processes have been developed to extract soluble potassium from K-feldspar, mainly including high temperature roasting process, hydrothermal process, microbial decomposition ...


A process has been reported on the extraction of potassium from feldspar mineral using a mixture of magnesium sulfate and calcium carbonate as the molten media [12]. It has been reported that calcium chloride hexa hydrate can be used as the additive to treat K feldspar forming calcium carbonate and soluble potassium as the products [13].

The Correlation of Roasting Conditions in Selective …

In this study, potassium extraction from a feldspar ore, which contained microcline, albite, muscovite, and quartz, was studied using chloridizing (CaCl2) roasting followed by leaching ...

Competency of chlorination roasting coupled water leaching process …

The overall extraction process of potassium from feldspar and the experimental parameters is depicted in Scheme 1 and Table 2 respectively. The percentage of potassium value extracted from the feldspar is calculated by using Eq. (1). C f = 1− -----1 × 100 C2 (1) where C1=percentage K2O in roast-leached residue with respect to the mass of ...