Attitude Towards E Ploration And Mining

Consumer attitude towards sales promotion techniques: a …

Country, education level and income significantly influence consumer attitudes towards SP. Some countries show a significant monetary value interaction effect. Consumers using delayed-reward SPT reported a significantly more positive attitude towards SP. Discounts and coupons are the two most highly ranked SP across the sampled countries.

Social aspects of business risk in the mineral …

Knowledge of the local context, and of the factors shaping local attitudes to mineral exploration and mining, can help companies make informed site selections, …

Attitudes of the public and medical professionals toward …

Objectives: This study aimed to explore the public and medical professionals' concerns and attitudes toward nurse prescribing using text-mining method to analyze social media data. Methods: Python was used to automatically mine data related to the keywords "nurse prescribing" and "prescription" that were posted on four Chinese …

Modeling the public attitude towards organic foods: a big …

The study addresses a call for an application of big data and text mining in different fields of research, as well as proposes more objective research methods in studies on food consumption. ... A., Glińska-Neweś, A. Modeling the public attitude towards organic foods: a big data and text mining approach. J Big Data 9, 2 (2022). https://doi ...

The origin, evolution and impacts of the mining-sceptical …

Poll surveys have revealed wide approval of mining and mineral exploration amongst the population, despite critical attitudes towards foreign companies and …


the factors affecting local actors' and citizens' attitudes towards exploration – and how attitudes to exploration relate to acceptance at later stages of the mining cycle (SLO). …

Annual Survey of Mining Companies, 2023

This report presents the results of the Fraser Institute's 2023 annual mining survey, which assesses the impact of mineral endowments and policy factors on …


The following five influences emerged: (a) desire to imitate parents' altruistic behavior and role as community,contributors; (b) high academic and career expectations byparents; (c) parental ...

Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research …

2. The many ways mining activities impact biodiversity. Mining affects biodiversity at multiple spatial scales (site, landscape, regional and global) through direct (i.e. mineral extraction) and indirect …

Mining exploration budget Africa

Insights on consumer attitudes and behavior worldwide 2,000,000+ interviews 15,000+ brands ... Industry revenue of "mining and quarrying n.e.c." in Sweden 2012-2025;

Public Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Driverless

Ongoing increases in population and travel demands in U.S. cities has led to ever-worsening traffic congestion and lasting health, safety, and environmental consequences (Rodrigue et al. 2017).Even as populations and their travel demands continue to rise, driverless technologies have the potential to transform existing urban …

Modeling the public attitude towards organic foods: a …

Modeling the public attitude towards organic foods: a big data and text mining approach Anupam Singh* and Aldona Glińska‑Neweś Introduction e most common approach to study customer behavior, including food-related beliefs and emotions, uses the self-reported method, e.g., participants declare themselves

Disease and mortality among gold miners of Ghana: colonial …

Disease and mortality among gold miners of Ghana: colonial government and mining company attitudes and policies, 1900-1938 Soc Sci Med. 1993 Jul;37(2):213-32. doi: 10.1016/0277-9536(93)90456-e. Author R Dumet 1 Affiliation 1 …

Annual Survey of Mining Companies, 2023 | Fraser Institute

This report presents the results of the Fraser Institute's 2023 annual mining survey, which assesses the impact of mineral endowments and policy factors on …

Public attitudes towards plastics

However, there has been little focus on documenting the general public's attitudes towards plastics. This study examines public beliefs and attitudes towards plastics in Australia and provides insight on a global level. The research was conducted using an online survey of a nationally representative sample (2518 respondents).

IJERPH | Free Full-Text | Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices …

In Zimbabwe, artisanal and small-scale miners (ASMs) have a high prevalence of tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and silicosis. Previous studies on ASMs utilised programme data, and it was not possible to understand reasons for the high prevalence of these comorbidities. We conducted a cross-sectional …

Attitudes and behaviors of mining sector employers towards …

We invited employers of mining projects located in the Nord-du-Québec, Abitibi-Témiscamingue and Côte-Nord regions of Quebec (Canada) to participate in the study, as these are the three main mining regions in Quebec with 96.5% of the province's mining investments in 2017 (Institut de la statistique du Québec, 2018).Because some …

Locals' attitudes toward artisanal and large-scale mining—A …

DOI: 10.1016/J.EXIS.2018.01.002 Corpus ID: 158921573; Locals' attitudes toward artisanal and large-scale mining—A case study of Tambogrande, Peru @article{Orozco2018LocalsAT, title={Locals' attitudes toward artisanal and large-scale mining—A case study of Tambogrande, Peru}, author={Zara{'i} Toledo Orozco and …

Teachers' Attitude towards and Actual Use of Gamification

Gamification represents an innovative and engaging methodology to motivate students and enhance their learning process. Nevertheless despite an increasing academic interest in gamification over the last years, teachers' attitude towards gamification and actual use of gamification remains a neglected research area.

Locals' attitudes toward artisanal and large-scale mining…

1. Introduction. Over the last 15 years, there have been an increasing number of conflicts in South America's extractive industries. Here, past and present examples of companies' poor performance in dealing with environmental and social issues have plagued the sector, intensifying opposition from locals to mining projects (OCMAL, 2017).In …

Text Mining Attitudes toward Climate Change: Emotion …

ferent attitudes on climate change from both sides of the issue. It uses R language to analyze attitudes about climate change of opinion-holders in tweets corpus preprocess manually during a period when the concealed opinion emerged. In this paper, we address two main questions: 1) How are sentiments and emotions of climate change dis-course ...

Addressing Sustainability in the Mining Industry …

Attitudes towards the mining operations differ between primary and secondary stakeholders. As shown in Figure 2, most of the primary stakeholders are either supportive or neutral towards the mining …

(PDF) Modeling the public attitude towards organic foods: a …

grounded in text mining and big data. e study contributes also to the advancement of research in the field of sustainable food consumption by providing a fresh perspective

Attitudes of the public and medical professionals toward …

Text mining was used to explore the public and medical professionals' concerns and attitudes toward nurse prescribing from irregular internet data, including personnel, time, topic, and sentiment analysis. ... Physicians' and nurses' knowledge and attitude towards nutritional therapy in diabetes. Harefuah, 146 (9) (2007), pp. 670-674. …

Finnish attitudes toward mining. Citizen survey …

This newly updated survey of Finnish attitudes to mining also contributes to the Citizen Attitudes to Mining (2012-2018) research program led by CSIRO, which examines the relationship between ...

Mining the impact of social media information on public …

mining the public green consumption attitudes can find the key factor affecting the change in attitude and enhance the public's perceived effectiveness of green consumption.

Public attitudes and sentiments toward ChatGPT in China: A text mining

In this study, based on existing research, we obtained repost data from popular Weibo posts and constructed the repost relationship. The repost network is directed and unweighted, denoted as G = (V,E), where V = {v 1, v 2, …,v N} represents the set of nodes and E = {e 1, e 2, …,e M} the edges of network G. In the network, nodes …

Public attitudes and sentiments towards new energy …

Web crawler has been subscribed to be ideally suitable for collecting large-scale data [63].Psychological analysis-related studies have widely adopted this method and considered it suitable to investigate the public's actual attitudes [64, 65].The data structure derived from the web crawler is twofold, including the individual user-generated data and …

Mining & Mineral Exploration: Steps & Approach

The Future of Mining and Exploration. Frequently Asked Questions. Understanding Mineral Exploration. What is Mineral Exploration? Mineral exploration, a …