batu hijau sag mill

Good Bye to Batu Hijau

After an association spanning 22 years it is time to bid farewell to Batu Hijau, Where my contribution is probably best summarized as follows: 1995-1996, in addition to having shared my room with ...

Gearless Mill Drives

Batu Hijau PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara Indonesia Project: Two SAG Mill Drive Systems Capacity: 850 t/h Consultant: Fluor Daniel, USA Mill Builder: Svedala, USA Mill Size: 36 feet/10,97 m Ore processed: Copper/Gold Drive Rating: 13,5 MW, 9,77 rpm Award of Contract: February 1997 Start of Operation: December 1999 ABB's scope

Mill Throughput Predictions | Download Scientific Diagram

Download scientific diagram | Mill Throughput Predictions from publication: Batu Hijau model for throughput forecast, mining and milling optimization, and expansion studies | PT Newmont Nusa ...

FL to deliver three SAG mills, three ball mills and

FL to deliver three SAG mills, three ball mills and cyclones to the Josemaria copper mine in Argentina March 29, 2022 02:30 ET | Source: FL A/S FL A/S

SAG Mills Archives

AG and SAG mills are now the primary unit operation for the majority of large grinding circuits, and form the basis for a variety of circuit configurations. ... Method as published in the Book Mineral Processing …

BOCCOST Modelling Tracking and Relating Mine and Mill

The mining and milling groups at Batu Hijau are tasked with increasing SAG mill throughput by approximately ten per cent. Avenues used for this process are blasting and crushing …


the "variable rates" AG/SAG mill model in JKSimMet is to be used (Morrell and Morrison,1996) the ... Batu Hijau Yanacocha Lone Tree 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 25 45 65 85 105 125 145 165 185 205 A*b AG/SAG kWh/t. 8 Figure 8 – DWi vs AG/SAG Specific Energy (high aspect ratio mills only from SMCC data base)


feed size (F80) of over 70 mm and a SAG mill throughput of 5200 t/h. The Batu Hijau SAG mill specific energy was a function of point load test and RQD. The point load test substitutes for Axb measurement in that relationship. The Batu Hijau ore is less fractured than the Constancia ore based on the average RQD data and Constancia's SAG mill ...

Mengenal Lebih Dekat Tambang Batu Hijau PT Newmont …

Batu Hijau adalah sebuah tambang terbuka, di mana semua mineral berharga yang mengandung unsur tembaga, emas, dan perak ditambang dari permukaan tanah. Di Batu Hijau, setiap ton bijih yang diolah hanya menghasilkan 4,87 kilogram dan emas jauh lebih sedikit, hanya 0.37 gram dari setiap ton bijih yang diolah. ... (SAG) mill …

10 Jenis Batu Permata Berwarna Hijau. Mana Favoritmu?

Sumber foto: Gem Society. Sejak zaman dahulu, batu permata berwarna hijau seringkali diasosiasikan dengan kekayaan, kesehatan dan perlindungan. Bahkan bangsa Romawi Kuno percaya bahwa batu permata berwarna hijau, khususnya emerald atau zamrud bisa digunakan untuk memperkuat ketajaman penglihatan.. Warna hijau …

Ball mill Polymet liner evaluation at PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara

The grinding circuit at PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT)-Batu Hijau mine consists of two SABC (semi-autogenous milling, ball milling, pebble crushing) trains, including four 20 x 33'6" ball mills ...

Batu Hijau model for throughput forecast, mining …

The mounted semi autogenous (SAG) mill in the processing unit of the Midouk copper mine which consumes 35% of operational …

Ore Hardness Mapping of Batu Hijau Ore Deposit Using …

Batu Hijau has a dual-line grinding mill circuit, two SAG mills, followed by two closed-circuit ball mills per SAG mill and a combined pebble crusher circuit. The SAG mill is …

The evolution of mill liners and its impact on efficiencies

During the second half of the 1990's, large diameter SAG mills, for example 36' in diameter and greater, began to proliferate the industry, amply demonstrated by the commissioning of the KCGM, St Ives, Alumbrera, Ernest Henry and Batu Hijau SAG mills.

SAG Conference 2023

Improvements in the Operation and Control of SAG Mills in Pt Amman Mineral's Batu Hijau Operation Using Mill Load Soft Sensor (P. Condori) 11:00 11:15 Paper 9 Campaign Processing of Ores from Santa Elena and Ermitaño Mines Using the Same Comminution Circuit (F. Wang) 11:00 11:15 Paper 9 Identification of Semi …

Batu Hijau Copper-Gold Mine, Indonesia

Batu Hijau copper-gold mine is located on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa in the province of West Nusa Tenggara, ... The concentrator circuit consists of two-train SAG and ball mills, followed by primary and scavenger flotation cells, vertical regrind mills and cleaning flotation cells to produce a copper-gold concentrate grading …

Developments in AG / SAG mill modelling | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Developments in AG / SAG mill modelling" by S. Morrell et al. ... (PTNNT) Batu Hijau and Minerab Process Technology (Asia Pacific) (MMPT-AP) have developed a comprehensive model for forecasting and optimizing throughput at the Batu … Expand. 16. PDF. Save.

Major Mines & Projects | Batu Hijau Mine

Together, Batu Hijau mine and the Elang development project, form the fifth-largest copper-gold mining complex in the world in terms of copper-equivalent reserves. From 2000 to 2016, Phases 1 through 6 were mined at Batu Hijau. Currently, Batu Hijau is in Phase 7 of its ore mining plan.


SAG mill, 40 ft, 42 ft, gearless mill drive, GMD, SAG manufacture, reliability ... Bata Hijau (sea water) 10.97m 48.2 MPa 14 years Esperanza (sea water) 12.2m 69 MPa 6 months Conga 12.8m 53 MPa - Ball Mill External Weld Design Cadia 6.7m 37.8 MPa 14 years Conga 7.26m 38 MPa * -

Improvements in the operation and control of SAG mills in …

This has been the case at PT Amman Mineral's Batu Hijau SAG mills, where frequent variations were observed due to size segregation in feed. Furthermore, SAG mill …


2.6 Cadangan Bijih Tambang Batu Hijau ..... 14 2.7 Tahap Penambangan di PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara..... 17 2.7.1 Pengeboran (Drilling) dan Peledakan ... (grinding) pada SAG Mill. Material yang dikirim ke crusher merupakan material high grade hasil dari kegiatan peledakan (blasting) ...

Ball Mill Poly-Met Liner Evaluation at

- Batu Hijau Mine A Maclean1, F Wirfiyata2, G Khomaeni3, A Jankovic4, G Pasin5 and W Valery6 ABSTRACT ... (SAG) mill, a common ebble-crushing circuit and two ball mills. Tire four 20' x 33'6" ball ...

Batu Hijau Model for Throughput Forecast, Mining and …

SAG Mill throughput rates are dependant on ore hardness or breakage rates in the mill and ... through 2004, the Batu Hijau Mine-to-Mill Team and Minerals Process Technology –

Batu Hijau Model for Throughput Forecast, Mining and …

The Batu Hijau ore body is a copper and gold porphyry deposit located in south west Sumbawa, in the province of Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. The process plant was …

Improvements in the operation and control of SAG mills in …

This has been the case at PT Amman Mineral's Batu Hijau SAG mills, where frequent variations were observed due to size segregation in feed. Furthermore, SAG mill behaviour and the relationship between bearing pressure (or load cell) and the charge inside the mill changes over the liner life. Therefore, accurate estimation of mill charge over ...

BOCCOST Modelling Tracking and Relating Mine and Mill …

The mining and milling groups at Batu Hijau are tasked with increasing SAG mill throughput by approximately ten per cent. Avenues used for this process are blasting and crushing optimisation, ore blending and predicting SAG mill throughput in relation to the geological model. This is in line with traditional æMine to MillÆ studies. At Batu …

SAG Conference 2023

Improvements in the operation and control of SAG mills in PT Amman Mineral's Batu Hijau operation using mill load soft sensor (P. Condori) 11:00 11:15 Paper 9 Unique Campaign Processing of ores from Santa Elena and Ermitaño mines using the same comminution circuit (F. Wang) 11:00 11:15 Paper 9

Batu Hijau model for throughput forecast, mining and …

PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) Batu Hijau and Minerab Process Technology (Asia Pacific) (MMPT-AP) have developed a comprehensive model for forecasting and optimizing throughput at the Batu Hijau operation. ... The mounted semi autogenous (SAG) mill in the processing unit of the Midouk copper mine which …


  • CEEC (Coalition for Eco Efficient Comminution)https://

    Batu Hijau mill throughput optimisation: milling circuit …

    WEBThis paper discusses the development of the Batu Hijau Milling Circuit Configuration Strategy, which incorporates mine ore scheduling, mill shutdown planning, SAG Mill …