scandium ore concentrating

Scandium Recovery Methods from Mining, Metallurgical …

Scandium ores with high scandium content can be recovered using pyro-metallurgical processes. The energy consumption, on the other hand, is substantial. Scandium is frequently enriched in residues, slags, tailings, and waste liquors and is primarily produced as a by-product of ore processing [21,22].

The Economic Geology of Scandium, the Runt of the

In many scandium deposits, clinopyroxene is the main ore mineral, although in some deposits scandium is hosted by minerals that also concentrate the other REEs. As is the case for these other REEs, the main source of scandium is the mantle and the conveyors of scandium are alkaline igneous rocks (and carbonatites), including Alaskan …

Delving Into Scandium: A Complete Breakdown Of Its …

This involves passing an electric current through the ore, which pulls the scandium out of the ore and collects it in a slurry form. It is then further refined to produce the high-purity scandium metal. Another method used for purifying scandium is thermal reduction. In this process, the ore is heated until the scandium metal is released.

Concentration and Separation of Scandium from Ni Laterite Ore …

After digesting the ore, scandium was aimed to be selectively precipitated, concentrated, separated from the main nickel-cobalt hydroxide processing circuit, and it was used as a secondary scandium source in a two-step pH-controlled solution purification process [7]. In the first step of the solution purification, maximum iron and some of the ...

Concentration and Separation of Scandium from Ni Laterite Ore …

The presence of a considerable amount of scandium in lateritic nickel-cobalt ores necessitates the investigation of possible processing alternatives to recover scandium as a byproduct during nickel and cobalt production. Therefore, in this study, rather than interfering with the main nickel-cobalt production circuit, the precipitation …

Characterization and Pre-concentration of Scandium in …

The reserves of scandium oxide in the deposit are estimated to be > 40,000 tons. With the aid of EDS analysis and polarizing microscopy, samples of the ore were examined, and the different types of minerals containing scandium were identified together with their dissemi-nated features. The results reveal that the useful minerals for scandium pre-

Experimental Study on Concentrating Scandium by …

Based on the benefication of the complex silicate ore containing scandium, the research about aid-leaching agent used in the leaching of the scandium concentrate was been conducted. And the suitable leaching agent and aid-leaching agent which the useful ions entered into leaching liquid and the harmful ions were kept in leaching residue were …

Recovery of scandium from various sources: A critical review …

According to the authors, scandium concentrate solution obtaining can be performed through three steps: first, iron removal by NH 4 OH; second, iron removal …

Scandium: Ore deposits, the pivotal role of magmatic …

Therefore, the pre-concentration of Sc is very important to form ore deposits. Magmatic and post-magmatic processes can effectively concentrate Sc in minerals such as clinopyroxene, amphibole, baddeleyite, thortveitite and Sc-rich phosphates, thereby …

Experimental Study on Concentrating Scandium by …

Based on the benefication of the complex silicate ore containing scandium, the research about aid-leaching agent used in the leaching of the scandium concentrate was been conducted.

Scandium Resources and its Extraction Technology

Experimental Study on Concentrating Scandium by Leaching from Associated Scandium Ore. G. Zhang P. Yan Qingqing Yang. Materials Science, Engineering. 2013; Based on the benefication of the complex silicate ore containing scandium, the research about aid-leaching agent used in the leaching of the scandium concentrate was been conducted. …

New insights on scandium separation from scandium …

In this study, a scandium concentrate with Sc2O3 content of 66.24 g/t was obtained from V-Ti magnetite tailings by physical concentration, and the main Sc-bearing minerals were augite and hornblende. A novel process of roasting and leaching was proposed to extract scandium from scandium concentrate with titanium dioxide …

Scandium: Ore deposits, the pivotal role of magmatic …

Nonetheless, Sc can be occasionally concentrated to form magmatic, hydrothermal or supergene deposits. Magmatic deposits are estimated to contribute about 90% of the …

Extraction of Nickel, Cobalt, and Scandium from Low-Grade …

3.2 Efficacy of Reduction Pre-treatment on the Extraction of Nickel, Cobalt and Scandium from Laterite Ore. Efficacy of reduction pre-treatment of laterite ore on the extraction of Ni, Co, and Sc was determined by comparing the %recovery obtained between leaching untreated ore and reduced ore (treated at 700 °C for 40 minutes) ...

Characterization and Pre-concentration of Scandium in Low …

Based on the sample's composition, particle size distribution and the occurrence state of scandium, studies were conducted of the pre-concentration of …

Concentration and Separation of Scandium from Ni Laterite Ore …

DOI: 10.3390/MET7120557 Corpus ID: 46738940; Concentration and Separation of Scandium from Ni Laterite Ore Processing Streams @article{Kaya2017ConcentrationAS, title={Concentration and Separation of Scandium from Ni Laterite Ore Processing Streams}, author={Şerife Didem Kaya and Carsten …

An Innovative Process for Extracting Scandium from …

for concentrating Sc in a specific phase and recovering Sc with high extraction efficiency. In this study, a two-stage innovative process was developed with an aim to extract scandium from a laterite ore. The first stage involves carbothermic reduction in which the iron is reduced at 1400–1600 °C and separated as a metallic phase,

Aid-leaching reagent of leaching scandium from scandium …

Chemical analysis and determination of scandium phase on complex silicate ore with scandium were studied. The concentrate leaching help infusions were studied on the basis of scandium separation ...

The Economic Geology of Scandium, the Runt of the Rare …

In many scandium deposits, clinopyroxene is the main ore mineral, although in some deposits scandium is hosted by minerals that also concentrate the other REEs.

Burra project

The Burra project located in New South Wales, Australia, offers a long life, high-grade scandium oxide resource that has the potential to become a primary scandium operation in Australia. This project builds on our existing scandium production operation in Quebec and enhances our position to become a global leading supplier in the developing ...

Metallurgical processes for scandium recovery from various resources…

Scandium minerals with high scandium content, such as thortveitite and lolbeckite, are mainly dispersed in the thortveitite-rich pegmatites in Madagascar and Norway (Hedrick, 2010a).One of ores in Norway is a double silicate of scandium and yttrium with the formula of 2SiO 2 Y 2 O 3 Sc 2 O 3 (Baptiste, 1959).Another ore in …

Development of Scandium-Recovery Process from Titanium …

Scandium is expected to be utilized in various fields, such as in aluminum -alloy additives, fuel-cell materials, and bulk acoustic wave devices [1, 2].However, global scandium production is low and scandium is produced as a byproduct during uranium, tungsten, and other rare-earth processing, because it is rare to find a rich deposit of …

The mineralogy of Scandium

Geochemistry of Scandium; Goldschmidt classification: Lithophile: Sc 3+ was one of the ions least depleted from the mantle in the formation of the crust.: Sc 3+ is enriched in Ca-Al-rich inclusions in meteorites relative to the composition of the solar system.: Sc 3+ enters early-forming phases in igneous rocks.: Sc 3+ is commonly concentrated in residual …

A study on the rare earth ore containing scandium by high …

DOI: 10.1016/S1002-0721(09)60167-8 Corpus ID: 97755764; A study on the rare earth ore containing scandium by high gradient magnetic separation @article{Gao2010ASO, title={A study on the rare earth ore containing scandium by high gradient magnetic separation}, author={Likun Gao and Yunlen Chen}, journal={Journal …

Scandium Recovery Methods from Mining, …

Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid is the most used extractant for concentrating scandium and separating it from other metals. Although it is commercially available under different names, including …

Scandium Data Sheet

byproduct material in China (iron ore, rare earths, titanium, and zirconium), Kazakhstan (uranium), Philippines ... Scandium lacks affinity for the common ore-forming anions; therefore, it is widely dispersed in the lithosphere and forms solid solutions with low concentrations in more than 100 minerals. Scandium resources have been identified in

The genesis of a potential scandium ore deposit at

The current study is based on the Crater Lake scandium deposit, which, to our knowledge, is the only deposit in a syenite complex with production potential and in which scandium is the principal ore metal. Hedenbergite is the main scandium mineral at Crater Lake, but subordinate proportions of scandium are also hosted by hastingsite.

Characterization and Pre-concentration of Scandium in …

A poor magnetite iron ore is a super large independent scandium deposit with over the multi-billion potential utilizable value. Shaking table separation is very useful for impurities removing and ...

Environments | Free Full-Text | Process Evaluation of Scandium …

Major scandium ore deposits have been found in the USA, Norway, Australia, China, Russia, Madagascar, Kazakhstan and Ukraine [8,11]. Any resources with scandium concentration between 20–50 mg/kg can be considered as ore for exploitation . In USA and Kazakhstan, scandium sources are mainly ores of aluminum uranium, …