strip ratio in gold mining

How to profit from low-grade gold mines

The strip ratio is calculated by dividing the thickness of the overburden by ore thickness. Eg. if the overburden is 100m thick and the ore is 50m, the strip ratio is 2:1.

Project Overview

The Feasibility Study contemplates open pit mining from the Dark Star and Pinion deposits. The mine is designed as a traditional truck and shovel operation with one year of pre-production and eight years of subsequent mining. ... Average Annual Gold Production: ounces: 124,000: Strip Ratio : waste : ore: 4.1: Initial Capex: US$ million: $190 ...

Future availability of mineral resources: ultimate reserves …

The physical material flows included in TMR evaluations account for in situ Earth movements during mining. In addition, metal mining activities cause the highest environmental damage in upstream areas. The degree of mineral exploitation through mining largely depends on the ore grade and strip ratio (Northey et al. 2014, Kosai and …

Candelaria Mining Complex

The overall strip ratio of the remaining life-of-mine is expected to be 2.1:1 including ore that is initially delivered to stockpiles. The Candelaria Underground mines produce approximately 14,000 tpd of ore, roughly 10,000 tpd and 4,000 tpd from the North and South sectors, respectively.

Far North Snapshot: Eight companies venturing into the

A low strip ratio of 6:1 in initial open pit mining will facilitate rapid capital payback in the early stages of the nine-year mine life, while an average 10:1 strip ratio is anticipated for the ...

Thesis Gold boosts investment return at Lawyers-Ranch in BC

Ore grading 1.51 grams gold-equivalent could produce 4 million oz. gold-equivalent although the new PEA envisions output of 3 million oz. gold-equivalent over the mine's life.

Mining 101: Strip ratio

The strip ratio is a critical metric, a shorthand for evaluating the potential return on investment in a mining project. It encapsulates in a single figure the estimated costs of …

Calculating Stripping Ratios for Area Strip Mines

The proposed formulation provides an optimal annual extraction rate, together with the optimal utilization of a mining fleet and an equipment acquisition program. This solution eliminates unnecessary capital expenses and is feasible under all geological scenarios. The mathematical programming model is detailed and tested at a gold deposit.

Mining 101: Strip ratio

The concept of the strip ratio is pivotal in the domain of open-pit mining, serving as a barometer for the economic viability of a mining operation. It is the mathematic expression of the volume of overburden or waste material required to be handled in order to extract a unit volume of ore.

Strip Mining Types, Environmental Impacts and Solutions

Types of Strip Mining: Area Strip Mining; Area strip mining is the most common type of strip mining. It involves the removal of the overlying rock and soil layers in horizontal strips to access the mineral deposits below. The mining process starts at the edge of the deposit and moves inward in successive strips until the entire deposit is mined.

Gold mine stripping ratios rise on high prices, grades …

Gold mines can operate with a higher stripping ratio due to the higher value of the ore. There was a sharp increase in the strip ratio between 2019 and 2021; this …

Blackwater Gold Project, British Columbia

The second phase will focus on mining higher-grade ore with a lower strip ratio to provide mill feed during the initial project years. The subsequent stages will involve expanding the pit northward to access progressively deeper ore deposits. For the initial production, 400t hydraulic shovels and 190t payload haul trucks will be used for mining ...

Four new gold pits underway

The new operations will contribute over 1.3 million oz. of annualized gold production when fully commissioned. If all goes as planned, in 2024, Canadian gold production should exceed 8 million oz. of gold and set the stage to surpass the national gold production record set in 2021.


In strip mining a long, narrow strip of mineral is uncovered. Mining - Strip, Open-Pit, Quarrying: It has been estimated that more than two-thirds of the world's yearly mineral production is extracted by surface mining. ... Mining then ceases. The ratio of the amount of waste rock stripped to ore removed is called the overall stripping ratio.

Waste Management in the Gold and Silver Industry

The overburden ratio or stripping ratio is the ratio of the weight of overburden excavated to the weight of ore excavated. ... Gold mining companies are processing lower grades of ore as the higher-grade ores are getting depleted. Table 6.5 shows the average grade of gold ores at Barrick operations. In 2016, the average grade …

Artemis Gold Inc.

The block model has a 10 x 10 x 10 m selective mining unit, with interpolation of gold done by multiple indicator kriging ... The second phase will target higher-grade, lower-strip-ratio ore providing mill feed over the initial years of the Project. The remaining stages expand the pit to the north targeting progressively deeper ore. LOM ...

Calculating ultimate pit limits and determining pushbacks in …

The mining operation's cut-off grade is 0.20%, and the stripping ratio is 1.9. Fig. 11 shows the calculation for the optimal ultimate pit in the area called "Cerro Colorado", with an area of 2.5 × 1.1 km 2 and a maximum depth of 300 m.

Gold Mine Grade: The Definitive Guide for Miners and …

Stripping ratio, often referred to as strip ratio in gold mining, essentially denotes the volume of overburden or waste material that must be moved to extract a unit weight of ore. Among the critical calculations in any mining undertaking, it impacts the project's economic viability. The lower the ratio, the more desirable it is, as lesser ...

Surface Mining Methods and Systems | SpringerLink

Stripping Ratio. Environmental constraints. Strip Mining is normally chosen where the overburden thickness is such that excavation can be carried out by a single stripping machine such as a dragline. 8.6.2 Stripping Ratio. Overburden Ration = d/t. This is a depth ratio often used by geologists. Mining engineers use a volumetric ratio.

Calibre Mining Corp. | Gold Rock Project, Nevada

Waste short tons and strip ratio for each of the pits are: North Pit 105.1 million tons / strip ratio 5.4:1, Central Pit 40.0 million tons / strip ratio 11.7:1, and South Pit 0.92 million tons / strip ratio 2.6:1 for an overall total of 146 million short tons of waste and an overall strip ratio of 5.8:1. Mining costs per pit and in total are ...

Whats the average stripping ratio of open pit mines

Even if there was an average of ALL open pit mines that would not offer any knowledge regarding open pit mining. The stripping ratio in a mine is chosen based on economics.

Rock-to-Metal Ratio: A Foundational Metric for …

System Boundaries. For each mineral commodity, a system boundary was defined. Each system included the mining and processing stages beginning with extraction of raw material at the mine site (run-of-mine) and ending with the production of the first or most common marketable refined end-product for each commodity (e.g., refined gold …

Moss Gold Mine, NW Arizona, USA

Life of Mine plan extends to 2025, mining at over 11,000 tons per day at an average strip ratio of 0.88:1, based on the maiden Mineral Reserve (2021 Technical Report) Pre-tax NPV(5%) of $50.8 million and after-tax NPV(5%) of $45.3 million at $1,700 per ounce gold and $18.50 per ounce silver

(PDF) Open Pit Mining

Strip mining differs from open pit in that the overburden is not transported to. ... surface, or in the case of dramatic increase in the stripping ratio, the mining. operation must be ceased [19].

Gold | Metals & Mining

Excel outputs that feature supply and cost breakdowns, including by parameters such as material moved, run of mine, strip ratio, recoveries, and grade; Flexing of macroeconomic input commodity price, exchange rate, oil price, wage, and power price

Gold Mine Grade: The Definitive Guide for Miners and …

Stripping ratio, often referred to as strip ratio in gold mining, essentially denotes the volume of overburden or waste material that must be moved to extract a …

Mining 101: Strip ratio

The strip ratio is a critical metric, a shorthand for evaluating the potential return on investment in a mining project. It encapsulates in a single figure the estimated …

Rock-to-Metal Ratio: A Foundational Metric for …

Abstract. The quantity of ore mined and waste rock (i.e., overburden or barren rock) removed to produce a refined unit of a mineral commodity, its rock-to …

Otso gold mine in Finland returns to production

The current mine plan indicates a target grade of 1.54 g/t, 6000 tonnes per day and a strip ratio of 3.26:1, as confirmed by a technical report released in August 2021.