Guide For Roller Compacted

Guide for Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements

Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is an economical, fast-construction candidate for many pavement applications. It has traditionally been used for pavements carrying heavy loads in low-speed areas because of its relatively course surface. However, in recent years its use in commercial areas and for local streets and highways has been increasing.

Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC) Mixture Proportioning

The soil compaction method is a six step mixture design method for roller-compacted concrete pavements. This method is the most commonly used method for RCC pavements. The density and moisture content relationship is manipulated to produce the maximum density. ... Guide for Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements. Ames, IA: National …

Roller Compacted Concrete

The guide is considered by many to be the most comprehensive resource for Roller Compacted Concrete pavement. It is highly recommended that designers and specifiers who are interested in utilizing Roller …

Properties, materials and durability of rolled compacted …

"Guide Specification for Highway Concrete Pavements", Commentary, October 2012 ERMCO "Guide to roller compacted concrete for pavements", April 2013, Yowa State Universitaty, Institute for transportation O.Jr.Keifer (1986) "Paving with Roller Compacted Concrete," Concrete Construction, March 1986, pp. 287-297.

Roller Compacted Concrete

Properties of Roller Compacted Concrete. Though the roller compared concrete also a type of concrete, there are some considerable differences compared to the conventional concrete. Let's discuss each of them in detail. Compressive Strength. Compaction of the RCC concrete is considered acceptable when the percentage of air …

Guide for Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements

Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is an economical, fast-construction candidate for many pavement applications. It has traditionally been used for pavements carrying heavy loads in low-speed areas because of its relatively coarse surface. However, in recent years its use has expanded into commercial areas and local streets and …

Optimizing the mix design of roller-compacted concrete

Roller-compacted concrete pavement (RCCP) is a type of non-reinforced concrete pavement that is suitable for roads with light and heavy traffic and has features such as high durability, low construction costs and low levels of repairs and maintenance. In order for a concrete mix design to be implemented in construction projects, choosing the …

ACI PRC-327-14 Guide to Roller-Compacted Concrete …

This guide provides owner-agencies, contractors, materials suppliers, and others with a thorough introduction to roller-compacted concrete (RCC) and its many paving applications. This guide describes RCC and how it works as a paving material, how it compares to concrete pavement, its common uses and benefits, and potential limitations …

Guide for Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements

Guide for Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements: Media Type: PDF Author: Harrington, D; Abdo, F; Adaska, W; Hazaree, C Item Code: SN298 Year Published: 2010 Price: $0.00 Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is an economical, fast-construction candidate for many pavement applications.

Determination of Safety Monitoring Indices for Roller-Compacted …

Due to the multiple effects of external environmental factors such as calcium leaching, sulfate attack, and freeze–thaw cycles, roller-compacted concrete (RCC) dams inevitably experience aging problems in the long-term operation process [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].The deterioration of the dam from normal to pathological is a gradual …

Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements

Version 1.0 – Oct 2021. This document provides the offically adopted specification which the members of the RCC Pavement Council follow and recommend to be utilized to build …

Guide for Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements

Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is an economical, fast-construction candidate for many pavement applications. It has traditionally been used for pavements carrying heavy loads in low-speed areas because of its relatively course surface. However, in recent years its use in commercial areas and for local streets and highways has been …

ACI PRC-327-14 Guide to Roller-Compacted Concrete …

This guide provides owner-agencies, contractors, materials suppliers, and others with a thorough introduction to roller-compacted concrete (RCC) and its many paving …


What Is Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement? .....1 How Does RCC Work? ...................................................................................................3 What Are the Basic …

Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement

Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is an economical, fast-construction candidate for many pavement applications. The guide provides owner-agencies, contractors, materials suppliers, and others with a thorough …

Superpave Gyratory Compactor as an Alternative Design Method for Roller

Guide to roller-compacted concrete pavements. ACI 327R-14. Farmington Hills, MI: ACI. Google Scholar. ACPA (American Concrete Pavement Association). 2014. "ACPA guide specifications ver. 1.2: Roller-Compacted concrete pavements as exposed wearing surface." Accessed May 26, 2020.

Guide Specification for Construction of Roller …

Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements 1. General Provisions 1.1 Description.Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC) shall consist of aggregate, portland cement, possibly other supplementary cementing materials (fly ash, slag and silica fume) and water. RCC shall be propor-tioned, mixed, placed, compacted and cured in accordance with these

Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements

This document provides a guideline specification useful for developing project specifications for roller compacted concrete (RCC) as an exposed RCC pavement surface, that may …

Guide for Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements

Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is an economical, fast-construction candidate for many pavement applications. It has traditionally been used for pavements carrying heavy loads in low-speed areas because of its relatively coarse surface.

Roller Compacted Concrete

The guide is considered by many to be the most comprehensive resource for Roller Compacted Concrete pavement. It is highly recommended that designers and specifiers who are interested in utilizing Roller Compacted Concrete pavements should refer to the guide for all aspects of specifying, designing and constructing Roller Compacted …

Guide For Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements

Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) gets its name from the heavy vibratory steel drum and rubber-tired rollers used to compact it into its final form. RCC has similar strength prop- erties and consists of the same basic ingredients as conventional concrete—well-graded aggregates, cementitious materials, and water—but has different mixture ...

Applications of Cement

Roller-Compacted Concrete. Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is a stiff mix of aggregates, cement, and water. It is placed in layers with conventional earthmoving or paving equipment and compacted with vibratory rollers. ... Guide Specification for Construction of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements;

Guide for TSC UFGS 32 13 Roller (RCC)



Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is defined as a no slump concrete mix which usually has been made up of aggregate, sand, cement, and water. The material has traditionally been produced in twin shaft horizontal pug mills located on the jobsite and delivered to the paver in dump trucks.

Properties, materials and durability of rolled …

Roller-Compacted Concrete (R CC) consists of an engineered mixture of dense-graded aggregates, cement and water. This zeroslump concrete mixture, when placed with an asphalt paver and compacted ... Guide for roller – compacted concrete pave-ments, National Concrete Pavement technology Center, Institute for Transportation, Iowa State

Guide for Roller-Compacted Concrete …

Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is an economical, fast-construction candidate for many pavement applications. It has traditionally been used for pavements carrying heavy loads in low-speed areas because of its …


Abstract : Roller-compacted concrete pavement (RCCP) provides a lower-quality, economical alternative to slipform and fixed-form concrete pavements. It is ideally suited for areas where heavy, low speed vehicles such as tanks or container handlers are the primary users of the pavement. RCCP is constructed by placing a zero-slump portland cement …


What is Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement? • Has different mixture proportions • Largest difference between RCC mixtures & conventional concrete mixtures – RCC has …

Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement

Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement, is a type of non-reinforced concrete pavement placed with high density paving equipment and compacted with vibratory rollers.