porous nickel for fuel cell stack

Achieving breakthrough performance caused by optimized metal …

Murphy et al. [21] first used two flat porous metals, nickel and expanded titanium, as the flow fields embedded in the anode and cathode for a low-cost, lightweight fuel cell stack with a ...


The bipolar stack is composed of unit cells that have alternate polarity, and face each other through bipolar plates. ... Open-cell metal is a highly-porous material with a web-like internal structure, Fig. 1. The ... Based on Fig. 7 the fuel cell with metal- flow fields provides better performance with less fuel

Effects of flow field design on the performance of a PEM fuel cell …

Murphy et al. [21] first used two flat porous metals, nickel and expanded titanium, as the flow fields embedded in the anode and cathode for a low-cost, lightweight fuel cell stack with a ...

Integrated micro-tubular SOFC stack supported by a monolithic porous

1. Introduction. Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are electrochemical devices consisting of solid-state ceramic electrolyte, anode, and cathode components that can convert chemical energy in the fuel directly to electricity at high operation temperature of above 500 o C [1], [2], [3].The advantages of SOFC lie in their high combined power and heat efficiency, …

Three-dimensional reconstruction and optimization of porous fuel …

The subsequent LBM calculation requires the interception of data near the fuel electrode, which requires further image processing in OpenCV. Take the 10th cross-sectional image as an example to introduce the image processing process, as shown in Fig. 3.First set the grayscale threshold to 100 to filter the darker background part in Fig. 2 …

Porous metal flow field and heat evaluation in PEMFC: …

As a result, this article figures out how to successfully handle the porous metal corrosion problem in a PEMFC setting, which increases the porous metal utilization in the fuel …

The Behaviour of Nickel as Flow Field Plate in PEM …

[7] using numerical tools. Fuel cell stack with 100 cells clamped using steel belts was modelled and analyzed by Wu et al. [8]. The effect of impact acceleration, clamping force, and friction coefficient on the fuel cell stack was investigated and reported a relative slippage between the cells and cell components varies from 5 to

The Behaviour of Nickel as Flow Field Plate in PEM …

The maximum equiva-lent stress of 110 MPa is noticed in the conventional fuel cell, whereas 94 MPa is observed in the cell with metal as flow fields. The relative …

Water management and structure optimization study of nickel metal

The fuel cell test system was built and the performance of fuel cells with nickel flow field with different thicknesses were tested and analyzed by electrochemical active surface area (EASA ...

Microstructure driven design of porous electrodes for molten carbonate

Application of nickel , besides the slight improvement in cell performance, was a huge milestone from the technological point of view. The superior elasticity and lower costs for the cathode supported with are of key importance for the fuel cell stack assembly process and scaling up, and may lead to further …


This has resulted in fuel cell stacks with low power density, which is not acceptable for transportation and mobile applications. Open-cell metal is a highly-porous …

Boosting power density of microfluidic biofuel cell with porous …

Boosting power density of microfluidic biofuel cell with porous three-dimensional graphene@nickel as flow-through anode. Author links open overlay panel Yang Yang a c, Dingding Ye a b, Xun Zhu a b, Qiang Liao a b, Jun Li a b ... Evaluation of single and stack membraneless enzymatic fuel cells based on ethanol in …

Development of porous carbon polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell

DOI: 10.1016/J.JPOWSOUR.2009.10.053 Corpus ID: 97165724; Development of porous carbon polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell @article{Kim2010DevelopmentOP, title={Development of porous carbon polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell}, author={Jin Hwa Kim and Nicolas Cunningham}, journal={Journal of Power Sources}, …

Application of Metal as a Flow Field for PEM Fuel Cell Stack

The channel/rib structure, commonly used in proton‐exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), has disadvantages of uneven pressure distribution, gas supply, and produced‐water management under "rib" portion. In recent years, porous metal has been studied as an alternative flow field. We determined that the application of porous …

Water Management Capacity of Metal Flow …

Murphy et al. first used two flat porous metals, nickel and expanded titanium, ... Y. Application of Metal as a Flow Field for PEM Fuel Cell Stack. Fuel Cells 2018, 18, 123–128. [Google Scholar] …

Fuel cell stack redesign and component integration …

Article Fuel cell stack redesign and component integration radically increase power density Chasen Tongsh,1,7 Siyuan Wu,1,2,7 Kui Jiao,1,3,* Wenming Huo,1 Qing Du,1,3 Jae Wan Park,2 Jin Xuan,4 Huizhi Wang,5 Nigel P. Brandon,6 and Michael D. Guiver1,3,8,* SUMMARY The drawbacks of conventional channel-rib flow fields and …

Application of -based functionally graded porous …

The fuel cell test system was built and the performance of fuel cells with nickel flow field with different thicknesses were tested and analyzed by electrochemical active surface area (EASA ...

Benchmarking of oxygen evolution catalysts on …

on porous nickel supports The oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is the main anode reaction for electrochemical CO 2 reduction and solar fuel production. We report a benchmarking study of some of the most active OER catalysts deposited on nickel and characterized by using a standardized protocol. The importance of the

Application of porous materials for the flow field in polymer

Various types of porous materials have been applied as flow fields or flow distributors of the PEM fuel cells. The metallic porous materials like nickel , etc. …

Application of Metal as a Flow Field for PEM Fuel Cell …

We determined that the application of porous metal s improved the PEMFC performance by compensating for the drawback of the channel/rib-type flow …

Porous metal materials for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells …

They utilized two types of flat-sheet porous metals, i.e. the nickel and expanded titanium, as the flow field materials that are embedded in both the anode and cathode frames and clamped between a pair of endplates. ... on nickel s and obtained sufficiently encouraging results as guidance for constructing a realistically-sized fuel ...

Application of -based functionally graded porous …

DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2022.124230 Corpus ID: 248802819; Application of -based functionally graded porous material flow-distributor to PEM fuel cells @article{Kermani2022ApplicationOF, title={Application of -based functionally graded porous material flow-distributor to PEM fuel cells}, author={M.J. Kermani and Mahbod …

Pathways Toward Efficient and Durable Anion Exchange …

The thickness of the gaskets on the anode was adjusted to match the thickness of the porous transport electrode (PTE). The cell was compressed to 40 in-lbs in 10 in-lbs increments, following a star pattern. Unless otherwise stated, cell testing was conducted at 80 °C with 1.0 m KOH as the anolyte and catholyte with a flow rate of 50 …

Performance improvement of proton exchange membrane fuel cells …

Compression ratio of porous nickel used in the flow field is determined. • Catalytic activity and gas diffusion is improved by adopting nickel flow field. • Optimum operating parameters are obtained using the experimental method. • Fuel cell with compressed nickel exhibits a peak power density of 1.89 W/cm 2.

Liquid Water Transport in Porous Metal Flow-Field Fuel Cells…

Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) using porous metallic flow-field plates have been demonstrated as an alternative to conventional rib and channel designs, showing high performance at high currents. However, the transport of liquid product water through metal flow-field plates in PEMFC conditions is not well …

Fuel cell stack redesign and component integration radically …

The drawbacks of conventional channel-rib flow fields and gas diffusion layers (GDLs) significantly limit the mass transfer and water management capability of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), impacting volumetric power density. We report a GDL-less design of electrode-flow field integration comprised of graphene …

Gas diffusion layer/flow-field unified membrane

The fuel cell test system was built and the performance of fuel cells with nickel flow field with different thicknesses were tested and analyzed by electrochemical active surface area (EASA ...

Enhanced Mass Transfer Properties of Porous Nickel …

High-porosity metal , with the advantages, such as low price, good electrical and thermal conductivity, performs high performance as flow field for fuel cells. The mass …

Enhanced corrosion resistance of Ni/Sn nano-electrodeposited metal

Application of metal as a flow field for PEM fuel cell stack. Fuel Cell, 18 (2018), pp. 123-128, 10.1002/fuce.201700180. View in Scopus Google Scholar ... Enhanced Mass transfer properties of porous nickel as flow field for fuel cells under different working conditions. Int J Electrochem Sci, 16 (2021), pp. 1-14, …