How did ancient people quarry stone

How Was Granite Quarried in Ancient Egypt?

During the period of the Old Kingdom -- 2650 - 2152 B.C. -- quarrying techniques consisted of prying loose stones from the surface of the quarry. However, by the time of the New Kingdom, which began in …

Fact sheet: Aboriginal quarries |

How did Aboriginal people quarry stone? Aboriginal people used at least two methods of stone quarrying. One method was to strike the surface of the outcrop at an angle with a hammerstone. Manageable pieces of stone broke off with minimum effort. This method scarred the rock face and left scattered broken fragments around the outcrop.

Ancient Egyptian quarries

Selected stones from ancient quarries in the Nile Valley and Western Desert. The numbering and sequence of the images follow the list of quarries on the reverse side of the attached, fold-out...


The first novel in the series, THE STONE BREAKERS, is a particularly close look at this critical relationship and how the introduction of a new technology (in this case the Clovis fluted point) could alter the course of an entire people. In this novel stone quarries the author is personally familiar with form an important backdrop at one or ...

How Was Granite Quarried in Ancient Egypt?

The quarries around Aswan reveal the techniques used by the ancient Egyptians to quarry and cut the stone that forms the Great Pyramid at Giza. These quarries are still in use. Aswan Granite During the period of the Old Kingdom — 2650 – 2152 B. C. — quarrying techniques consisted of prying loose stones from the surface of …

4,500-Year-Old Ramp Might Explain How Huge Stones Were

The ancient ramp might explain how stone blocks were transported from the quarries to the pyramids' building site. "The Hatnub quarries were the most prestigious source for Egyptian alabaster, the milky white banded stone which was much beloved of Egyptian civilization," Egyptologist, Dr Roland Enmarch, University of Liverpool said in a …

Just How Did The Ancient Greeks And Romans Cut Marble…

Easing the cutting process with water was, indeed, one technique that ancient miners used to quarry stones. Another technique, though, was to use the natural cleaves in the stone as a starting ...

Key Ancient Quarries · A Guide to Scientific Analyses of Ancient …

A number of ancient quarries were developed in locations near major construction sites and in places containing the highest-quality stone. In the Archaic period (ca. eighth century BCE to 480 BCE), the few known quarries were confined to the Greek mainland and islands.By the Classical period (ca. fifth century BCE to fourth century BCE, often …

Stonehenge: Did ancient 'machine' move stones from …

A lover of Ancient Egypt, Steven wanted to explain how the Pyramids were built - but believes his theory also sheds light on how stone circles were created on various sites, from Orkney's Skara ...

Quarries in Ancient Egypt

Quarries in Ancient Egypt. The two main stones of the lower Nile valley are sandstone, from Sudan as far north as the Edfu/Gebelein region, and limestone, the classic Egyptian valley stone from the Theban area to Cairo.

Ancient Maya Quarries: Limestone, Chert and Lidar

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Lidar has dramatically expanded our view of the ancient Maya landscape. We have used lidar to study the key natural resources of limestone and chert- their location, extent, and relationship to other ancient Maya features.

'Impossible' Ancient Engineering: The Megalithic Stones of …

Just how did ancient people manage to quarry, transport, lift and place these megalithic blocks of stones thousands of years ago, without the use of modern technology? The three blocks are positioned onto a row of six granite block s, which measure 10 meters in length and 4 meters in height, their weight is estimated to be over …

Here Are 5 Of The Largest Stones Ever Moved By The Ancients

The Western Stone, a massive block forming the lower level of the Western Wall in Jerusalem is another supermassive boulder placed in ancient times. It is considered one of the largest building blocks on the surface …


The earliest quarries were mined with hammers, picks, and chisels made of stone or metals such as bronze and iron. Even communities that did not have stone …

Quarry Sites: The Archaeological Study of Ancient Mining

Some quarries used by ancient people were located near their point of use, regularly visited and fiercely protected from other groups as part of claimed territory. Other quarries, especially those for portable goods such as stone tools, were hundreds of miles away from the point of use, where the stone tools were fo…

(PDF) Ancient Egyptian quarries

Selected stones from ancient quarries in the Nile Valley and Western Desert. The numbering and sequence of the images follow the list of quarries on the reverse side of the attached, fold-out map.

10 Things You Should Know About How Granite …

Initially, granite quarrying in Ancient Egypt was accomplished using stone pounders, a testament to the early Egyptians' ingenuity. These early pounders were crafted from a tough stone called …

The High-Tech Stonework of the Ancients: Unsolved

There are many stone artifacts from the ancient world made from the hardest stone on the planet such as granite and diorite, which have been cut and shaped ... the Oriental Department of the German Archaeological Institute conducted more excavation work in the stone quarry trying to find new data about the mining techniques and the …

The History of Quarrying

The ancient Egyptians would have built the great pyramids from tons of stone and limestone from nearby quarries. Whilst in ancient Rome they would send slaves and criminals to extract and cut through …

The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt | Ancient …

Referring back to a quote by the late Klaus Schmidt in my previous article on Gobekli Tepe, he stated: " In ancient Egypt, the dragging and erecting of holy pillars was an important part of ritual events." (5). He also went on to say that there might be some kind of common origin, as the obelisks of ancient Egypt usually come in pairs in front of temples.

Mithaka: Heart of Australia's 2,100-year-old Aboriginal Silk …

Research has revealed an ancient Aboriginal transcontinental trade network for tools and stimulants that extended from the north Mithaka stone quarries. More than 2,100 years ago, Australia's Aboriginal Mithaka people were likely domesticating plants and quarrying stones on an industrial scale to make seed-grinding implements.

Stone Quarry from Second Temple Era in Jerusalem …

The Har Hozvim quarry is not the only ancient quarry to be uncovered in Jerusalem. In fact, there have been several . For example, in 2009 archaeologists discovered a similar Second Temple quarry during a residential construction project on Shmuel Hanavi Street, which was also likely used to supply gigantic limestone blocks to …

Solved! How Ancient Egyptians Moved Massive Pyramid …

The ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids may have been able to move massive stone blocks across the desert by wetting the sand in front of a contraption built to pull the heavy objects ...

The Stones of Herod's Temple Reveal Temple Mount History

To quarry this limestone the stonecutter first straightened the face of the stone. This consisted of chiseling the rock in such a way as to produce a flat vertical surface—the side of the incipient stone—and a flat surface on top. ... Stone quarrying: Remains of an ancient quarrying operation can be seen at a tomb complex near the …

The Surprising Truth Behind the Construction of the Great …

Then Barsoum received an unexpected phone call from Michael Carrell, a friend of a retired colleague of Barsoum, who called to chat with the Egyptian-born professor about how much he knew of the mysteries surrounding the building of the Great Pyramids of Giza, the only structures remaining of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

How did the ancient romans move stones?

The process of extracting stone from a quarry is known as stone quarrying. After the stone is extracted, workers cut a series of holes with a hammer and chisel. Water-soaked wooden wedges are inserted into the holes, where they expand and split the rock. Bronze tools are used with limestone and other softer rocks. Did Romans throw people …


In ancient Rome, enslaved people and incarcerated people were often forced to do the extremely difficult work of cutting stones in marble, granite, and limestone quarries. Quarrying History Methods of extracting stone and other materials from quarries have changed since the first quarries were mined in the Aswan area of Egypt.

Exploring the Mystery of Monument Valley's Precise Stone …

Intriguingly, adjacent ancient drawings left by the Navajo people depict humanoid figures alongside symbolic spirals, echoing beliefs in cyclical time and cataclysmic events reshaping civilizations. Drawing parallels with other colossal stone structures worldwide, such as the Baalbek stones in Lebanon, further fuels speculation.

How did ancient Egyptians quarry? – Mattstillwell

How did ancient quarries work? The earliest quarries would have been mined by home crafted tools such as chisels, hammers and picks made from metals and stone that they would have previously pulled from the quarry. ... How did they quarry stone? Today, people use mechanical tools to mine quarries, including drilling …