Coal Used For Steel Production

A Visual Guide: Steel Making Process Chart

The primary raw materials used in the production of steel include iron ore, coal, and limestone, and each plays a crucial role: Iron Ore: It is the source of iron, which is the fundamental component of steel. Its quality and purity influence the efficiency of the reduction process and the overall quality of the steel produced.

Coal: Composition, Uses, Figures and Debates

Bituminous coal is used extensively in power generation, steel production, and as a fuel in industrial processes. It varies in colour from dark brown to black and has a relatively high heat value. This type of coal also has sub-categories, including low, medium, and high volatile, each indicating the amount of gas it contains, which affects its ...

Steel Coal and Iron ore report

Steel, Coal, and Iron ore Report 9 Coal is the world's most affordable energy fuel and biggest commodity market for electricity generation. The history of coal mining and excavation is often associated with the industrial revolution, owing its usage in iron, steel, cement production, fertilizers, and steamships. Coal was also used

Global green hydrogen-based steel opportunities …

At present, fossil fuels are the steel sector's bloodstream: 27 EJ (10 18 J) of coal, 3 EJ of gas and 5 EJ (1400 TWh) of electricity are consumed annually for the production of the mostly widely ...

How steelmaking may go carbon-free—by dropping its addiction to coal

Steel making with coal and CCS may turn out to be the cheap technology.. Electricity for electrolytic routes or hydrogen production is about 6 times more expensive than coal. That type of price increase implies reductions in the global standard of living and major increases in the cost of wind where the steel towers are major cost factor.

Executive summary – Coal 2022 – Analysis

Coal used in electricity generation, the largest consuming sector, is expected to grow by just over 2% in 2022. By contrast, coal consumption in industry is expected to decline by over 1%, mainly driven by falling iron and steel production amid the economic crisis. Global coal consumption, 2000-2025

Metallurgical Coal vs. Thermal Coal

Metallurgical coal, also known as coking coal, is primarily used in the production of steel. It is characterized by its high carbon content, low impurities, and excellent coking properties. Metallurgical coal is formed from the remains of ancient plants that were subjected to high pressure and heat over millions of years.

Thermal Coal vs. Metallurgical Coal: What's the Difference?

Metallurgical coal, on the other hand, is used in steel production, playing a crucial role in the blast furnace process where it serves as a reducing agent and heat source. 5 The main characteristic of thermal coal is its lower carbon content and higher moisture level, making it less efficient for high-temperature applications.

steel production, coking coal

Global steel production is dependent on coal. 70% of the steel produced today uses coal. Metallurgical coal – or coking coal – is a vital ingredient in the steel making process. World crude steel production was 1.4 billion tonnes in 2010. Around 721 million tonnes of coking coal was used in the production of steel.

Is It Possible To Make Steel Without Fossil Fuels?

Steel production, however, ... s who use coal. The Hybrit company is acctually a pure state project - both Vattenfall and LKAB are fully state owned and SSAB's two major shareholders are the ...


Global coal demand reached a record high in 2022 amid the global energy crisis, rising by 4% year-on-year to 8.42 billion tonnes (Bt). In 2023 we expect coal demand to fall in almost all advanced economies.

Iron & steel

Steel production is highly reliant on coal, which is primarily used as a reducing agent to extract iron from iron ore and to provide the carbon content needed in steel. Over the past decade, total CO2 emissions from the iron and steel sector have risen, largely owning to increases in steel demand. The direct CO2 intensity of crude steel ...

Coal to Make Coke and Steel

In the steel-making process, coke is used in the blast furnace as a (1) fuel to produce added heat; (2) chemical-reducing agent for the reduction of iron oxides; and (3) as a permeable support in the …

Mapping coal use in the UK steel sector

Ember's analysis shows that more than three quarters of industrial coal use currently happens in the iron and steelmaking sector. Cutting coal use in primary iron and steel production is challenging since low or zero-carbon steelmaking technologies are not yet mature, the market for zero-carbon steel is unproven, and appetite for new …

FACT SHEET Steel and raw materials

Coals used for pulverised coal injection into blast furnaces have more narrowly defined qualities than steam coal used in electricity generation. • Around 70% of total global steel production relies directly on inputs of coal. Around 1.2 billion tonnes of coal are used in global steel production, which is around 15% of total coal consumption ...

Steel Industry Pivoting to Electric Furnaces, Analysis Shows

The global steel industry is slowly embracing electric-arc furnaces, a cleaner alternative to the blast furnaces typically used to make steel, as detailed in a new report. Iron and steel production accounts for 7 percent of carbon emissions worldwide. Manufacturers burn heavily polluting coal in blast furnaces in the process of turning iron ...

Steel Manufacturing: Process, Types, and Standards

Techniques Used to Produce Steel. Steel production techniques span a broad spectrum of methods tailored to meet diverse production needs and accommodate varying resource availability. Integrated steelmaking, a comprehensive process that melds raw materials like iron ore, coal, and limestone in a blast furnace, is a primary approach …

Decarbonizing Steel How the steel industry is cutting …

Primary steel production from blast and basic oxygen furnaces using coal accounts for about 70% of all global steel production, secondary steel production

Coal use for iron and steel production in low-carbon …

The role of coal in iron and steel metallurgy is analyzed through the routes for steel manufacturing, current levels of steel production, and forecasts for the future. …

Decarbonization in steel | McKinsey

While integrated players produce steel from iron ore and need coal as a reductant, EAF producers use steel scrap or direct reduced iron (DRI) as their main raw material. As the predominant production method in Europe is the conventional, coal-dependent BF/BOF process, the need to assess alternative breakthrough technologies …

Why the steel industry needs to tackle coal mine …

This report highlights how low carbon pathways for steelmaking miss out on one of the biggest and quickest climate wins – reducing coal mine methane (CMM). Decarbonisation pathways for …

Coking Coal

Demineralization of low grade coal – A review. Pratima Meshram, ... B.D. Pandey, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015 1.2 Coking and non-coking coals. Coking coals are used for production of coke which is used in steel industries and non-coking coals are required for thermal power plants for steam production. Coking coals …

What is coal used for? | U.S. Geological Survey

In 2019, about 23 percent of all electricity in the United States was generated by coal-fired power plants, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Certain types of bituminous coal can also be used in making steel. Coal used for steel making needs to be high in carbon content and low in moisture, ash, sulfur, and phosphorous ...

Coal use in iron and steel metallurgy

Steel is commonly used in modern society and is probably the most important construction material of today (Fig. 12.1).This chapter deals with coal use and ways for increasing its efficiency in ironmaking, steelmaking, secondary or ladle metallurgy and continuous casting by different steel production routes.


Coal is a black or brownish-black sedimentary rock that can be burned for fuel and used to generate electricity.It is composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons, which contain energy that can be released through combustion (burning). Coal is the largest source of energy for generating electricity in the world, and the most abundant fossil fuel …

Low-carbon production of iron and steel: Technology options, economic

Electricity consumption for steel making is significant: BF-BOF routes consume 356 kWh/t production and the EAF route consumes 918 kWh/t production. 23 For coal-based and gas-based DRI production, electricity takes 8% of the total energy consumption (17.9 gigjoules (GJ)/ton and 14.1 GJ/ton respectively), or 380 kWh/t …

When will steel go green? How B.C. coal fuels one …

How is B.C. coal used? To make steel, oxygen must be removed from iron oxide. ... He thinks the idea of coal-free steel production on a massive scale is still decades away based on the …

High coking coal prices provide glimpse into steelmaking's …

Last year was a volatile one in global commodity markets. Demand for coking coal, an essential raw material in the production of steel, was extremely strong as the wider global economy recovered from its sharp contraction at the earlier height of the COVID-19 pandemic—even as supply chain issues constricted availability.

Coking coal of the United States—Modern and historical coking coal

Coking coal, or metallurgical coal, has been produced in the United States for nearly 200 years. Coking coal is primarily used in the production of coke for use in the steel industry, and for other uses (for example, foundries, blacksmithing, heating buildings, and brewing). Currently, U.S. coking coal is produced in Alabama, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, ia, …