what alunite is used for

Alunites Definition & Meaning

The meaning of ALUNITE is a mineral that consists of a hydrous potassium aluminum sulfate and occurs in massive form or in rhombohedral crystals.

The geology of aluminium phosphates and sulphates of the alunite …

The APS minerals contain more than 40 mineral species (Jambor, 1999).Their attribution to various groups and their naming is still under debate as it is the case with the type of nomenclature scheme Strunz and Tennyson, 1982, Scott, 1987a, Jambor, 1999.Such mineralogical classification schemes in their attempt to …


Alunite: Clasificarea si descrierea alunițelor. Care sunt nevii pentru care trebuie sa mergi la un consult dermatologic. Alunitele apar datorita atat predipozitiei genetice. Site-ul nostru foloseste cookie-uri pentru a-ti oferi o experienta de utilizare imbunatatita, pentru a-ti afisa continut personalizat si relevant. ...

Blawn Mountain

Alunite KAl 3 (SO 4) 2 (OH) 6, is a sulfate mineral ore used as a source of potash or for making alum.It occurs in potassium rich volcanic rocks that are white and grey in colour. It is formed in rhombohedra crystals or in fine …

Aluniţa: cauze, simptome, tratament

Nevii melanocitici pot fi dobândiţi pe parcursul vieţii sau te poţi naşte cu ei – în cel din urmă caz, aceştia poartă numele de nevi melanocitici congenitali şi apar pe piele la vârsta de 1-2 ani. Însă, de cele mai multe ori, aluniţele apar şi se înmulţesc în copilărie (în special între vârstele de 2 şi 10 ani) şi adolescenţă, dar şi mai târziu pe parcursul ...

Crystal structures of alunite family minerals: Beaverite, …

The alunite supergroup of minerals is a large hydroxy-sulfate mineral group, which has seen renewed interest following their discovery on Mars.

Alunite Mineral Data

Empirical Formula: KAl 3 (SO 4) 2 (OH) 6. Environment: Rock forming mineral where acid, often ore-bearing, solutions have altered orthoclase feldspar-rich rocks. IMA Status: …

Marysvale Alunite

This corporation maintains a crushing plant at Marysvale and makes regular shipments of alunite for use as fertilizer. The extensive Marysvale alunite deposits have long challenged development. As early as 1916 studies were made on the recovery of potash from this material (Waggaman and Cullen, 1916), and during World War I alunite …


ALUNITE. Alunite is a potassium hydroxy-aluminosilicate mineral (KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6). It's fairly nondescript, in terms of its physical properties. It has a nonmetallic luster, a white streak, and varies in color …

Alunite dissolution rates: Dissolution mechanisms and …

Alunite (KAl 3 (SO 4) 2 (OH) 6) is a hydrated aluminous sulfate mineral associated with acidic, oxidizing aqueous environments on Earth.Additionally, orbiting spacecraft and rovers on Mars have reported spectral data that indicate a range of mono- and polyhydrated sulfate phases and hydroxysulfate phases, suggesting such conditions …


Alunite is a siliceous adsorbent extracted from the jarosite group, consisting of 50% SiO2, widely used for dye adsorption due to its layered compounds that enhance its …

Alunite Mineral Data

Hendricks S B, American Mineralogist, 22 (1937) p.773-784, The crystal structures of alunite and the jarosites View Additional jPOWD Structure files for Alunite [ 1 ]

Alunite Supergroup: Mineral information, data and localities.

Also known as Alunite Family or Alunite Group. This supergroup includes: Alunite Group, Beudantite Group, Plumbogummite Group and Dussertite Group.Various other names have been used for these groups (see Mills et al. 2009; Bayliss et al. 2010).

Influence of pH and temperature on alunite dissolution: Rates…

Alunite synthesis procedure. Alunite used in the dissolution experiments was synthesised using a modification of the method of Lager et al. (2001). For the synthesis, 2.6 g of Al 2 (SO 4)·18H 2 O, 0.58 g of K 2 SO 4 and 14 ml of double distilled water were heated in the oven at 463 K for 95 h in a Parr bomb fitted with a Teflon sleeve.


Alunite is a magma-safe stone found in igneous extrusive and kaolinite stone layers in clusters. Aside from its potential applicability in controlling magma, alunite is entirely unremarkable and has the same value as every other common stone.

Jarosite and Alunite in Ancient Terrestrial Sedimentary Rocks

In the planetary literature, the terms "jarosite" and "alunite" are widely used to refer to any member of these subgroups, even though these terms formally refer only to the K-bearing endmembers. At Mollies Nipple, the A sites of the minerals are occupied predominantly by K, so the use of jarosite and alunite refers to the specific ...


Alunite is an effective hemostatic and astringent, wounds after stone treatment heal faster. Saline mineral powder is used to prevent foot sweating. Use of alunite The salt stone is used in different vital spheres and branches. Due to its ability to neutralize odors and antibacterial effect, alunite is used in its pure form as a …

Mineralogical and geochemical constraints on the origin of alunite …

Alunite crystals are typically fine-grained, creamy white to light pink tint color, and are commonly found as fracture-fillings (Fig. 2 D), open space filling along with pyrite, chalcopyrite, and enargite, or disseminated and surrounding the brecciated argillized dacite (Fig. 2 E). Alunite is also present in barren veins or stringers (Fig. 2 F).

Alunite | Mineral, Description, Uses, & Facts

alunite, a widespread rock-forming sulfate mineral that occupies pockets or seams in volcanic rocks such as rhyolites, trachytes, and andesites, …

A thermogravimetric study of the alunites of sodium, …

The thermal decomposition of alunite is of an archeochemistry importance as alunite was used as a source of potassium. Further it has been suggested that the mineral exists on the planet Mars. If so then the wide ranging temperatures of Mars would affect the chemical composition of the alunite. Thus it is important to understand the thermal ...


Alunite is a magma-safe stone found in igneous extrusive and kaolinite stone layers in clusters. Aside from its potential applicability in controlling magma, alunite is entirely unremarkable and has the same value as every other common stone.


Alunite is a hydroxylated aluminium potassium sulfate mineral, formula KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6. It was first observed in the 15th century at Tolfa, near Rome, where it was mined for the manufacture of alum. First called aluminilite by J.C. Delamétherie in 1797, this name was contracted by François Beudant three decades later to alunite.

13 Surprising Alum Powder Uses and Benefits

Many different minerals, such as alum schist, alunite, bauxite, and cryolite, are used in the extraction process to get alum. One must first extract the initial mineral using a specialized procedure. Calcination is the process that alunite goes through for alum conversion. The resultant substance liquefies using sulfuric acid and hot water ...

Alunite Definition & Meaning

The meaning of ALUNITE is a mineral that consists of a hydrous potassium aluminum sulfate and occurs in massive form or in rhombohedral crystals.

Ce sunt alunitele rosii, de ce apar si ce pot indica acestea

In general, pe piele pot aparea 2 tipuri de alunite: negre si rosii. Alunitele negre sunt frecvente si sunt formate din melanocite (acestea sunt celulele care produc melanina, pigmentul care da culoare pielii).. Alunitele rosii se mai numesc angioame senile, sunt pete rosii, mici si cel mai adesea netede.Culoarea rosie vine de la faptul ca un astfel de …


Alunite is a magma-safe stone found in igneous extrusive and kaolinite layers as clusters. Aside from being useful for controlling magma, alunite is entirely unremarkable and has the same value as every other common stone. Raw alunite Raws.

Aluminum (Al) Ore | Minerals, Occurrence » Geology Science

Alunite: Alunite (KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6) is a potassium aluminum sulfate mineral that can be used as a source of aluminum. These are some of the common minerals that contain aluminum and are considered as aluminum ore minerals. These minerals are typically mined and processed to extract aluminum metal through various …

Alunite-jarosite crystallography, thermodynamics, and …

The alunite supergroup consists of more than 40 mineral species that have in common the general formula DG 3 (TO 4) 2 (OH,H 2 O) 6.The D sites are occupied by monovalent (e.g. K, Na, NH 4, Ag, Tl, H 3 O), divalent (e.g. Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb), trivalent (e.g. Bi, REE) or more rarely quadrivalent (Th) ions; G is Al or Fe 3+ or rarely Ga or V; T is S 6+, As 5+, or P …

Mineralogy and a New Fertility Index of Alunite in the …

Alunite is used as a representative mineral for indicating deposits in lithocaps, and lithocaps are generally related to the porphyry–(high-sulfidation) epithermal mineralization system. The study of alunite is of theoretical and exploration significance for prospecting potential underlying porphyry and epithermal deposits. Studies on alunite …