RETSCH ألمانيا فيبرو

Mechanical Alloying with Ball Mills | Retsch

They are compatible with all RETSCH planetary ball mills. The EasyFit series introduces the Advanced Anti-Twist (AAT) feature on the bottom of the 50-500 ml jars, ensuring secure attachment and reduced wear, even at high speeds. The grinding jar range has three diameter categories—12-25 ml, 50-125 ml, and 250-500 ml—with interchangeable ...

RETSCH Knowledge Base: Sample Preparation, Size …

The RETSCH Knowledge Database is a collection of articles concerning sample preparation, size reduction and sieving equipment.

Retsch : Retsch : Продукти

Инструментите retsch се използват в областта на науката и индустрията за подготовка на проби, както и при широка гама различни аналитични методи за анализ на размера на частиците в производствен контрол и мониторинг на ...

Monservoorbereiding & zeefanalyses

RETSCH komt tegemoet aan de voortdurend groeiende vraag in deze domeinen met een duidelijke productfilosofie, gebaseerd op een uitspraak van Aristoteles: Overeenkomstig dit principe, gebruiken we niet alleen componenten van hoge kwaliteit, maar hechten we ook veel waarde aan hun perfecte interactie. Het resultaat zijn apparaten die gekenmerkt ...

Planeten-Kugelmühle PM 300

RETSCH-Planetenkugelmühlen eignen sich hervorragend für Verfahren wie das mechanische Legieren oder die Mechanosynthese. Für die meisten solcher Anwendungen ist das Drehzahlverhältnis von 1:-2 zwischen Becher und Sonnenrad, wie bei den Modellen PM 100 und PM 200, völlig ausreichend, da die Kugelladung genügend Aufprallenergie erzeugt, um eine …

Test sieves for reliable sieve analysis

The well-proven RETSCH test sieves consist of a solid stainless steel sieve frame of high stability for reliable sieving results. Paying close attention to mesh-specific requirements, the fabric of each test sieve is precisely joined into the frame and tautened. The individual laser engraving of each test sieve provides a clear labeling with ...


RETSCH es una empresa internacional, activa en el área de preparación de muestras para análisis y caracterización de sólidos. Con más de 100 años de experiencia, nos hemos convertido en el fabricante líder de aparatos para el laboratorio y la industria. Trituración.

: Overview

Retsch . AdvancedWeb YouTube Youku Wechat Wecom. part of Verder Scientific.


RETSCH is actief op het gebied van homogenisatie van laboratoriummonsters voor de analyse, en ook op het gebied van de meting van de deeltjesgrootte van vaste stoffen. Op basis van meer dan 100 jaar ervaring zijn ze ontwikkeld tot de toonaangevende fabrikant in deze domeinen. Malen. Kaakbrekers.

Retsch Company Profile

Retsch is a company that manufactures laboratory mills, crushers, and sieve shakers. Its products include mortar grinders, pellet presses, dryers, bond index testers, cleaners, etc. The company …

Knowledge Base

The RETSCH Knowledge Database is a collection of articles concerning sample preparation, size reduction and sieving equipment.

RETSCH News & Events

RETSCH honors pioneering research projects. With the Scientific Challenge, RETSCH, a leading manufacturer of laboratory mills and sieve shakers for the preparation and characterization of solids, has invited scientists from all over the world to present their research projects in areas such as recycling, green chemistry, materials development or life sciences.

Mulini a sfere

Retsch offre mulini con giare di capacità da 1,5 ml fino a 150 l e le sfere sono disponibili da 0,1 mm a 40 mm, vedere Figura 2. Una terza caratteristica molto importante dei mulini a sfere e che ha anche una grande influenza sul risultato di un processo di …

Bead Mills

The Planetary Ball mills, the Mixer Mills MM 500 nano and MM 500 control, as well as the High Energy Ball Mill Emax, offer greater versatility compared to Bead Mills. All these mills are suitable for both dry and wet grinding. Unlike bead mills, RETSCH ball mills can also process larger sample pieces using larger grinding balls.


RETSCH is a global company dedicated to providing novel technologies and high quality tools for the sample preparation of solids used in R&D and QA applications as well as small scale …

Retsch : Retsch : Produkter

RETSCH sine apparater brukes til klargjøring av prøver innenfor et stort spekter av ulike analyseprosesser samt til analyse av partikkelstørrelse innenfor produksjonskontroll og kvalitetsovervåkning. De økende kravene industrien stiller til denne typen instrumenter, møter RETSCH med en klar produktfilosofi som bygger på et Aristoteles ...

Operating Instructions for Oscillating Mill MM 200

Retsch accepts no liability whatsoever arising from the use of liquid nitrogen or similar materials. Cleaning Do not clean the MM 200 under running water. Danger to life through current surge. Use only a cloth moistened with water. Cleaning agents and solvents should not be used – not for cleaning

Lösungen Für Die Probenvorbereitung Und …

F. Kurt Retsch entwickelt und patentiert eine Mörsermühle, die als „Retsch Mühle" welt-weit zum Begriff für Arbeitserleichterung und bessere Laborarbeit wurde. I 1952 Ingenieur Dirk Sijsling übernimmt die Leitung der F. Kurt Retsch KG. Die Produktion der Laborgeräte rückt immer weiter in den Vordergrund. I 1963 RETSCH intensiviert die

Retsch : Mletie : Čeľusťové drviče : BB 200

Čelisťové drviče RETSCH sú k dispozícii v 8 rôznych veľkostiach. Výkon a konečná jemnosť závisia od typu drviča, zvolenej šírky medzery a od vlastností drvenej vzorky materiálu. Robustná konštrukcia, jednoduchá manipulácia a čistenie sú charakteristickými znakmi modelov čeľusťových drvičov RETSCH. Malé množstvá ...

Vibratory Feeder for advanced sample handling

The vibratory feeder DR 100 is used for the uniform, continuous feeding and conveyance of pourable bulk materials and fine powders. The DR 100 feeds RETSCH mills, sample dividers, …


retsch사는 균질화된 실험 샘플들과 고체 시료의 입자 크기를 분석하는 분야에서 활발한 활동을 하고 있습니다. 또한 자사는 100년의 경험을 기반으로 이러한 기술의 선두적인 장비 제조사로 거듭났습니다.

Strumenti per Analisi Chimiche e Distribuzione Granulometrica

Gradualmente, Retsch opera la transizione da impresa a carattere familiare a società attiva a livello internazionale. 1998 Costituzione della RETSCH Technology in veste di profit center, sotto l'egida RETSCH e in collaborazione con Jenoptik L.O.S. . 2000 Costituzione della RETSCH Technology quale azienda indipendente. 2003

Molinos pulverizadores de laboratorio | RETSCH

The RETSCH range of pulverizer mills is designed for a wide variety of applications, from pre-crushing of particles several centimeters in size to fine grinding down to the nanometer range. These pulverizers are capable of pulverizing any laboratory sample into a representative fraction with the required homogeneous analytical fineness, a ...

Retsch : : : AS 450 control

RETSCHContinous Energy Transfer Technology (CET Technology),AS 450Control。 CET。,,。:, ...

Retsch : Impianti macinazione

RETSCH offre inoltre uno speciale coperchio di areazione per giare di macinazione disegnate per applicazioni in cui deve essere mantenuta una particolare atmosfera all'interno delle giare. GrindControl. Il GrindControl misura la temperatura e la pressione all'interno della giara di macinazione. Il sistema comprende un sensore e un'unità di ...


RETSCH je celosvětová organizace zabývající se poskytováním nových technologií a vysoce kvalitních nástrojů pro přípravu vzorků, charakterizaci pevných látek a měření velikosti částic. Po více než 100 let zkušeností jsme se stali jedním z předních světových výrobců těchto technologií.

Retsch price list

There was a mistake in the Retsch price list on page 21 at the ball charges for the Mixer Mills. The right columnn header is: ø 5/ø 7/ø 10/ø 12/ø 15/ ø 20/ø 25 mm

Cell Disruption with Ball Mills | Retsch

The MM 400 processes up to 20 samples in 1.5 or 2 ml Eppendorf tubes without cross contamination which saves time for the operator. Additionally, an adapter is available to accommodate up to eight 50 ml Falcon tubes. The optimal bead size for cell disruption varies based on the cell type; for bacteria and yeast, glass beads ranging from 0.75 to 1.5 mm are …

RETSCH – Solutions in Milling & Sieving

RETSCH is the leading solution provider for neutral-to-analysis sample preparation & characterization of solids. 100 years of experience.