mix design of recycled aggregate concrete in Mexico

An intelligent mix design system for sustainable concrete …

This study investigated the mix proportion design of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) containing multi-source recycled aggregate (RA) based on machine …

Experimental Study, Using Recycled Aggregates in Mix Design …

The GSB layer is a layer of compacted aggregate that is placed below the road surface to provide a stable base for the pavement. The design mix consisted of 40, 20, and 10 mm natural aggregates (NA), 20 mm of recycled aggregates (RA) collected from demolished buildings/concrete waste/damaged roads, and blended soil (BS).

Aggregate in Concrete

Recycled concrete will have a higher absorption and lower specific gravity than conventional aggregates. To produce good quality, durable concrete containing a portion of recycled concrete aggregate often requires trial concrete mixes and close monitoring of the properties of the old recycled concrete, with mix adjustments made, as needed.

Sustainable mix design of recycled aggregate concrete …

High-quality recycled aggregates, when used in combination with SCMs, can lead to more substantial improvements in compressive strength than lower-quality aggregates (D. Wang et al., 2023). Recycled aggregate (RA) used in concrete presents a sustainable and environmentally responsible approach to construction material usage.

Optimum mix design of recycled concrete based on the …

The control concrete mix design with natural aggregates based on ACI method, was produced with the selected slump of 30–60 mm, maximum aggregate size …

(PDF) Recycled aggregates in concrete production: …

Recycled aggregates and particularly, recycled concrete aggregate substantially affect the properties and mix design of concrete both at fresh and hardened states since it is known by high ...

AI-Assisted optimisation of green concrete mixes incorporating recycled

RSM-based optimized mix design of recycled aggregate concrete containing supplementary cementitious materials based on waste generation and global warming potential. Resour. Conserv. Recycl., 167 (2021), Article 105420, 10.1016/j.rnrec.2021.105420. View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar

Influence of recycled concrete aggregates from different …

Request PDF | Influence of recycled concrete aggregates from different sources in hot mix asphalt design | h i g h l i g h t s HMA containing several contents of RCA from different sources were ...

Recycling Concrete Pavements and Utilizing Recycled …

2. Cackler, T. 2018. Technology Transfer of Concrete Pavement Technologies: Recycled Concrete Aggregate Usage in the US. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. 3. Cavalline, T. L. 2018a. Concrete Pavement Recycling Series: Protecting Water Quality through Planning and Design Considerations. …

Mix-Proportion Design Methods and Sustainable Use …

Second-generation recycled concrete aggregates (second RCAs) prepared by crushing waste RAC can further promote the sustainable development of …

Asphalt Concrete

Hot mix asphalt (HMA) is a mixture of approximately 95% aggregates and 5% asphalt cement that is produced by mixing and heating the aggregates, recycled products, and asphalt binder according to precise engineering formulas. Once produced, HMA is transported by truck to the jobsite for use in a broad range of surfacing applications.

Recycled Concrete Aggregate

19.2.1 Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). Coarse RCA complies to the requirements of maximum 5% masonry content, 5% fine materials, 0.5% lightweight material, 5% asphalt, 1% foreign material and 1% acid soluble sulfate, and is suitable for use in concrete as per BS 8500-2 (2006).In designated concrete RC20/25 to RC40/50, RCA can automatically …

Microscale investigation of mechanical characteristics: …

This paper explores the feasibility of using recycled fine aggregate in concrete to meet strength requirements for various applications in sustainable construction. The physical and mechanical characteristics including: aggregate strength, gradation, absorption, specific gravity, shape and texture, play crucial roles in determining …

An innovative approach to fly ash-based geopolymer concrete mix design …

The materials utilized in the recycled aggregate geopolymer concrete (RAGPC) mix design exhibit variations compared to those employed in conventional concrete mix designs. These distinctions encompass details regarding the types and ratios of recycled aggregates, binders, and activators (e.g., sodium hydroxide, sodium …

Examining the structural viability of recycled fine aggregates …

This study investigates the potential of incorporating recycled fine aggregates (RFA) into sustainable concrete. In this research, a conventional compaction technique is utilized to establish the order of compressive strength and, consequently, to assess particle packing density in terms of weight within a specific cylindrical volume …

A novel mix design methodology for Recycled Aggregate Concrete

The mechanical properties of recycled brick aggregate concrete (RBAC) are significantly affected by design parameters such as recycled brick aggregate (RBA) replacement ratio and water-cement ratio, which not only increases the difficulty of designing RBAC by experimental or theoretical methods, but also makes the mechanical …

Properties of concrete incorporating recycled coarse aggregates …

Recycled concrete aggregates. Recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) (Fig. 1e) were obtained from Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC) [] from 25 MPa concrete and used to replace the natural coarse aggregates at replacement levels of 40% and 60%.Sieve analysis was performed, as shown in Fig. 2, and other physical …

(PDF) Design Strategy for Recycled Aggregate …

For the past 20 years, recycled concrete aggregate from demolition and construction waste has been considered as an alternative to pure concrete in structural concrete to minimize the...

A comprehensive review on the use of recycled concrete aggregate …

Fig. 10 shows concrete containing natural coarse aggregate and recycled brick coarse aggregate (Liu et al., 2021). Hence, the RCA's physical, chemical, and mechanical characteristics must be investigated before use (Mills-Beale and You, 2010). As previously discussed, it is important to note that these properties would differ from the …

Recycled Aggregate Concrete | SpringerLink

4.2.1 Review Points. The basic idea of NAC mix proportion design in China [] is that the concrete mix proportion design depends on three parts: the w/c ratio, water amount, and sand- aggregate ratio.According to the preparation of the concrete strength and the actual strength of cement, the w/c ratio is obtained by calculations using the …

Evaluation of recycled concrete aggregate in asphalt mixes

This paper investigates the feasibility of using recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as a replacement to the natural aggregates (NAs) in hot mix asphalt (HMA). RCA was collected from two different sources (new concrete cubes used for quality control testing during construction, and old demolished building) to investigate the impact of …

A novel mix design methodology for Recycled Aggregate Concrete

Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCAs) are more porous because of Attached Mortar (AM). ... Mix design procedure for recycled aggregate concrete. Constr. Build. Mater., 4 (4) (1990), pp. 188-193. View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar [18] I. González-Taboada, B. González-Fonteboa, F. Martínez-Abella, J.L. …

Concrete Mix Design Calculator (Based on the ACI Code)

The volume of coarse aggregates. This part of the concrete mix design calculator informs the user about the bulk volume of the coarse aggregate per cubic yard of concrete. In addition, it shows the modification due to the placement conditions. ... This concrete mix design calculator has limits for the targeted compressive strength of 6000 PSI ...

Mix Design and Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concretes

In this paper, a natural aggregates concrete, NAC, and three recycled concrete aggregates RAC30, RAC65 and RAC100 were prepared on the basis of an …

Recycled Concrete Aggregate

10.1 Introduction. Recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) is an alternative to using natural aggregate (NA) in concrete. Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) are aggregates …

Mix design optimization of waste-based aggregate concrete …

DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.141756 Corpus ID: 268470230; Mix design optimization of waste-based aggregate concrete for natural resource utilization and global warming potential

Recycled aggregate concrete: Particle Packing Method (PPM) of mix

Natural and recycled concrete aggregate (NA&RCA) Single-sized, multi-sized and all-in aggregates a b s t r a c t This paper validates Dewar's particle packing modelling (PPM) theory for ...

Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC)

Recycled Aggregate Concrete . Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC) is basically concrete mix that is prepared from crushed aggregates and concrete which has already been used in construction works. In the sector of construction engineering the key role of an engineer is to provide adequate quality products with the available materials.

Development of metakaolin based high strength recycled aggregate

One such solution is the development of geopolymer binder with recycled aggregate concrete, which can reduce the consumption of ordinary Portland cement and natural aggregates. ... Mix design development of fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag based geopolymer concrete. J. Build. Eng., 20 (2018), pp. 712-722, …