crusher in caving mine

Rock Crushers & Pulverizers

Willpactor® Primary Rock Crusher. The Willpactor is an ideal primary rock crusher. Exhibiting a powerful design and rugged durability, the Willpactor® is perfect for primary rock crushing applications. Willpactors thrive in high-capacity applications such as crushing large run-of-mine rock.

Type of crushers and their difference

impact crusher made by jxsc mining. Impact crushers involve the use of impact rather than pressure to crush material. The material is contained within a cage, with openings on the bottom, end, or side of the desired size to allow pulverized material to escape. There are two types of impact crushers: horizontal shaft impactor and vertical …

Chuquicamata underground mine design: the …

The Chuquicamata Underground Mine Project (PMCHS) consists of the transformation of the Chuquicamata historical open pit to a large-scale underground block caving mine that considers the profitable extraction of 1,760 Mt of ore consisting of 0.7% of copper and 512 ppm of molybdenum at a mining rate of

Chuquicamata underground mine design: the simplification …

The caving industry today has proven the effectiveness of simpler layouts based on direct tipping by LHDs to crushers positioned in the periphery of the footprint.

sub-level caving Archives

The Massmin 2020 crowd got a glimpse of just what will be required to build Colombia's first underground caving mine during a presentation from AngloGold Ashanti's Lammie Nienaber ... (1,295 mm) gyratory crusher was selected. This crusher is also suitable to support block cave mining should the conversion of mining method occur, according ...

Major Mines & Projects | Northparkes Mine

The E26 SLC mine is a sublevel caving operation involving construction of the sub level horizon followed by retreat drill and blast of that horizon, with the material above allowed to freely cave to fill the opened voids. ... The latest crusher is noteworthy as the world's first "double-mouth" jaw-gyratory crusher, developed by ...

Application of rock mass strength scale effect at Cadia East mine

6 Conclusions The importance of understanding the role of scale in rock mass strength at caving mines is discussed in this paper by describing a back-analysis of the caving-induced subsidence and the analysis of the stability performance of a crusher chamber at Cadia East mine. Based on the strong empirical evidence that rock strength decays as ...

(PDF) Managing the risk of uncontrolled flow of material …

Following the April 2014 UFM, a blending control program Caving 2022, Adelaide, Australia 593 Managing the risk of uncontrolled flow of material (mudrush) at Argyle Diamond Mine D Saepulloh et al. was established to manage the mixing of wet material with dry material at the tipples, to keep the ore material in the crusher below a certain wetness.


The underground mining method Kiruna currently employs is known as large-scale sublevel caving. This method is used for extracting ore from vertically …

Quebradona Archives

The Massmin 2020 crowd got a glimpse of just what will be required to build Colombia's first underground caving mine during a presentation from AngloGold Ashanti's Lammie Nienaber ... (1,295 mm) gyratory crusher was selected. This crusher is also suitable to support block cave mining should the conversion of mining method occur, according ...

(PDF) Ch. 74 / Techniques in Underground Mining …

Openings in a block-caving mine are subject to high rock pressure. Drifts and other openings, therefore, are excavated with the smallest possible section. Nevertheless, extensive rock bolting and concrete lining is required to keep the openings intact. Properly applied, block-caving is a low-cost, productive mass mining method.

Challenges on the design of Mining Caverns.

crusher chambers which allow to feed a ... For example in the case of caving mines, as Chuquicamata underground, it is common to have crusher caverns for each block. Above the

Modelling and Design of Block Caving at Bingham …

Ore is hauled to an in-pit crusher that delivers to the Copperton Concentrator via a 6 km long conveyor system. About 20 per cent of the ore is loaded into rail cars and hauled to …

Chuquicamata underground mine design: the …

In this regard, the mining system design for current supercaves can be classified into two types: (1) LHDs tipping directly into orepasses inside (below) the footprint, and (2) LHDs …

Block Caving: Mining Specialization

With its production level at a depth of 1,050 m, Newcrest Mining developed Ridgeway Deeps beneath the existing sub-level caving mine. The transition took place in 2009, although as a 2012 analysis note from Credit Suisse suggested, the move here did not go completely to plan. "The caving rate and fragmentation is in line with modeled projections.

Geomechanical evaluation of large excavations at the New Level Mine …

The New Level Mine is a 130.000 tpd panel caving project set to start in 2017 at the El Teniente mine. VP-NNM CODELCO (Vice-President Office of the New Level Mine) is currently finishing a ...

(PDF) Geotechnical analysis and ground support selection for …

The New Level Mine is a 130.000 tpd panel caving project set to start in 2017 at the El Teniente mine. ... J 2000, 'Excavation design and ground support of the gyratory crusher installation at the ...

Thyssenkrupp sells more crushers to Northparkes

Northparkes is also the first mine to use Thyssenkrupp's standard indirect fed jaw-gyratory crusher BK 63-75, which was intended for the mine's newly developed block caving concept. "The ...

sub-level caving Archives

This crusher is also suitable to support block cave mining should the conversion of mining method occur, according to the authors. The process plant will include high pressure …

AngloGold Ashanti confirms caving plans in …

The Massmin 2020 crowd got a glimpse of just what will be required to build Colombia's first underground caving mine during a presentation from AngloGold Ashanti's Lammie Nienaber ... (1,295 mm) …

UG Mining Growth Project

The PMC underground copper mine employs a block caving mining method for the extraction of ore beneath the old open cut void. Production has been sourced from Lift I of the block cave from 500m below the floor of the open cut void. ... 380 m below Lift I, with a mine life extension to 2033. Crusher 5 excavation. Surface Works - Underground ...


Abstract LKAB's Kiruna mine is an underground sublevel caving mine located above the Arctic circle in northern Sweden. The iron ore mine currently uses a long-term ... passes, where loaded trains haul the ore to a crusher. At the crusher, the ore is broken into pieces small enough to be hoisted to the surface via vertical shafts.

Underground Mining Methods

crusher. The crushed ore is then elevated (raised) to the surface in a skip. As the muck is taken out, more. 2 Underground Mining Methods ... Sublevel caving is usually carried out when mining of the orebody through an open pit method is no longer economically feasible. Mining now proceeds underground, underneath the open pit. At first, both

Key geotechnical knowledge and practical mine planning …

3 Geotechnical considerations for mine design and planning In caving operations, mine design and planning needs to consider the strategic management of geohazards such as mining-induced seismicity, airblast and inrush to be central to the design and operating …

Chuquicamata underground mine design: the simplification …

Abstract: The ore handling system layout plays a fundamental role in cave mining projects, not only because it is one of the main drivers in the production capacity and reliability of the mining system, but also because it is a fundamental variable in the footprint's development time and cost (Paredes et al. 2016). In terms of ore handling system definition, the …

Incline caving as a massive mining method

The paper concludes with an investigation into some of the challenges of the mining method, and shows that that incline caving is a technical option available for further …

Portable Rock Crushers

Portable Crusher for Open Pit and Quarry Operations. The primary use of a portable crusher, i.e., a crusher mounted on crawlers or tires, in the rock and mining industries is to reduce costs by permitting the substitution of conveyor belt haulage for truck or track haulage.

Key geotechnical knowledge and practical mine …

In caving operations, mine design and planning needs to consider the strategic management of geohazards ... Crusher type Jaw Jaw-Gyro Maximum crusher feed size (m3) 1 3 Material handling system (MHS) capacity (Mtpa) Two crushers to achieve 10 One crusher to achieve 15

gyratory crusher Archives

The Massmin 2020 crowd got a glimpse of just what will be required to build Colombia's first underground caving mine during a presentation from AngloGold Ashanti's Lammie Nienaber ... (1,295 mm) gyratory crusher was selected. This crusher is also suitable to support block cave mining should the conversion of mining method occur, according ...