PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Antonio Adel dos Santos and others published CALCULATION OF ROLLING FORCE IN THE HOT STRIP FINISHING MILL USING AN EMPIRICAL MODEL | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

Calculating Power Parameters of Rolling Mill Based on …
Making "digital twins" for rolling processes and mill equipment should begin with the development of mathematical models of the deformation zone. The deformation zone of two-high flat mill rolling have been studied in detail, relevant models are available in many academic papers. However, the same cannot be said about the most complex …

Methodology for Calculation of Rolling Load …
We have made a prototype of Rolling Mill Housing of optimized layout of 1:10 scale in order to affirm our outcomes which have been given via way of means of the evaluation of Rolling Mill Housing on evaluation software …

Introduction to Rolling Process
2 Principles and Applications of Metal Rolling (ii) Shape of the rolled product- flat, sections or hollow sections rolling. (iii) Direction of rolling- lengthwise, transverse, and skew rolling. (iv) Mode of rolling mill operation- continuous (unidirectional), and reverse rolling, where direction of rotation of rolls are reversed. When two rolls of equal diameter and …

[5] R. B. Sims, " Calculation of roll force and torque in hot rolling mills ", Proceedings of th e Institute of Mechanical Engineers, London 169, 1954, 191

An improved method for calculating roll deformation of six-high rolling
The roll deformation model of the six-high rolling mill is one of the core models of the strip shape control theory. The influence function method (IFM) is a numerical method applied to solve the roll deformation problem. This study aims to address the problems of slow calculation speed and insufficient calculation accuracy of IFM in …

Method of load calculation of electrical drives of …
During manufacturing of heavy strips and plates from difficult-to-form steel grades on sheet and wide-strip rolling mills there is a problem of exact calculation of power parameters of rolling.

Numerical and analytical estimation of rolling force and …
Rolling is the most widely used mechanical work technique. About three quarters of steel output is treated in rolling mills, and only a quarter is consumed for forging, extruding, and founding [].Recent review papers on rolling process [2, 3] continues to point out that there are new demands on modeling the rolling process that could …

OptiMill™ optimize your cold rolling process
Your №1 assistant software. OptiMill™ gives access to the main parameters, such as tension, speed, rolling force, mill power, tension reel power, mill torque and neutral coefficient, and guides your operators to make the most efficient operating decisions. For example, thanks to the calculation of the roll geometry, you can choose the best …

Roll Pass Design Methods for Three- and Four …
The paper deals with the models for a pass design calculation as well as a calculation of roll force and power demands …

Roll Length Calculator | Good Calculators
How to use this calculator: Simply input measurements for the inner and outer dimensions of your roll of material and how thick the material is, and then click "Calculate". Roll Length Calculator. Inner Diameter, d. Outer Diameter, D. Thickness, T. …

Basics of Rolling and Rolling Mills
Fig 4 Roll configurations in rolling mills. Two-high mill roll configuration – This is the most commonly used rolling mill configuration. In this configuration, there are two horizontally mounted rolls. The rolling mill motor drives either both rolls (top and bottom) or only one roll (normally the bottom roll) with the top roll rotating due to the …

Calculating Mill Drive RPMs: Is Your Mill Up to Speed?
These "RPM values" become part of the set up chart for the combination rolls sets used on the mill line. Follow the simple outline on the sample data chart for calculating and setting the RPM's of the smaller sections. Some mill lines have digital readouts for the speeds of each section as outlined in the sample drawing below.

Numerical Modelling and Simulation of Radial-Axial Ring Rolling …
Radial-axial ring rolling, ... while the lower conical roll is held in a fixed position above the table plate of the radial-axial mill; the guide rolls contact the ring outer diameter to ensure the circularity of the ring, and any force imbalance and instability during the rolling process are removed by the actions of the guide rolls. Under the ...

Calculation of stiffness parameters and vibration analysis of …
The elastic deformation of rolling mill elements during the rolling process is important. By knowing the displacement of rolls, the optimum gap between the work rolls can be calculated. In present research, a vibration model with two degrees of freedom is proposed for a cold sheet rolling mill and the stiffness parameters of different mill …

Rolling Metal Forming-Working, Types, Advantages and …
It offers increased productivity and ease compared to the two-high rolling mill. Fig 3: Three High Rolling Mill. Four-High Rolling Mill. It incorporates two backup rollers and two working rollers arranged one over the other in the same vertical plane, with the backup rollers having a greater diameter than the working rollers. It is commonly ...

A rapid calculation method for predicting roll deformation of …
The method to predict roll deformation precisely and efficiently is vital for the strip shape control of a six-high rolling mill. Traditional calculation methods of roll …

A Calculation Procedure and Optimization for Pass Scheduling in Rolling
The calculation process was programed and applied in the control system of one 1450 mm cold tandem mill successfully, the prediction results was in good agreement with the actual measured ones ...

Modeling friction coefficient for roll force calculation …
A mathematical model of friction coefficient was established to calculate the roll force during hot strip rolling process. Firstly, a linear regression model with four input variables was proposed to describe friction behavior, namely rolling speed, strip temperature, reduction rate, and the number of rolled strips since roll change. Then, the …

(PDF) Simulation Model of Cold Rolling Mill
In rolling mill, the accuracy and quality of the strip exit thickness are very important factors. To realize high accuracy in the strip exit thickness, the Automatic Gauge Control (AGC) system is ...

Set-up Model Design for Silicon-Steel Cold Rolling Mill
Silicon steel cold rolling mill is required for high qualities (flatness and uniform thickness), minimizing the Eddy current loss of the silicon steel and customized products. A cold rolling process of the silicon steel consists of three phases, pre-calculation, real-time control and post-calculation like a general rolling process.

A rapid calculation method for predicting roll deformation …
The method to predict roll deformation precisely and efficiently is vital for the strip shape control of a six-high rolling mill. Traditional calculation methods of roll deformation, such as the finite element method and the influence function method, have been widely used due to their accuracies. However, the required calculation time is too …

The ratio λ = [ a/Lp] = [a/√R.∆t] is used to calculate the moment arm 'a' λ =0.5 for hot rolling and 0.45 for cold rolling. The torque is equal to the product of total rolling load and the effective moment arm. Since there are two work rolls Torque Mt = 2P.a Consider two high roll mill as shown in the figure.

Fundamentals of Roll Cooling and Control of Flatness at …
Because of the current demands on mills to process much lighter exit gauges from increased incoming hot strip thickness, much larger reductions are necessary on individual mill stands, such high reductions at a nominal width result in a larger area of contact with corresponding higher rolling force, friction and heat generation (see Fig 1

Methodology of Mathematical Model Development for Flat steel Rolling Mills
An on-line web portal has been developed for prediction of roll force during rolling of steel at Hot Strip Mill (HSM), Rourkela Steel Plant. The prediction of roll force is being done using ...

Rolling Force
Accurate calculation and measurement of rolling force play an important part in design and operation of rolling mill. Calculation of Rolling Force Assume the contact stress in the width direction of the rolled piece is evenly distributed, and the unit pressure and unit friction imposed on the rolled piece by the roll in a differential area in ...

Principles of Hot Rolling
Principles of Hot Rolling EQUIPMENT CAPABILITY – ROLLING CONSTRAINTS • Rolling cannot occur outside of typical mill electrical and mechanical constraints: Torque Roll Force Stand Speed Stand Power Stretch Limitations of Mill Housings • Violation of Equipment Capability: Thickness too light for a given width

Mill Setting Calculation System For Aluminum Rolling Mill
1. IHI has supplied setting calculation systems to many aluminum rolling mills around the world to help calculate optimal settings for factors like roll gap, tension, and speed. 2. The systems use mathematical models based on rolling theories and past setting data to calculate default settings and predict outcomes. 3. They help ensure stable and …

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