screening definition medical in Mexico

Preventive screening | definition of preventive

screening Medtalk The evaluation of an asymptomatic person in a population, to detect an unsuspected disease process not known to exist at the time of evaluation; screening tests measure specific parameters–eg, bp–for HTN, sigmoidoscopy–colorectal CA, imaging–eg, mammography–breast CA or lab parameters–eg, cholesterol–CAD, guaiac-positive …

Screening and surveillance—principles and practice

Thus, health screening implies testing a large number of asymptomatic individuals with a view to detecting a small number with early disease or risk of …

forensic drug screening

forensic drug screening Lab medicine A format for drug screening which requires specific specimen handling protocols from the time of collection to the point of analysis and final reporting.

In brief: Benefits and risks of screening tests

The medical tests used for screening purposes are often not suitable for making a final diagnosis. Instead, many tests are used to detect any abnormalities first, which are then looked at more closely in other tests. This is the case for stool tests done in bowel cancer screening, for example. The stool tests look for occult (hidden) blood in a ...

multiphasic screening

In this case, we are reasonably confident about our prevalence estimate, which was derived from the multiphasic screening project reported by Gilbertsen.[10] The positive predictive value of prostate examination for cancer, however, could only be estimated because of the lack of reliable information on the sensitivity and specificity of the rectal examination for …

Medical Screening in the Workplace

definition, namely a cough, sore throat, shortness of breath (or difficulty in breathing), or loss of smell or taste; ... •Medical screening is not diagnostic, therefore if a person has any symptoms they should be encouraged to undergo diagnostic testing to get formal results.

NHS screening

Screening is a way of finding out if people have a higher chance of having a health problem, so that early treatment can be offered or information given to help them make informed decisions. This page gives an overview of screening, with links to the different types of screening offered by the NHS in England.

Health Screening

A health screening test is a medical test or procedure performed on members of an asymptomatic population or population subgroup to assess their likelihood of having a …

Newborn Genetic Screening

The New Mexico Newborn Screening Program (NMNBSP) offers screening for genetic/metabolic/endocrine and other disorders ... case coordination and medical care referrals. New Mexico Newborn Screening Program has an established relationship with the UNM Department of Pediatrics at the UNM Health Science Center/Children's Hospital.

Population screening explained

Screening is the process of identifying apparently healthy people who may have an increased chance of a disease or condition. The screening provider then offers information, further tests and ...

Medical screening | Oxford Textbook of Medicine

There is scarcely a medical discipline that does not include some aspect of screening. It has made significant inroads into the prevention of disease, but ... 2.4.2 Reasonableness and its definition in the provision of health care Notes. Notes. 2.4.3 ... Collapse 3.3.2 Medical screening Introduction ...

Journal of Medical Screening: Sage Journals

Journal of Medical Screening is concerned with all aspects of medical screening, particularly the publication of research that advances screening theory and practice. The journal aims to increase awareness of the principles of screening (quantitative and statistical aspects), screening techniques and procedures and …

What is Health Screening: Overview, Benefits, and Expected …

Definition & Overview. Undergoing health screening is highly recommended to prevent the development of certain diseases and in some cases, prevent medical conditions from worsening by having them diagnosed while they're on their early stages. Several types of medical conditions, ...

cancer screening

cancer screening The testing of a large group of people for cancers that are common in the group. Screening tests must be inexpensive and, in order to detect all those who are abnormal for the analyte, highly sensitive.

Guidance on terminology

Screening is the systematic application of a test or inquiry, to identify individuals at sufficient risk of a specific disorder to benefit from further investigation or …


Screening refers to the use of simple tests across a healthy population to identify those individuals who have a disease, but do not yet have symptoms. Examples …

screening | Taber's Medical Dictionary

1. Evaluation of patients for diseases such as cancer, heart disease, or substance abuse before these conditions become clinically obvious. Screening can play an important part in the early diagnosis and management of selected illnesses and in …

Keeping Kids Healthy

New Mexico Centennial Care provides a variety of health services for members under the age of 21 according to a federal Medicaid policy. This includes preventive health services, maintenance health services to improve a condition or prevent worsening, and treatment of medical conditions.


held in 1951, defined screening as "the presumptive identification of unrecognized disease or defect by the application of tests, examinations, or other procedures which …

Screening: why, when, and how

Screening refers to the early detection of individuals with unrecognized disease or with early stages of disease among a population. Early detection allows early medical …

Routine Screenings

Medical tests aren't just for diagnosing disorders once symptoms appear—they're also routinely used as an important aspect of preventive health care. People who see their doctor regularly and have routine screenings are more likely to receive an early diagnosis if they develop a medical condition, and this contributes to better outcomes ...

Health Screening

A health screening test is a medical test or procedure performed on members of an asymptomatic population or population …

Clinical Testing Guidance for Tuberculosis: Health Care …

Perform annual screening for symptoms of TB disease. Annually reevaluate the risk and benefits of treatment for latent TB infection. Ensure health care personnel know the symptoms of TB disease that should prompt an immediate evaluation between screening. All health care personnel should receive annual TB education. TB education …

Definition of screening

NCI's Dictionary of Cancer Terms provides easy-to-understand definitions for words and phrases related to ... colonoscopy (for colon cancer), and the Pap test and HPV tests (for cervical cancer). Screening can also include doing a genetic test to check for a person's risk of developing an inherited disease. More Information. Cancer Screening; ...

Screening (medicine) | definition of Screening

screening test: any testing procedure designed to separate people or objects according to a fixed characteristic or property, with the intention of detecting early evidence of disease.


Screening, on the other hand, is relevant to a subset of cancer types only – namely cervical, colorectal and breast cancers, which together represent 28% of cancer cases in the WHO European Region. In the case of cervical cancer, screening enables cure at a precancerous stage of the disease with minor surgical treatments. This is not …

Medicaid Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and …

Medical necessity: The Medicaid Act contains a federal definition of medical necessity that all states must apply. The Act requires coverage of "necessary health care, diagnostic services, treatment, and other measures . . . to correct or ameliorate defects and physical and mental illnesses and conditions[.]" 16

Guidance on terminology

There is no universally accepted definition of medical screening, but there is general agreement that the activity contains three elements: (1) It is a process of selection with the purpose of identifying those individuals who are at a sufficiently high risk of a specific disorder to warrant further investigation or sometimes direct preventive ...

Screening and Diagnostic Testing – Foundations of …

Introduction. In this chapter, we will cover both screening and diagnostic testing.Though public health professionals are not usually directly involved with diagnosing patients, the tests used for screening and diagnostic testing are often the same (the difference being context), and the same mathematical tools are used to assess the accuracy of these tests.