articles on regulatory framework for local content of mining in ghana

(PDF) An assessment of local-content policies in oil and

Conceptual Model for Local-content development Source: A Kazzazi and B Nouri, 'A Conceptual Model for Local Content Development in Petroleum Industry' (2012) 2(6) Management Science Letters 2165–74.

Local content implementation and development in Ghana's …

2.1 Contemporary discussions on Ghana's local content policy. Refs. [8, 14] noted that the concept of local content in Ghana predates the Minerals and Mining Law, 2006 (Act, 703) and the Minerals and Mining (General) Regulations, 2012 (LI, 2173), which both introduced a local content framework to Ghana's longstanding mining sector ...

Sustainable development in Ghana's gold mines: Clarifying …

A regulatory framework is required. Abstract. Using semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs), this study examined critical stakeholder's perceptions, experiences and competence in assuring the sustainable management of Ghana's major gold mines. ... and enhanced local content (IFC, 2014) in Ghana's …


For foreign investors, in order to operate within the legal framework of local content requirements in Ghana, it is imperative to know, understand, adapt to and adopt the requirements under the ...

Local Content and Local Participation in the Oil and Gas …

In 2013, Ghana introduced a local content regulation (L.I. 2204) to help local participation in its oil and gas sector and create other synergies with the broader economy. This chapter describes and examines the impact of Ghana's local content policy and legislation, emphasising the successes, challenges of implementing the law and its prospects.

Policy convergence on development minerals in Africa: A study of Ghana

In accordance with the harmonisation objectives of the mining policy, and as envisaged by the AMV, Ghana began a "CMV process" to align its local content policies with the AMV. The CMV process culminated in a minerals-based national supplier development programme that will promote industrialisation through support for suppliers …

An in-depth look at Ghana's legislative investment framework

Local Content & Participation. Ghana's local content regime is, by and large, aimed at the natural resources extractive sector. Apart from the GIPC Act 2013, which addresses local content requirements applicable to foreign investment in general, the following laws and regulations apply to specific sectors as outlined below. Petroleum Industry

Combating Illegal Mining (Galamsey) In Ghana Using …

Illegal mining, commonly referred to as "galamsey" in Ghana, involves the extraction of minerals or precious metals without government authorization or licensing. This practice has become widespread in Ghana and other African countries, leading to severe environmental degradation, deforestation, and contributing to climate change.

Regulating for local content: Limitations of legal and regulatory …

In Ghana, the national government pursued local content provisions through the Local Content and Local Participation in Petroleum Activities Policy Framework in 2010. This Framework focuses on "the level of use of Ghanaian local expertise, goods and services, people, businesses and financing in oil and gas activities" (p. 2).

Regulating for local content: Limitations of legal and regulatory …

This includes a focus on the important of local content in the mining sector: "Mining companies, in partnership with other stakeholders, can help to build approaches to promote competitive domestic enterprises for increasing local content and supply capacity, which also helps drive more sustainable, long-term, diversified economic growth ...

Mining In Ghana

It sets out the licensing regime for gold mining in Ghana, the rights of a mining leaseholder, as well as the objects and powers of regulatory institutions in the industry, including the Ministry of Mines and Natural Resources and the Minerals Commission, among others. Principal Institutions Regulating the Industry

Local Content Law and Practice: The Case of Ghana | Mining …

In 2013, the Parliament of Ghana passed the Petroleum (Local Content and Local Participation in Petroleum Activities) Regulations, 2013 (LI 2204). This was aimed at …

Local content

The local content framework is set out briefly in the mining legislation, with more detail provided in the general mining regulations. Unlike in Ghana's petroleum sector, there …

How does regulatory framework impact sectoral

The identified articles exhibited association with 12 distinct sectors/industries, with maximum articles belonging to telecom, energy and finance industries. The study has focused on evolution of regulatory studies, impact of regulatory framework on sectoral performance and commonality in regulatory studies.

Regulatory Framework of Surrogacy in Ghana

In this article, we will explore the current position of surrogacy under Ghanaian law and examine how it impacts surrogates and intended parents. Through a deep dive into the relevant laws and regulations we will gain a better understanding of the current state of surrogacy in Ghana.


The Minerals and Mining industry in Ghana is the latest member of the extractive sector to issue consolidated and dedicated local content and local participation regulations for the sector. The Minerals and Mining (Local Content and Local Participation) Regulations, 2020 (L.I. 2431) (the "Regulations"), which came into force on 16th …

Ghana's illegal mining continues because the …

Ghanaian mining codes not only recognise artisanal and small-scale mining as a legitimate livelihood source but also establish a framework aimed at formalising it.

A Contextual Analysis of Implementation Challenges of Small-Scale

In Ghana, one formidable challenge that undermines the implementation of small-scale mining laws is illegal mining—known in local parlance as galamsey. Artisanal mining "is often incapable of meeting legal requirements and regulations designed for the medium or large scale mining sector; it is synonymous with informal or illegal mining ...

Petroleum, other minerals ownership, legal

The ownership rights outlined in the 1992 Constitution, the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703) and the Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act, 2016 (Act 919) set the stage for a comprehensive regulatory framework governing the oil, gas, and mineral sectors in Ghana.

All mining companies in Ghana must operate within the regulatory framework

Henceforth, the media must ensure that the regulatory bodies compel all mining companies in Ghana to operate strictly within the regulatory framework in the Minerals and Mining (Amendment) Law ...


minerals and mining (local content and local participation) regulations, 2020 (l.i. 2431) (the "regulations") The Minerals and Mining industry in Ghana is the latest member of the extractive sector to issue …

Ghana's battle against illegal mining: A call for sustainable …

In the lush landscapes of Ghana, illegal mining, popularly known as galamsey, has cast a dark shadow over the nation's development. It threatens the environment, society and economy of the country.

Sustainability in the mining sector of Ghana: An empirical …

Detailed qualitative and quantitative content analyses of the only mining engineering program in Ghana were conducted to assess the adequacy of the program in meeting the future skill demands of ...

Original article Local Content in Developing and Middle …

Using content analysis and data from interviews with officials at the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (the country's SOE), the two main state agencies charged with promoting local content, legislators, civil society organisations and IOCs, the author argues that elitists' control of LCRs in Ghana can be contextualised through the lens of ...

(PDF) How does Regulatory Framework Impact Sectoral Performance…

Purpose– The regulatory framework may be construed as the existence of supporting infrastructure that assists in control, direction/ implementation of a proposed course of law, rule, or action.

The Ghana Chamber of Mines


Mining Regulations

Minerals and Mining (Local Content and Local Participation) Regulations. DOWNLOAD >> Minerals and Mining Regulations ... Minerals House #12 Switchback Road Residential Area Cantonment - Accra GL- 060 -1131. About. The Minerals Commission of Ghana is the Government agency with the primary responsibility of developing and coordinating …

A Contextual Review of the Ghanaian Small-Scale …

Environmental Impact of Small-Scale Mining in Ghana 15 Land Use Disputes Between Large- and Small-scale Miners 18 Regulatory Framework for Small-scale Mining in Ghana 21 Contact Information 24 Background Reading 25 Grey Literature, Reports and Unpublished Studies 25 Journal Articles, Books and Book Chapters 26 Literature Cited 27