onset of sand production equipment

Sand Production in an Oil Well and Its Prediction Methods

CD shopping page. Sand Production in an Oil Well and Its Prediction Methods Abdollah Esmaeili 1; 1 CYPRUS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (CIU), Nicosia, Cyprus; Type of Paper: Regular Id Paper: 35 Topic: 17 Abstract: In formations where the sand is porous, permeable, and well cemented together, large volumes of hydrocarbons which can flow …

The Tools of Sand Management | SPE Annual Technical

Such design tools include the capacity to predict sand production onset, sand quantities and sand production rates, equipment erosion risks, and the conditions …

Sand Production: From Prediction to Management

In fact, on the one hand, there is the fear either of serious operative problems associated with the onset of sand production (erosion of the downhole and/or well-head lines and chokes, plugging of perforations, filling of the separators, etc.) or, in wells already producing sand, of an increase in the sand rate due, for instance, to water ...

Predicting the critical drawdown pressure of sanding onset …

Sanding onset has caused serious safety hazards, including sand accumulation, string damage, ground equipment damage, also high costs and huge economic losses for sand control. 1-4 In order to ensure the long-term safe production of deep wells, it is necessary to accurately predict the critical drawdown pressure (CDP) of …

Prediction of sand production onset in petroleum reservoirs …

DOI: 10.1016/J.PETLM.2016.02.001 Corpus ID: 111910135; Prediction of sand production onset in petroleum reservoirs using a reliable classification approach @article{Gharagheizi2017PredictionOS, title={Prediction of sand production onset in petroleum reservoirs using a reliable classification approach}, author={Farhad …

Volumetric sand production model and experiment

Sand onset and sand rate predictions are important in hydrocarbon production to optimize production, increase recovery, and reduce costs and the environmental footprint.

Geomechanical study to predict the onset of sand …

This paper summarizes the sand production modeling for onset and volume of sand namely technology that required to improve understanding on sand production …

A Multiscale Study on The Onset of Sand Production

The model performance was then tested by analysing the onset of sand production in a well drilled in Bohai Bay in Northeast of China. Acoustic and density log along with core data were used to provide the input parameters for the proposed analytical model in order to predict the potential sanding in this well. The proposed solution …

Predicting the critical drawdown pressure of sanding …

on perforation sand control, and the effect of perforation parameters on sand production pressure difference is not clear. In the existing analytical models, the effect of per-foration parameters on CDP of sanding onset is not fully considered. The optimization of perforation parameters to prevent sand production and to ensure the stability of

Sand Production Prediction and Well Completion …

Sand production is an important challenge in upstream oil and gas industry, causing operational and safety problems. Therefore before drilling the wells, it is essential to predict and evaluate ...

Sand management for the oil and gas industry

We have developed unique models to predict the initiation of sand production and estimate its severity from a given oil or gas reservoir. The models capture the essential …

Sanding Onset and Volumetric Sand Production in Gas …

Abstract. Sanding onset and sand production under non-isothermal conditions are of interest both for thermally related Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) in conventional reservoirs and fluid production in gas hydrate bearing formations (GHBF) for sand control and optimized production purposes. The thermal-hydraulic-mechanical …

Sand production: A smart control framework for risk mitigation

In this paper the sand production factors and their effects are presented where the emphasis is given towards the sand prediction to determine the probability of …

New Model for Predicting the Rate of Sand Production

In this study, the analytical analysis proposed by Willson et al. (2002) for onset of sand production for cased and perforated completion was used. This approach was selected due to its inclusion ...

Predicting Critical Drawdown for the Onset of Sand Production

In this paper, simple and easy-to-use analytical sanding onset prediction models are derived based on theory of poroelastoplasticity assuming shear failure or …

Root cause of sand production and methodologies for …

This paper summarizes the sand production modeling for onset and volume of sand namely technology that required to improve understanding on sand production and mitigation. Three main questions ...

Effect of Rock Strength Criterion on the Predicted Onset of Sand Production

The variation of sanding onset prediction results with the selection of one or another rock strength criterion is investigated. In this paper, four commonly used rock strength criteria in sanding onset prediction and wellbore stability studies are presented. There are Mohr–Coulomb, Hoek–Brown, Drucker–Prager, and modified Lade criteria.

Predicting Critical Drawdown for the Onset of Sand Production

Abstract. Sanding onset prediction models are used to forecast the production condition, e.g. pressure drawdown or flow rate, at which sand production occurs. A sanding onset prediction model is critical for sand control decision-making in answering the questions whether or not sand control should be used, or when to use …

Geomechanics of Sand Production and Sand Control

Production engineers in oil and gas utilize sand production and sand control equipment in many completion methods, with a growing interest to expand these methods in wells for CO2 sequestration and geothermal areas, but knowledge on these methods is fragmented and lacks a bridge to support energy transition. ... 2.2 Evaluation tool of onset of ...

Determination of regions prone to sand production and the …

Sometimes this equipment is unnecessarily installed as a preventative measure, causing increased production costs and decreased well's productivity. It increases complexity and is labor-intensive in nature. ... (2020) Mechanical earth modeling and sand onset production prediction for Well X in Malay Basin. J Petrol Explor Prod …

(PDF) Uncertainty assessment of onset sand prediction …

Knowing the conditions for the onset of sand production allows optimizing sand free production and, eventually, avoiding or delaying the use of sand control methods. ... such as plugging, accumulation in surface equipment, increase in skin and tubing roughness. Sensitivity analysis using PROSPER software was run on different well parameters ...

Predicting Onset of Sand Production in Oil Wells using …

Sand production in oil wells is a significant challenge that negatively impacts productivity and compromise equipment integrity. This study explores the application of Optimized Support Vector Machine (SVM) binary classification algorithm to predict the onset of sand production in oil wells. A dataset from 63 oil wells was …

Estimation of Sand Production Rate Using Geomechanical …

This paper aims to develop a numerical model that can be used in sand control during production phase of an oil and gas well. The model is able to predict not only the onset of sand production using critical bottom hole pressure inferred from geomechanical modelling, but also the mass of sand produced versus time as well as …

Experimental study of volumetric sand production with gas …

1. Introduction. Sand production has been a serious concern for the oil and gas industry for decades. The costs associated with sand production are estimated to run into billions of dollars on an annual basis (Orourke et al., 2004).Sand production refers to the transport of solid particles, in particular sand flakes and individual grains, in oil …

New Model for Predicting the Rate of Sand Production

Knowing the conditions for the onset of sand production allows optimizing sand free production and, eventually, avoiding or delaying the use of sand control methods.

Predicting and Managing Sand Production: A New Strategy

Sand prediction at BP has been developed by dividing it into three parts: (1) onset, (2) transient sanding, (3) steady-state sanding. For example, as drawdown is increased in a well in a sand ...

Sand production due to chemical-rock interaction. A review

Sanding happens when there is a weakening of the grain bonding materials [6], resulting to a reduction in the rock's strength or steady degradation [7]. This may be because of mechanical processes or chemical-rock interaction [8], and transport of the grain particles by the reservoir fluid [9]).During well cementation, well drilling, well shut-in and …

Predicting the critical drawdown pressure of sanding onset …

Perforated wells in ultra‐deep sandstone reservoirs are characterized by high reservoir temperature, high formation pressure, and high production, and sand production will cause severe safety hazards to these wells. Based on Drucker‐Prager (DP) rock failure criterion, a practical analytical model for predicting critical drawdown …

Coupled reservoir geomechanics with sand production to …

Sand production in unconsolidated reservoirs has become a cause of concern for production engineers. Issues with sand production include increased wellbore instability and surface subsidence ...