slag fuming furnace in Mexico

The QSL Lead Slag Fuming Process Using an Ausmelt Furnace

The QSL Lead Slag Fuming Process Using an Ausmelt Furnace. Myung Bae Kim. Korea Zinc Co., Ltd. 142 Nonhyun‐Dong, Seoul 135–749, Korea. Search for more …

(PDF) Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling of Zinc Slag Fuming …

A computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model was developed to study the zinc slag fuming process from imperial smelting furnace (ISF) slag in a top-submerged lance furnace and to investigate the ...

Plasma-driven Slag Fuming from Industrial Process Residue

A general dynamic model of the plasma-driven slag fuming process has been developed in FactSage 7.0 based on Metallo Belgium's industrial-scale submerged plasma slag fuming furnace.

An Updated Reactive Fraction Model to Simulate the Zn Slag Fuming

Slag fuming is an important technology for processing Pb and Zn blast furnace slags. [1,2] It can be employed to extract considerable amounts of valuable metals (Zn, Pb, Cu, In, and Ge), allowing to produce a clean slag for added-value applications, such as novel inorganic polymer materials. []As one of the technologies available on an …

The QSL Lead Slag Fuming Process Using an Ausmelt Furnace

The Slag Fumer is the first Ausmelt furnace system adopted at the Onsan Refinery of Korea Zinc. This plant continuously treats the QSL lead smelting slag in the molten state. It has developed progressively since its first commissioning in October 1992 and has generated a confidence that it can produce an environmentally acceptable slag …

CFD Modelling of Combustion Behaviour in Slag Fuming Furnaces

As mentioned by Richards et al. [12], the slag fuming furnace of company D has a length of 4.57 m and width 2.44 m (4.57 x 2.44 m2), containing 30 tuyeres with 56 mm ID for each tuyere. Owing to the computational time limitations, the present study dealt with a thin slice model with two opposing set of tuyeres. A slice of 0.3 m length was ...

Furnace Slag

Cement additives. Johannes Fink, in Petroleum Engineer's Guide to Oil Field Chemicals and Fluids (Third Edition), 2021. Furnace slag. A furnace slag cement slurry can have a density of 1500-1600 kg m −3.A combination of silica flour and furnace slag may be used to achieve service temperatures exceeding 200 °C [100].A gas may be suitable as a …

The QSL Lead Slag Fuming Process Using an Ausmelt Furnace

The QSL Lead Slag Fuming Process Using an Ausmelt Furnace. Myung Bae Kim, Myung Bae Kim. Korea Zinc Co., Ltd. 142 Nonhyun-Dong, Seoul 135–749, Korea. Search for more papers by this author. Woll Seung Lee, Woll Seung Lee. Korea Zinc Co., Ltd. 142 Nonhyun-Dong, Seoul 135–749, Korea.


Slag cont aining furnaces ar e important metallurgical vessels for smelting, converting and slag cleaning. Sla g furnaces are us ed in th e processing o f iron and ferroalloys [1], as well as non-

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Investigation of …

related to slag-fuming kinetics and details of fluid dynamic behavior inside the slag-fuming furnace have been found in the open literature. The earliest studies were performed in the 1950s by Bell et al.[6] and by Kellogg[7,8] and in 1960s by Quarm[5,9,10] to investigate the details of slag-fuming behavior. Later on, Richards

The Process and Application of Oxygen-Enriched Air Side

The slag is discharged from the slag tap into the fuming furnace, and the lead alloy is discharged from the siphon mouth at the end of the furnace. The carbon monoxide produced in the furnace is oxidized by the secondary air blown in hearth the space. The high-temperature fume is cooled in waste heat boiler, purified and dedusted …

Characteristics and properties of glass-ceramics using lead fuming slag

Lead fuming slag and waste glass were dried to constant weight in a vacuum drying oven at 110 ± 5 °C for 6 h in order to remove residual water. ... The four groups of samples were melted in a furnace with a heating rate of 7 °C/min and homogenized at 1400 °C for 1 h. The melted glass liquid was rapidly poured into a steel …

Technology Selection for Slag Zinc Fuming Process

Recovery of zinc from slag is typically carried out via a slag zinc fuming operation, where a reductant is used to reduce zinc oxide and volatilize zinc metal. In …

The QSL Lead Slag Fuming Process Using an Ausmelt Furnace

The QSL Lead Slag Fuming Process Using an Ausmelt Furnace. Myung Bae Kim. Korea Zinc Co., Ltd. 142 Nonhyun‐Dong, Seoul 135–749, Korea. Search for more papers by this author. Woll Seung Lee. Korea Zinc Co., Ltd. 142 Nonhyun‐Dong, Seoul 135–749, Korea.

Utilization of Gypsum Byproduct as Fuming Agent for Tin Smelting Slag

Valayapetre et al. have reported that the fuming of tin ore containing 10–12% Sn can be performed efficiently using gypsum as the fuming agent at a lower slag melting point and lower slag viscosity. The experiments were conducted at 1100–1160 °C for 6 h in a mini-reverberatory furnace where the amount of feed for each experiment was 2.4 kg.

Improved Settling Mechanisms of an Industrial Copper Smelting Slag …

Materials. Industrial slag modification occurred batchwise in a fuming furnace where electric smelting furnace slag was treated under reducing conditions to recover zinc [].After finalizing the process, the slag was tapped with a slag runner from the fuming furnace into a settling furnace, where the slag was held as entrained copper …

Zinc Fuming from Lead Blast Furnace Slag

Slag fuming is a batch process in which a reducing mixture of air and pulverized coal is injected into the molten slag. The coal-air mixture reduced the zinc oxide from the slag …

Fuming of Zinc from Lead Blast Furnace Slag

in a kiln. What appears to have been the first slag­ fuming operation as it is known was commenced by the Anaconda Copper Mining Co. at East Helena, Mont. in 1927: The first Trail furnace was completed in 1930, and this was followed by the construction of several other slag-fuming plants. During the period in which slag fuming has been

A Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling Study of Slag …

Abstract—Slag fuming is a process of extracting zinc from molten slag in the form of metal vapor by injecting or adding a reducing source such as pulverized or lump coal, natural gas, ... since 1930s to recover zinc from lead blast furnace slag [1]. It is mostly a batch process, in which a reducing mixture of air

Computational fluid dynamic modeling of zinc slag fuming …

Slag fuming is a reductive treatment process for molten zinciferous slags for extracting zinc in the form of metal vapor by injecting or adding a reductant source such as pulverized coal or lump coal and natural gas. ... model was developed to study the zinc slag fuming process from imperial smelting furnace (ISF) slag in a top-submerged lance ...

Fuming Furnace

Fuming furnace used to be the equipment for processing lead blast furnace slag. In 1962, it was used for processing tin-making furnace slag in China, where the fume of 50% tin content was generated and the tin content of slag was reduced from 3% to 0.1%.

Hydrogen as Carbon-Free Reducing Agent in Non-ferrous Slag Fuming

In this work, pyrometallurgical treatment of non-ferrous iron residue was studied. This approach aimed to recover the valuable metals and convert the residue into reusable benign slag using hydrogen as a non-fossil reducing agent. The pyrometallurgical treatment for this type of residue involves pretreatment prior to two stages, oxidation and …

A Dynamic Model of a Submerged Plasma Slag Fuming …

A dynamic process model of submerged plasma zinc fuming process is developed in FactSage 7.0 based on the industrial scale fuming furnace at Metallo Belgium. Several batches of industrial slag fuming have been simulated using the model. To understand the rate-limiting factors of Metallo's slag fuming process, two scenarios …

National Technical Reports Library

By introducing a fuming process for treating rich slag in place of a blast-furnace process the separation of tin from iron has been solved. Thus, the two-stage smelting has been changed to a one-stage smelting and fuming scheme. ... Since the 1960s the lower-grade concentrates have been treated directly in a fuming furnace to make concentrate ...

Zinc Fuming from Lead Blast Furnace Slag

Reddy et al. [13] investigated the kinetics of zinc fuming from lead blast furnace slag with iron oxide and carbon. Since several authors widely discussed the benefits of slag bath agitation on ...

A computational fluid dynamic modeling study of slag fuming …

Slag fuming is a process of extracting zinc from molten slag in the form of metal vapor by injecting or adding a reducing source such as pulverized or lump coal, natural gas, etc. Top Submerged Lance (TSL) technology has been successfully applied to extract zinc by a fuming process from residues from the zinc industry, ISF and QSL slag and Lead blast …

The Process and Application of Oxygen-Enriched Air …

The slag is discharged from the slag tap into the fuming furnace, and the lead alloy is discharged from the siphon mouth at the end of the furnace. The carbon monoxide produced in the furnace is oxidized by the secondary air blown in hearth the space. The high-temperature fume is cooled in waste heat boiler, purified

Zinc Residue Fuming Process in Side-Submerged …

This paper introduces the process of treating zinc residue by side-submerged combustion furnace and fuming furnace developed by ENFI and makes a detailed comparison with …

(PDF) The Slag ing Practice in EAF and Its …

The Slag ing Practice in EAF and Its Influence on the Steelmaking Shop Productivity ... l994 accepted in final form on April 24. l995) IMEXSAsteel has a four electric arc furnaces (EAF) steelmaking shop …