mine wiki ru industrial craft


The Pump is a tier 1 machine capable of pumping liquids into an Universal Fluid Cell.. The Pump can be used on its own or be placed next to a Miner to pump water and lava encountered while mining. Once a liquid has been sucked up, it can be pumped out directly to an adjacent machine or Pipe using the Fluid Ejector Upgrade or will fill an …


The Bronze Dust recipe is shapeless. Note: There's no way to separate the tin/copper dusts afterwards. Usage []. Some dusts can be smelted into ingots, allowing for 2 ingots per ore.


Iron is a metal resource from vanilla Minecraft, and an ingredient in nearly every recipe in IC² in one form or another.. Forms []. These forms of iron are seen during ore processing: Iron Ore Crushed Iron Ore Purified Crushed Iron Ore Iron Dust Tiny Pile of Iron Dust These forms of iron are seen during metal shaping: Iron Ingot Block of Iron …


Create obstacle courses of Metal Poles and Rubber-Sheets, explore the Nether with an Electrical Jetpack or blow up whole landscapes at once by using the …

Tutorial:First Steps

After you've done with all these, mine 4 to 6 stacks of netherrrack. Go back to the overworld and smelt them. Then craft them into nether brick blocks. You will need them to craft Nether brick fences as your blast proof windows in the nether base. Craft some Nether Brick Fences, and replace some of the walls with the fences.

Industrial Craft

Description; Files; Images; Relations; Issues; Wiki; Now, Minecraft has three Elements. Mine, mine and craft.. 1. Mine = it's YOUR world. 2. Mine = mine resources. 3. Craft = craft things. This is it. IC², the future of IC.. While playing it, you will feel right at home again, rediscovering most of the stuff known from IC.

Mining Drill

Without a Bat-Pack, it can mine 600 ground blocks before needing to be charged. The D-965 Diamond Drill can only mine 375 but is much faster. In IC2 Experimental Versions, right-clicking with the Mining Drill will place a Torch down, if there is any in your inventory. Related Tools . Diamond Drill - The diamond version of this tool. …


Effects []. Drinking a cup of Cold Coffee gives the player +15(+30) seconds for Haste & Speed, and overlaps amplifier up to 2. Drinking a cup of Dark Coffee gives the player +15(+60) seconds for Haste & Speed, and overlaps amplifier up to 3.

Mining Laser

The Mining Laser is a powerful high-tech tool with a variety of applications. It can be used as an insta-mining tool with a relatively low EU consumption, as well as a high-power AoE block remover, or even as a weapon. All blocks destroyed by the Laser are dropped, with the exception of non-drop blocks like Glass or Leaves.

Tutorial:Getting Started (IndustrialCraft 2)

*An Iron Furnace can act as a normal Furnace but is 20% faster and 25% more fuel efficient, so Coal can smelt 10 items in it instead of 8. **Copper Cable is used in quite a few recipes, and can also be placed to carry …


(some legacy content) Tooltip: Decrease process time to 70% / Increase power to 160%. The Overclocker Upgrade, by itself, decreases a machine's processing time (by 30%) but also increases the EU required to process (by 60%). This is a total 12% increase in energy required, which increases multiplicatively with each overclocker …

IndustrialCraft 2/Генератор — Русскоязычная Minecraft Wiki

Генератор — самый простой, базовый источник энергии в IndustrialCraft 2. Используется для крафта всех остальных генераторов. В качестве топлива …

Electronic Circuit

HAYO []. As well, a new and surely important part of advanced machinery are these new Electric Circuits, officially labelled EEEAAAUUU Multi-Functional-All-Around-Ultimate-Usage-Circuit.. If you want to craft your own …


The macerator's use in the ore processing chain - crushing ore into crushed ore as seen above - is detailed on that page.. A few general notes on recipes: Any metal ingot may be macerated into its respective dust, with the exception of Steel Ingot which returns Iron Dust (as steel dust doesn't exist).; Any metal plate (and also obsidian and …


Copper ingots are used mostly for blocks to cut into plates more quickly (or in a Metal Former in Extruding mode for cables), but are also used to craft the Induction Furnace. Copper item casings are used to craft the Advanced Batpack and Copper Boiler. Unsmelted copper can also be mixed with tin in a 3:1 ratio to produce Bronze Dust.

Tutorial:First Steps

After you've done with all these, mine 4 to 6 stacks of netherrrack. Go back to the overworld and smelt them. Then craft them into nether brick blocks. You will need them to craft Nether brick fences as …

IndustrialCraft 2/ru

Follow the Feed The Beast Wiki on Discord or Mastodon! READ MORE. Feed The Beast Wiki. Explore. Main Page; All Pages; Interactive Maps; ... Поддерживаемые версии Minecraft: ... #Industrial-Craft connect: IndustrialCraft 2 (или IC2 для краткости) - это модификация, которая ...

Mass Fabricator

From Industrial-Craft-Wiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Mass Fabricator Properties Type: Machine Tool: Stackable: Yes (64) Energy Consumption Max EU Input: 512 EU/t (HV) EU Use: 1,000,000 EU/t 1,000,000 EU per Uu-Liquid 166,666 EU when using scrap: ... (the maximum in Minecraft), which means that if you have …


Setup []. For playing install the following mods in the SAME order in to your minecraft.jar: • LexManos' MCForge (Version: 4.1.1*) *This is the RECOMMENDED version. You may use different ones, but in that case bugs may occur.

IndustrialCraft 2/Электросхема — Русскоязычная Minecraft Wiki

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 28 мая 2024 в 18:53. Содержимое сайта доступно по лицензии CC BY-NC-SA 3.0; могут действовать отдельные условия.Не является официальным сайтом Minecraft.

Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator

The Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (also known as RTG) is a generator that is fueled by placing Pellets of RTG Fuel inside. The pellets will not get used up, making the RTG a source of infinite EU, similar to a Solar Panel.However, they can only generate up to 32 EU/t, and the pellets cost a very high amount of resources to craft.

Industrial Revolution Mod

The Industrial Revolution presents standard processing machines divided into 4 tiers. Automated machines such as choppers, breeding machines and mining machines. A stylish, modular armor with a variety of colors and distinctive modules

Steam Generator

Usage []. Boiling water causes the Steam Generator to calcify as impurities build up inside. This can be reset by breaking and replacing the Steam Generator.

Advanced Miner

The Advanced Miner is an upgraded version of the Miner. Unlike the Miner, it does not require Mining Pipe or a Mining Drill to function, relying solely on power. An …

IndustrialCraft 2 — Minecraft wiki | Майнкрафт вики

🔥IndustrialCraft2 — модификация для Minecraft, добавляющая промышленное производство: металлургию ...

Kinetic Wind Generator

Kinetic Unit Output []. KU output = wind strength * output modifier * rotor efficiency Arguments in the formula: Wind strength: the strength of wind, can be test by Windmeter; . Output modifier: Used for control the balance of …


See: Crafting Guide Usage: [] 1. Place the Teleporter directly adjacent to a power storage unit such as an MFS Unit, or even a couple.. 2. Use a FreqTrans to link one Teleporter to another.. 3. Wire Redstone to the Teleporter. 4. Activate the Redstone.

Nuclear Reactor

From Industrial-Craft-Wiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Nuclear Reactor Properties Type: Generator Tool: Stackable: Yes (64) Energy Consumption EU Per Operation: 2,000,000(2M)-1680M EU Production: 5-6960 EU/t Technical Details ... As of Minecraft 1.3.2, ...

MOD/IndustrialCraft² experimental

Alblakaによってされた【IndustrialCraft²】をICチームがにしたMOD。 のをきぎつつ、IndustrialCraft²よりもにがした。 バニラのとい「」というをしてをって 「」をかしたりといった「や」を ...