hosokawa alpine process plant zirconsand


Hosokawa Alpine supplies two types of fine milling grinders for use with spices: Ultraplex UPZ : Perfect for fibrous spices such as ginger; Contraplex CW II : With double rotating …

Hosokawa Alpine

Hosokawa Alpine special purpose machinery for manufacturers: Turnkey solution equipment for powder & particle processing & blown film: grinding, classifying, mixing, drying, compaction, particle desing, containment, …

Ultraplex UPZ Fine Impact Mill | Hosokawa Micron Ltd

The high-performance Hosokawa Ultraplex UPZ fine impact mill is an impressively versatile tailor-made option for the comminution of a wide range of materials into medium to ultra-fine powder between 5mm and 50µm, capable of processing a huge range of raw material up to 3.5 Mohs hardness and for the size reduction of challenging materials, …

Product-specific solutions for protein dry

Hosokawa Alpine offers mills and classifiers to enrich the protein content in plant-based powders. The use of vegetable raw materials is an important approach to finding a solution that will enable the increasing demand for proteins brought about by the growing global population to be covered. ... The protein-shifting process developed by ...

Customised system planning from Hosokawa …

In 2012, Nobelmin acquired a grinding plant in the city of Westendorf near Augsburg in Bavarian Swabia. This is where MinTalc is produced, an ultra-fine ground talcum powder used in the automotive, …

and Hosokawa Alpine to collaborate on sustainable …

Hosokawa Alpine complements the production process by adding its leading technology for the dry separation of pulses' protein: fine grinding and air classification. The combination of 's upstream pulses process and Hosokawa's process for size reduction and classification produces the highest yields of high value …

Process control system

The operating and monitoring stations serve to visualise the process plant and are connected to the process-related components via a bus system. ... Hosokawa Alpine AG Peter-Doerfler-Str. 13 – 25 • 86199 Augsburg • Germany marketing(at)alpine.hosokawa • +49 821 5906-0.

Film orientation lines

Storage silo plants. Grinding. Compacting. Solutions. Process Consulting Create the perfect powder process. Our experts accompany you through all phases of planning up to the full-scale production system. ... Produce blocked and double flat film on Hosokawa Alpine blown film lines and benefit from maximum flexibility for your production.

Multiprocessing system: flexible research of plant-based …

For this reason, collaborations are getting more and more important to interlock science and process engineering. "Hosokawa Alpine is a very professional organization and we are sure that in future IMPROVE & Hosokawa Alpine will continue to work closely in order to well serve our customers and to develop new processes." Mr. Chereau said.

Solids process automation

Complete solutions without interfaces for the complete management of a process plant; Graphical display of automated process steps including variable recipe control, batch logging, materials management system, …

Process Systems for Spices & Herbs | Hosokawa Micron

Hosokawa Alpine supplies a cutting mill for use with spices: Rotoplex Ro: For cutting spices to a particle size < 3mm. ... centre in the Netherlands offers unique possibilities for testing your product to determine the most efficient process, system or plant prior to final design. We can provide laboratory-level as well as production-sized trials.

Alpine powder processing machinery | Hosokawa Micron

The brand name Alpine has a rich history that goes back more than a century. In 1987, Alpine AG was acquired by the Hosokawa Micron Group. Search +31 314 373 333 Contact Technologies. HOSOKAWA 'ON' ... PLANT-BASED PROTEINS. Discover our innovative processing technologies for plant-based proteins.


agglomerates. Hosokawa Alpine's special know-how is to grind in the "right" way to deagglomerate the smaller protein (~3µm) and the larger starch particles (15 – 40 µm) and then to fractionate the fine fraction and the coarse fraction. Hosokawa Alpine's dry fractionation of proteins (precision process) consists of an efficient

About Us

The core competence of the Hosokawa Alpine Group is the manufacture of machines and systems for processing and handling of powders, granulates and bulk materials, as well as systems for the extrusion of blown films.

Process Technologies

To meet the growing demands for protection and product isolation, Hosokawa Micron Ltd has developed a variety of containment technologies for processing hazardous materials. In addition, Hosokawa Alpine also …

About Us

1995: Certification of Hosokawa Alpine AG according to ISO 9001; 1987: takeover of Alpine AG by Hosokawa Micron Corporation, Osaka, Japan. The company name was subsequently changed to Hosokawa Alpine Aktiengesellschaft. Opening of the application centres for mechanical process engineering and plastics process engineering.

Hosokawa Alpine AG

Protein Shifting Dry fractionation for protein enrichment of pulses. More information Food

Machine & plant manufacturer | Hosokawa Alpine

Hosokawa Alpine special purpose machinery for manufacturers: Turnkey solution equipment for powder & particle processing & blown film: grinding, classifying, mixing, drying, compaction, particle desing, containment, particle size analysis, toll processing, film orientation systems, process control systems

Plant control by PLC

Fast and cost-effective plant service through remote maintenance via VPN. Design of an electrical plant control. PLC S7-1200 - S7-1500 (programmed with TIA V16 or higher) or made according to customer requirements; incl. visualisation; Signal exchange to process control systems as required: Potential-free contact exchange or bus systems such as ...

Hosokawa Micron Group

Process Consulting Create the perfect powder process. Our experts accompany you through all phases of planning up to the full-scale production system. ... production plants and service branches in important sales markets all over the world. ... Branch office of Hosokawa Alpine and Hosokawa Micron B.V, started in 2012. Equipment and service ...

Hosokawa Alpine Group

1995: Certification of Hosokawa Alpine AG according to ISO 9001; 1987: takeover of Alpine AG by Hosokawa Micron Corporation, Osaka, Japan. The company name was subsequently changed to Hosokawa Alpine Aktiengesellschaft. Opening of the application centres for mechanical process engineering and plastics process engineering.

Multiprocessing system

Well-known and proven Alpine mills, only in a smaller design. Small-batch production on a qualified, GMP-compliant plant. Use of a scale-up-capable process technology. Short changeover and assembly times as well as …


The Hosokawa Micron Group's broad range of powder and particle processing capabilities includes equipment and technologies for a variety of applications including: - Drying / …


Hosokawa Alpine's dry fractionation of proteins (precision process) consists of an efficient fine grinding with the Zirkoplex ZPS classifier mill and a high-performance classification …

Alpine Process Technology Summit | Spices

At our Alpine Process Technology Summit | Spices we will provide you with profound know-how on spice processing: from cleaning, to cutting, grinding, mixing, particle analysis, powder handling and packaging. The expert talks will go hand in hand with a practice session in our test centre where you can participate in a lab test. This will give you the …

Blown Film Equipment | Hosokawa Alpine American, Inc

Hosokawa Alpine American, Inc is a Leading Supplier of Blown Film Extrusion Systems & Retrofits.

Multi-Process Plant – Hosokawa

Alpine multi-process plant The task of laboratories or development centers is mostly to produce small product samples for testing and to define an industrial manufacturing process. The laboratory systems used for this must be able to reproduce the process and scale up to a later production system.

Hosokawa Alpine Poland

Storage silo plants. Grinding. Compacting. Solutions. Process Consulting Create the perfect powder process. Our experts accompany you through all phases of planning up to the full-scale production system. ... Hosokawa Alpine Poland was established in Warsaw in 2020 to provide Polish customers with sales and service assistance in their native ...


The picoline equipment meets the highest technical standards and leading technology that Hosokawa is known for. The picoline equipment is derived from existing Hosokawa technologies, so that a process developed with a picoline machine can be scaled up without any problems. Picoline devices are designed for ease of use, maintenance and …