k feldspar flotation in Mexico

Revisiting flotation mechanisms of the selective separation …

Selective separation of Na-feldspar (NaAl 3 SiO 8) from K-feldspar (KAl 3 SiO 8) by flotation appears to be the only alternative in commonly found mixed-type ore formations.For this purpose, various mechanisms in various studies have been proposed by which selective separation can be achieved in the presence of salt ions.

Surface vs. bulk analyses of various feldspars and their …

The K-feldspar flotation resulted in a K-feldspar concentrate of 14.3% K 2 O at 77% K-feldspar recovery and K 2 O/Na 2 O ratio of 10.4. The NaOH conditioning of the fluorine-amine activated feldspars resulted in rapid desorption of fluorine, and the selectivity of the process was assumed to result from the more rapid desorption of …

A novel approach for flotation recovery of spodumene, mica and feldspar

As shown in Fig. 8, the flotation of feldspar is enhanced by adding Fe 3+, and similar flotation recovery trends are observed in the four particle size ranges. The flotation recovery of feldspar increases gradually with an increase in pH and then decreases sharply after reaching a peak at a pH of approximately 7.5. In contrast with …

Flotation of quartz from quartz-feldspar mixtures by the …

1. Introduction. Froth flotation is the selected method for the separation of quartz and feldspar. In the conventional process, feldspar is floated from quartz by using hydrofluoric acid (HF) as activator for the feldspar and a cationic collector (amine) at pH 2–3 (O'Meara, 1939). (1979) reported that HF creates a large difference in the …

The Role of Soluble Sodium Silicate for Enhancing Flotation …

Zeta potential measurement was performed with slurries of pure K-feldspar and chalcopyrite . In the absence of sodium silicate, the pulp pH was adjusted from 2 to 10 for tests with K-feldspar and chalcopyrite Zeta potential curves for K-feldspar with and without sodium silicate are shown in Fig. 4a.

Combined application of different collectors in the floatation

K-feldspars are the preferred source of potassium in porcelain industry. Microcline and orthoclase, important K-feldspar minerals, are separated from other minerals by the flotation. In this study, a series of systematic zeta potential and microflotation tests were performed with two different microcline samples.

Adsorption mechanism of mixed cationic/anionic collectors in feldspar …

The difference in surface charge between the minerals at pH 2 was found to be the basis for preferential feldspar flotation from quartz in mixed diamine/sulfonate collectors. The infrared spectra revealed no adsorption of sulfonate collector when used alone but displayed its co-adsorption as diamine-sulfonate complex when used with …

Research on Separating Low-Grade K-Feldspar from Quartz …

Flotation technology without fluorite was studied to separate low-grade K-feldspar with quartz. It is shown in the results that qualified K-feldspar concentrate can be gained by grinding ...

Production of potassium feldspar concentrate from a low …

The non-magnetics were a basic mixture of feldspars and quartz with an alkaline content of 5·86% K 2 O and 2·96% Na 2 O, which was raised to 13·44% (9·22% K 2 O + 4·22% Na 2 O) by only feldspar flotation. For further improvement of K 2 O, orthoclase was


Selective separation of Na- and K-feldspar from weathered granites by flotation in HF medium Ceramics – Silikáty 54 (1) 60-64 (2010) 61 multivalent salts, a required selectivity in flotation is achieved [1]. Sodium ions depress Na-feldspar during the flotation of alkali feldspar at natural pH and in HF

Adsorption mechanism of mixed cationic/anionic collectors in feldspar

The results of the flotation test showed that the yield of quartz products was 24.51% with a grade of 96.04% SiO 2, and the yield of feldspar products was 41.77% with a grade of 14.06% K 2 O and Na 2 O. The economic analysis demonstrated that the flotation process in this study yields a profit of 50.96 USD per ton of treated tailings.

Understanding the role of sodium hydroxide in the selective flotation …

In our latest study, surface dissolution of minerals has been found to be important in the flotation of spodumene. This study provides further information in the role of NaOH in the flotation separation of spodumene from feldspar and quartz using size distribution analysis, micro-flotation experiments, AFM imaging, X-ray photoelectron …

Revisiting flotation mechanisms of the selective separation …

The effect of hydrofluoric acid (HF) pretreatment on flotation of feldspar and quartz using dodecylamine (DDA) as collector was investigated by micro-flotation, zeta potential, pyrene fluorescence ...

A Comparative Study of Quartz and Potassium Feldspar …

the feldspar surface while depositing fluoride ions [15]. As a result of this mechanism, feldspar tends to be effectively depressed in the presence of collectors. Quartz could be easily floated, without using collectors, with HF solution and frother Brij C58 [19]. Selective flotation can be performed on feldspar from other impurities in the ...

Different Methods of Beneficiation of Feldspar, Mini …

However, the beneficiation of feldspar ores from other silicate gangues is very difficult owing to their similarities in physical–chemical properties. Hydrofluoric acid (HF), which is the main regulator used in the flotation of feldspar, may cause serious environmental and health-related problems.

Differential Flotation of Some Egyptian Feldspars for …

It is now possible to free feldspar from all kinds of gangue minerals, e.g. mica, quartz and heavy minerals in addition to separation of both K and Na feldspars from each other [2]-[4]. Cationic flotation of feldspar (amine + HF) in presence of NaCl was conducted by CengizDemir of Turkey in 2010 to separate both Na- and K-feldspar [3].

Effects of bivalent salts on the flotation separation of Na-feldspar

The K-feldspar flotation was performed in alkaline environment (pH 10.5–11.6) with only the addition of NaOH as a modifier and non-ionic Brij58 as a frother, on a fluorine-amine activated bulk ...

Understanding the flotation separation of Na and K …

Flotation is the only technique that enables the selective separation of Na and K feldspar minerals from each other. In this study, the flotation separation of Na-feldspar (albite) and K-feldspar (microcline) minerals were investigated in the presence of K + ion as counter ion. In order to identify the role of K + ions on the selective separation …

The utilization of 1-Dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromine …

The feldspar contained 18.13 % Al 2 O 3, 2.26 % Na 2 O, 9.57 % K 2 O and 68.39 % SiO 2 %. X-ray. Micro-flotation results. The floatability of apatite and feldspar using DMB and DDA are plotted in Fig. 3. It is observed that both apatite and feldspar had no natural floatability without a collector.

11.27 Feldspar Processing

sodium, and calcium, and it is the most abundant mineral of the igneous rocks. The two types of feldspar are soda feldspar (7 percent or higher Na O) and potash feldspar (8 percent or higher K O). Feldspar-silica22 mixtures can occur naturally, such as in sand deposits, or can be obtained from flotation of mined and crushed rock.

Mixed collector systems in flotation

ELSEV:[ER Int. J. Miner. Process. 51 (1997) 67-79 IHTERIIRTI~,IOUMRL HInERRL PRO[ESSlUr. Mixed collector systems in flotation K. Hanumantha Rao *, K.S.E. Forssberg Division of Mineral Processing, Lule& University of Technology, S-971 87 Lule&, Sweden Accepted 14 April 1997 Abstract The interactions between differently structured …

Selective flotation of K-feldspar from Na-feldspar in alkaline

The development of a process for the selective flotation of K-feldspar from Na-feldspar in alkaline environment has shown that it is possible to produce high grade K-feldspar concentrates at high recoveries from a 0–100 µm …

Mixed collector systems in flotation

Use of polyoxyethylene compounds in flotation of fluorite with fatty acids; K. Hanumantha Rao et al. Solution chemistry of mixed cationic/anionic collectors and flotation separation of feldspar from quartz; K. Hanumantha Rao et al. Flotation of mica minerals and selectivity between muscovite and biotite while using mixed anionic /cationic ...

(PDF) The Role of Soluble Sodium Silicate for Enhancing Flotation …

(a) Zeta potential of K-feldspar and K-feldspar in the presence of sodium silicate (b) zeta potential of chalcopyrit e and chalcopyrite in the presence of sodium silicate at pH 10.0 .

Amine–oleate interactions in feldspar flotation | Request PDF

Flotation methods have been exploited for the extraction of potassium values by concentrating the K-feldspar mineral. In froth flotation, both cationic and anionic collectors are being used to ...

Effects of BaCl2 on K-feldspar flotation using dodecyl …

The present study investigates the effects and mechanisms of aluminum (Al(III)) and iron (Fe(III)) ions on the flotation efficiency of potassium feldspar (K-feldspar) within oleate collector systems.

Understanding the flotation separation of Na and K feldspars …

Flotation is the only technique that enables the selective separation of Na and K feldspar minerals from each other. In this study, the flotation separation of Na-feldspar (albite) and K-feldspar (microcline) minerals were investigated in the presence of K + ion as counter ion.

A Comparative Study of Quartz and Potassium Feldspar …

An improved method for producing high-purity quartz (Qtz) and potassium feldspar (Kfs) concentrates was developed using various chemical reagents. Froth flotation experiments on a Qtz–Kfs mixture showed that quartz could be selectively floated from Kfs in diluted hydrofluoric acid (HF) using a frother.

The beneficiation of lithium minerals from hard rock ores: …

Feldspar is a common occurrence in spodumene ores, and has applications in glass making. K-feldspar is a key component in the manufacturing of ceramic materials. Froth flotation is the main method used for the recovery of feldspar from lithium ores because its flotation properties are well understood (Fuerstenau and Pradip, 2005). …