Laterite Nickel Hydrometallurgy Wiki

Hydrometallurgical nickel and cobalt plants and processes

Nickel laterite leaching Outotec can perform laterite leaching in HPAL and atmospheric conditions. Depending on your mineralogical requirements, nickel laterite …

Microbial Leaching for Recovery of Nickel and Cobalt from

Sukinda mines of Odisha, India are known as the major nickel laterite deposits. Laterite ores contain several kinds of metal elements including nickel, cobalt, iron, silicon, aluminium and chromium. 40% of world's annual nickel production is from low-grade laterite ores [1, 2]. Sulphides are the high-grade nickel ores and typically range …

The Nickel Production Methods from Laterites and the Greek …

Primary world nickel production in 2020 was 2430.7 kt Ni; 69% (1677.7 kt) of them came from oxidized nickel ores (laterites) and 31% from sulfides. Production-wise, 87.7% of …

Atmospheric acid leaching of nickel laterites review

For a pre-reduced nickel laterite containing 35–50% iron (as FeO), 1% nickel, 30% silica, about 5% calcium plus magnesium (as CaO + MgO) and 7% alumina, the acid requirement for leaching is typically 75–110 kg/t. However, a significant amount of the proportion of the leached iron exists in the ferrous state.

Effect of pre-roasting on leaching of laterite

The DTA–TG curve of the raw ore is shown in Fig. 2.The effect of roasting on mineral transformation of laterite ores under atmospheric pressure at different temperatures is shown in Fig. 3.DTA–TG analysis shows two endothermic peaks at about 277 °C and 607 °C due to the release of adsorbed water, dehydroxylation of goethite and lizardite, …

Nickel Laterite Ore Deposits: Weathered Serpentinites

Nickel laterite ores account for over 60% of global nickel supply. They are the product of intensive deep weathering of serpentinites under humid tropical conditions. Nickel is concentrated to over 1.0 wt% and is hosted in a variety of secondary oxides, hydrous Mg silicates and smectites. The formation, mineralogy and grade of the …

Hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents for the direct leaching of nickel …

The emergence of the battery society has resulted in an unprecedented strain on the supply of battery metals, such as nickel, cobalt, and manganese. Consequently, there is an urgent need to develop processing technology for low-grade nickel laterite ores, which are abundant in resources but challenging to process using conventional …

Hellenic minerals

Hellenic Minerals Ltd. is a modern hydrometallurgical company focusing on the utilization of laterite ore to produce nickel sulfate, a product that is an essential raw material for important technological applications such as the manufacturing of batteries for electric vehicles.The high-technology and environmentally friendly production method that is …

Chemical Processing: Hydrometallurgy | SpringerLink

For example, the process was successfully applied for the recovery of nickel from low-grade laterite ores (<1.5 % Ni) at Moa Bay operation in Cuba and for the purification of nickel at Freeport Nickel Company refinery in Louisiana. ... Flett, D. S. (2004). Cobalt-nickel separation in hydrometallurgy: A review. Chemistry for Sustainable ...

Hydrometallurgical Nickel And Cobalt …

The availability of laterite ores, which are oxide type ores, is 86% of the nickel reserves on the Earth, and the processes used in the production of nickel from sulphide type ores have negative ...

Selective leaching of nickel from mixed nickel cobalt …

Hydrometallurgical processing of nickel laterite ore is complicated by impurities such as chromium, iron, aluminium, manganese and cobalt. Cobalt, in particular, is a value metal which is always present in the unweathered precursor igneous rock (Freyssinet et al., 2005). Once leached, chromium, iron and aluminium can be …

The study of mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP) from local …

Laterite nickel ore is the most abundant nickel source especially in tropical regions. Mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP) is intermediate product of this process. In this research, the MHP product from PT.

Process simulation and exergy analysis of two nickel laterite

Section snippets Exergy analysis. The exergy calculations are done using equations based on both the first and second law of thermodynamics. Considering nickel laterite processing as an open system, assuming steady state flow and starting off with an energy balance (Smith et al., 2005): ∆ H + 1 2 u 2 + zg m ̇ = Q ̇ + W s ̇ Neglecting the …

The Nickel Production Methods from Laterites and the …

Primary world nickel production in 2020 was 2430.7 kt Ni; 69% (1677.7 kt) of them came from oxidized nickel ores (laterites) and 31% from sulfides. Production-wise, 87.7% of the 1677.7 kt came from pyrometallurgical and 12.3% from hydrometallurgical processes. For a long time, Fe-Ni had a 20–40% Ni analysis, but in 2006 a new Fe-Ni quality came into …

Precipitation of Metals from Synthetic Laterite Nickel …

Precipitation of Metals from Synthetic Laterite Nickel Liquor by Naoh Paula Aliprandini, Mónica Correa, ... 1988)(Gupta 2003). Hydrometallurgy process has some steps to recover metals from ores ...


Hatch Nickel capabilities include mining and mineral processing, Nickel pyrometallurgy and Hydrometallurgy. Who We Are + What We Do + Insights + Solutions + Careers ... Our hydrometallurgy professionals know how to apply today's state-of-the-art technologies to nickel facilities. We're experienced in the many modes of leaching, and are familiar ...

Selective Reduction of Laterite Nickel Ore

Nickel laterite processing through pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy have been commercially applied to extract nickel metal. The pyrometallurgical routes method was suitable for saprolitic nickel ore processing. The examples of pyrometallurgy processing which have been commercially

Atmospheric acid leaching mechanisms and kinetics and …

@article{Maccarthy2016AtmosphericAL, title={Atmospheric acid leaching mechanisms and kinetics and rheological studies of a low grade saprolitic nickel laterite ore}, author={J. J. Maccarthy and Ataollah Nosrati and William Skinner and J. Addai-Mensah}, journal={Hydrometallurgy}, year={2016}, volume={160}, pages={26-37}, …

Metals | Free Full-Text | Nickel Laterite Smelting Processes …

A low-grade Indonesian nickel laterite ore containing 1.38% Ni, 25.3% Fe, 15.0% MgO, and 19.1% SiO 2 was used in the experiments. Reagent-grade sodium sulfate was used as an additive, and H 2 reduction was conducted. In each run, 1 kg of the total material mixture was charged to a stirred fluidized bed reactor. The reduced particles …

Hydrometallurgical processing of nickel lateritic ores

Leaching of nickel laterite ore at atmospheric pressure is a leaching method that can be operated at >100⁰C temperatures in an atmospheric pressure, which is applicable to a low-grade laterite ore.

Hydrometallurgical Nickel Laterite Processing: A Review of …

Introduction. Chemistry of Nickel and Cobalt Separation. Commercially Used SX Reagents for Nickel and Cobalt Extraction. Acidic Extractants. Basic Extractants. …

Overview of the Hydrometallurgical Processing of Laterite …

Laterite hydrometallurgy produces about 100,000 tonnes per year of high-purity nickel and 10,000 tonnes per year of high-purity cobalt, mostly by leaching at high temperature using sulfuric acid.

Outotec to deliver thickeners for a nickel laterite

The Chinese Ningbo Lygend Resources Technology Ltd. has awarded Outotec with an order for 25 state-of-the-art thickener units for its n ickel laterite HPAL (High Pressure Acid Leaching) project on Obi island in Indonesia. The order value, which is not disclosed, is booked in Minerals' fourth-quarter order intake.

Nickel extraction from low grade laterite by agitation leaching …

1. Introduction. Owing to its corrosion resistance, nickel is an important metal in stainless steel and super alloys production industries. Nickel occurs in nature as sulfides and oxides [1].Nickel sulfides, from which pentlandite (Ni,Fe) 9 S 8 is the main mineral, comprise only about 27% world nickel reserves and has covered 60% of global …

Atmospheric Leaching Behavior and Kinetics Study of Roasted Laterite …

Laterite ore is a valuable resource due to its high content of metals essential for modern technology, including nickel, iron, and cobalt. However, extracting nickel from laterite ores is challenging due to their complex mineral composition and low nickel concentrations. This study examined the leaching behavior of pre-roasted laterite ore …

(PDF) Hydrometallurgical Processing of Nickel …

PDF | On Mar 11, 2019, Sait Kursunoglu and others published Hydrometallurgical Processing of Nickel Laterites—A Brief Overview On The Use of Solvent Extraction and Nickel/Cobalt Project For The ...

Developments in the hydrometallurgical processing of …

INTRODUCTION Nickel laterite ores comprise a significant resource in Australia and according to United States Geological Survey data nearly a quarter of world reserves are located there (USGS, 2016).


The state of the art of nickel and cobalt solvent extraction in the nickel laterite industry is assessed, covering the reagents in commercial use (organophosphorus reagents, …

Sulfur Removal and Iron Recovery from High-Pressure Acid …

High-pressure acid leach (HPAL) residue from laterite nickel ore is a potentially valuable resource for ironmaking; however, its efficient utilization is hindered by its high sulfur content. In this study, an effective and straightforward method is proposed for sulfur removal from HPAL residue. The process involves sieving and sodium carbonate …