pyrrhotite flotation

Characterization of stockpile oxidation of pentlandite and pyrrhotite …

The collectorless flotation selectivity index in the case of stockpile samples (2.58) is much higher than the case corresponding to the collector induced flotation with an average selectivity index of 0.65. The low value in the latter case is attributable to the excessive flotation of pyrrhotite due to its metal activated state.

Pyrrhotite flotation and its selectivity against pentlandite in …

Pyrrhotite (Po) is one of the most abundant sulfide minerals in processing industry and must be rejected in most cases. Particularly, Po rejection and its selectivity against pentlandite (Pn) have long been a challenge due to similarities in the mineral composition of the two minerals and the collectorless flotation characteristics of Po. …

The Depression and Adsorption Mechanism of …

on pyrrhotite in the selective flotation of chalcopyrite with xanthate as the collector, making use of single and binary mineral selective flotation experiments, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), infrared spectroscopy (IR), zeta potential measurements, and reagent adsorption analysis techniques.

(PDF) A review of pyrrhotite flotation chemistry in …

The products from pyrrhotite oxidation cover the pyrrhotite particles, rendering the particle surface hydrophilic and causing a lower flotation recovery of pyrrhotite under most circumstances. Under low oxidation …

Pyrrhotite flotation and its selectivity against pentlandite in …

In this paper, the importance of electrochemistry in Po and Pn flotation has been demonstrated and a comprehensive study was conducted on two different feed …

Electronic structure and flotation behavior of monoclinic

Electronic structures of monoclinic and hexagonal pyrrhotite were studied using density functional theory method, together with their flotation behavior. The main contribution of monoclinic pyrrhotite is mainly from Fe 3d, while that of hexagonal pyrrhotite is from Fe 3d, Fe 3p and S 3s. The hexagonal pyrrhotite is more reactive …

Unveiling different pyrrhotite superstructures in copper …

A copper–gold ore sample containing particles with a P 80 of 7 mm was supplied from a copper–gold flotation plant in Western Australia. This ore sample contains pyrrhotite grains with sizes ranging from 150 to 500 μm. Table 1 lists the elemental composition of the ore as determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission …


The influence of conditioning on the flotation of pyrrhotite in the presence of chlorite was investigated through flotation tests, sedimentation tests, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS ...

A case study on marmatite- pyrite/pyrrhotite selective flotation …

Regarding the roughing process of limed-depressed pyrite/pyrrhotite flotation, the desired amounts of oxalic acid (H 2 C 2 O 4) was first added to the flotation cell, activating flotation for 5 min; then the roughing flotation lasted for 4 min, after BX and terpineol acted for 2 min and 1 min, respectively. Both froth concentrates and flotation ...


However, removing as much pyrrhotite as possible in flotation stage using effective pyrrhotite depressants is still a preferred choice for producers because of its low operation cost. Nevertheless, the use of a strong depressant typically entails high pentlandite losses. So looking for a new and better pyrrhotite depressant may be critical

Enhanced flotation separation pyrrhotite from serpentine …

The same flotation kinetic models are used to simulate the flotation dynamic process of pyrrhotite after pre-stirring and unpre-stirring, and the results show that the pyrrhotite flotation rate of the former is larger than that of the latter and the time to reach equilibrium for the pre-stirred flotation is shorter than that for the unpre ...

Exploring the effect of pulp aeration and lime-aid grinding …

Flotation is one of the most important technologies to recover sulfide minerals [5], [6]. In commercial flotation production, pyrrhotite is an important sulfide gangue for pyrrhotite-rich type copper sulfide ore, and it can pose significant negative impact on the enrichment of chalcopyrite [7].

Electronic structure and flotation behavior of

During flotation, the pyrrhotite is commonly rejected to the tailings as a waste product, and hence in massive sulfide ores treatment, the process often aims to depress the pyrrhotite flotation [6 ...

A review of the physicochemical properties and flotation of …

The mineral processing of pyrrhotite is generally understood, however it has many complex crystallographic structures (superstructures) that behave differently in the flotation pulp …

Insight on the mechanism of hexagonal pyrrhotite …

New strategies to depress pyrrhotite must include the use of more efficient flotation reagents while compels research and development of non-toxic depressants such as polysaccharide-based ones. Studies using polysaccharide depressants for sulfide minerals have been reported ( Bulatovic, 2007, Liu, 1988, Liu et al., 2000 ; R J Pugh, …

(PDF) A review of pyrrhotite flotation chemistry in the processing …

The chemistry of pyrrhotite flotation using xanthate collectors is reviewed with respect to the processing of PGM ores and the recent results from captive bubble contact angle measurements at the University of Utah are presented. In some cases a low flotation recovery of PGM may be due to the surface state of pyrrhotite particles under ...

Monoclinic Pyrrhotite on Their Flotation Separation

Abstract: The galvanic interaction between chalcopyrite and monoclinic pyrrhotite and its effect on flotation separation were studied using monomineral flotation tests, adsorption …

A review of flotation and selective separation of pyrrhotite: A

Ideal flotation conditions were determined to remove potential acid-generating minerals (mainly pyrrhotite) while also recovering residual valuable minerals, …

Activation Mechanism of Fe2+ in Pyrrhotite Flotation: …

In industrial manufacturing, pyrrhotite (Fe 1−x S), once depressed, is commonly activated for flotation. However, the replacement of CuSO 4 is necessary due …

(PDF) Activation Mechanism of Fe2+ in Pyrrhotite Flotation

In industrial manufacturing, pyrrhotite(Fe1−xS), once depressed, is commonly activated for flotation. However, the replacement of CuSO4 is necessary due to the need for exact control over the ...

A case study on marmatite- pyrite/pyrrhotite selective flotation …

During the process of Zn-S selective flotation, although lime may be not an effective pyrite/pyrrhotite depressants alone and the synergistic depression effect of lime combined with other depressants has been confirmed and reported [17], [42], [49], it still relies more on lime to depress pyrite/pyrrhotite flotation in the exprimental study on ...

An investigation into the flotation behaviour of pyrrhotite

Pyrrhotite is one of the most abundant sulphide minerals and in flotation processes is frequently rejected to tailings. This is often the case when massive nickel …

A review of pyrrhotite flotation chemistry in the processing …

The products from pyrrhotite oxidation cover the pyrrhotite particles, rendering the particle surface hydrophilic and causing a lower flotation recovery of pyrrhotite under …

Effect of Electrochemical Interaction between …

Hexagonal Pyrrhotite on Flotation Separation Tingsheng Qiu 1,2, Ce Zhang 1, Liu Yang 1, Jun Wang 3,4, Guanfei Zhao 1,2, Huashan Yan 1,2,*, Hao Wu 1, Xianhui Qiu 1,2,*, Baojun Yang 3,4 and Rui Liao 3,4 1 College of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology,

The Mineralogy and Crystallography of Pyrrhotite from …

The chemistry of pyrrhotite flotation using xanthate collectors is reviewed with respect to the processing of PGM ores and the recent results from captive bubble contact angle measurements at the University of Utah are presented. In some cases a low flotation recovery of PGM may be due to the surface state of pyrrhotite particles under ...

Flotation separation of marmatite from pyrrhotite using …

Sphalerite flotation is conducted under Cu 2+ activation system, whereas the selective separation of pyrrhotite is difficult due to the inevitable activation effect of Cu 2+, which requires a large amount of lime to depress pyrrhotite flotation.In this study, the conventional collector butyl xanthate and a novel collector ML8 were compared to the …

Flotation performances of polymorphic pyrrhotite

pyrrhotite flotation can be achieved at pH<5 [4]. It was reported [5] that hexagonal pyrrhotite is more reactive than monoclinic pyrrhotite, and VANYUKOV and RAZUMOVSKAYA [6] noted that oxidation rates tend to increase with an increase in the sulfur to iron ratio in pyrrhotite. In this work, the floatability of different

The Effect of Conditioning on the Flotation of Pyrrhotite in …

The influence of conditioning on the flotation of pyrrhotite in the presence of chlorite was investigated through flotation tests, sedimentation tests, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The flotation results show that chlorite slimes dramatically impair the flotation of pyrrhotite. Sedimentation and flotation tests reveal …

(PDF) The flotation of magnetic and non-magnetic pyrrhotite …

The chemistry of pyrrhotite flotation using xanthate collectors is reviewed with respect to the processing of PGM ores and the recent results from captive bubble contact angle measurements at the University of Utah are presented. In some cases a low flotation recovery of PGM may be due to the surface state of pyrrhotite particles under ...