large scale mining license zambia renewable

Mines and Minerals Act, 1995

(4) There shall be appended to a large-scale mining licence — (a) the programme of mining operations; (b) the applicant's environmental plan; and (c) the applicant's proposals for the employment and training of citizens of Zambia; as accepted by the Minister, which shall form part of the conditions of the licence. 26. Renewal of large …


13 Has the applicant ever applied for a mining right or licence in Zambia? If yes, please give details ... An application for large-scale or small-scale mining shall only be made by a company. 2. A small-scale mining activity may only be undertaken by a citizen-owned, citizen influenced and

Zambia: mining licence process map

Mining licences' validity depend on the scale of mining as follows: Small-scale exploration –period of four years and is not renewable except for diamond exploration. Large-scale exploration –period of four years. …

Mining License – Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development

Large Scale Mining License. Within 90 days. Clients: Exploration Companies, Mining Companies prospective mining companies. Vital Steps. Submit duly completed form 1 and application fee. 1 day. Collect offer letter. 74 days. Pay area charges.

How To Get A Mining License In Zambia

2. Mining Rights: Acquire mining rights or mineral concessions in Zambia. Depending on the type of mineral you intend to mine, you will need to apply for the appropriate mining rights through the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development. This may involve prospecting licenses, small-scale mining licenses, or large-scale mining …

Zambia : Zambia's Mining Licenses backlog to be …

The proportions of licenses granted so far per type are as follows; Large scale Mining Rights 5 out of 20 (25% application success rate), Large Scale Exploration Licences 150 out of 254 (59% ...

Mining regulation in Zambia

There are no restrictions with respect to foreign ownership for holders of large-scale mining licences. Small-scale mining relates to mining over an area covering a minimum of three cadastre units and not exceeding 120 cadastre units. Large-scale mining on the other hand relates to mining over an area of a minimum of 121 cadastre …

Effective Regulation and the Energy Transition in Zambia

Zambia's regulatory framework for mini-grids faces challenges, primarily due to the lack of a dedicated legal framework tailored to distributed renewable energy solutions. The existing framework imposes obligations on mini-grid developers that are more suitable for large-scale projects, leading to inefficiencies and delays.

Mines and Minerals Development Act, 2015

ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia ... termination, suspension, cancellation or renewal of a mining or nonmining right. (7) The Minister shall, ... take all measures on or under the surface to mine the mineral to which the mining licence relates; (d) for large-scale mining ...

Procedures for Granting mining Rights and Non-Mining …

• Proposals for employment and training of citizens of Zambia • Proposals for promotion of local business development ... Large Scale Mining License 25 Years 25,000ha(250km2) Mineral Processing License 25 Years 25,000ha(250km2) RENEWAL OF LICENCES LICENCE TYPE SUBMISSION OF RENWAL APPLICATION Artisan Mining Right Not …


What is Flexicadastre? Minerals resource management software which enables and facilitates administration of mineral and non minerals rights processes in a transparent, …

A guide to mining taxation in Zambia

1 "Large -scale"is defined as those mines that currently operate or would operate using a Large Scale Mining Licence in Zambia. 8 2 CHALLENGES AND GUIDELINES OF MINING TAX POLICY ... A second characteristic is that minerals are non-renewable: once extracted they can never be replaced. So when copper is taken out of the ground and …


The process for obtaining a Large Scale Exploration License in Zambia involves the following steps: ... the application is then tabled before the Mining License Committee (MLC) to approve and grant the Large Scale Exploration License. Renewal: The license holder can apply for a renewal of the licence for a further period of four (4) …

Zambia's Mining Sector – Anticipated Regulatory …

The Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development in November 2022 unveiled the National Mineral Resources Development Policy (2022-2027), a comprehensive plan which among other things, aims to close …

Zambia : Zambia's Mining Licenses backlog to be …

Zambia's Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development has announced plans to improve the processing and issuance of mining licenses. According to the Permanent Secretary, Dr. Hapenga Monty...

Large-scale cobalt potential discovered in Zambia

The Lumwana West large-scale exploration licence was recently reissued for a maximum period of 11 years. Cobalt deposit. The Nyungu Copper-Cobalt Deposit was drilled by Argonaut in 2011 and 2012. 48 drill holes for 9,019 m were considered by RPM in its recent studies of Nyungu.

The 'Zambia Model': A blueprint for formalizing artisanal …

In recent years, the discovery – or more appropriately, the rediscovery – of gold has ignited sizable rushes across Zambia.There are now an estimated 300 gold occurrences 7 in the country, although most, and by extension, the largest share of this activity, are concentrated in five areas: Luano District, Vubwi District, Rufunsa District, …

Mineral Royalty leaflet

Republic of Zambia. 2. Who is liable for Mineral Royalty? a) Holders of the following mining rights and licenses are liable to mineral royalty on minerals produced under their respective licenses: • Large -scale mining license, • Large -scale gemstone license, • Small-scale mining license, • Small-scale gemstone license,


To apply for a Large Scale Exploration License or Permit in Zambia, the applicant will have to contact the Mines and Minerals department office. Please tap on the following link to view contact details link. Make sure to have all the documents that are listed under the "Required Documents" section of this page.


Welcome to the Zambia Online Repository. This system contains data on all issued large-scale mining licenses and mining export permits, as well as related payments. Minerals Rights in Zambia is managed by the Ministry of Mines. The data is published directly from the Ministry's MCAS system.


22. Cancellation of retention licence Large-Scale Mining Licences 23. Rights conferred by large-scale mining licence 24. Application for large-scale mining licence 25. Grant of large-scale mining licence 26. Renewal of large-scale mining licence 27. Obligations of holder of large scale mining licence 28. Suspension of production

An Overview Of The Mining Sector In Zambia And, In …

The mining sector in Zambia continues to play an important national economic role and has in the last two decades experienced tremendous growth and investment, driven mainly by expansion in large-scale mining. Africa ... a mining exploration licence holder, after significant investment, does not achieve a renewal of …

Mining Comparative Guide

a small-scale mining licence; a large-scale mining licence; and; an artisanal mining licence. Section 29(2) of the Mines Act stipulates that artisanal mining is reserved for Zambian citizens. Accordingly, an artisanal mining licence can only be granted to a Zambian citizen or a cooperative wholly composed of Zambian citizens.


To renew a large-scale mining license in Zambia, the applicant will have to contact the Mines and Minerals department office. Please tap on the following link to view contact details: link. Make sure to have all the documents that are listed under the "Required Documents" section of this page.

A New Chinese Mine to Add 40,000 tonnes to Zambia's Copper Production

A LARGE-SCALE mine which will create 3,000 jobs on the Copperbelt is scheduled to open in Kalulushi with production capacity of about 40,000 tonnes of copper ... ZMIL has acquired a large-scale mining licence and is doing exploration works in Kalulushi's Ichimpe area. ... Swedish Energy Agency Eyes Investment in Zambia's …

News | Zamare Minerals Plc

Zamare's Large Scale Exploration Licence 20859-HQ-LEL (135 km 2) is the adjacent concession to the block containing the Mopani Copper/Cobalt mine, majority …


The holder of an exploration licence may apply for a mining licence no later than 6 months before the expiry of the exploration licence. An artisanal mining licence is valid for 2 years; a small-scale mining licence is valid for 10 years; and a large-scale mining licence is valid for 25 years. Restrictions on foreign ownership

Mining licence granted – Zambia's Kitumba Project

Blackthorn Resources Limited has been granted a large-scale mining licence for the company's flagship Kitumba copper project in Zambia. According to Mining Africa Year Book latest updates the mining licence was granted for an initial 25-year period. The Kitumba Project is located in west-central Zambia, about 200km northwest …


A. Large-scale Operations 1. Large–scale Prospecting Licence 29940 CU = 1000km2 2 Duration is 2 years renewable up to max. 7 years 2. Large-scale Mining Licence 7485 CU = 250 km22 Duration is 25 years renewable 3. Large-scale Gemstone Licence 7485 CU = 250 km22 Duration is 10 years renewable 4. Mineral processing licence 15years