discuss indeginous mining and industry

Australian Mining Companies Adopt Stricter Rules for …

This makes Australia the eighth country in the world to adopt the Towards Sustainable Mining initiative, which was started by Canada, and requires mining companies to consistently evaluate their relationships with indigenous communities, labour practices and environmental impacts, including energy use, greenhouse gas emissions …

Promoting sustainable mining in Zimbabwe

The key features of this matrix include (i) the framework and functionality of environmental regulation to protect the environment (environmental sustainability); (ii) competitiveness of the mining industry in light of environmental regulation and its enforcement (economic sustainability); (iii) public participation and the opportunities local ...

Mining and Indigenous Livelihoods | Rights, Revenues, and …

This book maps the encounters between Indigenous Peoples and local communities with mining companies in various postcolonial contexts. Combining …

Indigenous peoples and tourism: the challenges and …

Indigenous peoples and tourism: the challenges and opportunities for sustainable tourism Anna Carra, Lisa Ruhanenb and Michelle Whitfordc aDepartment of Tourism, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; bTourism Cluster, UQ School of Business, The University of Queensland, Australia; cDepartment of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management, Griffith …

(PDF) Analysis Of The Legal Frameworks Of …

The mining and minerals sector has already started responding to some of the sustainability challenges, as demonstrated by the Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD) …

Lithium Extraction and its Impacts on Indigenous Communities

Due to the increase in consumption of items powered by lithium batteries, lithium extraction has become a highly profitable industry. However, for the residents of the communities situated in lithium mining areas, the risks outweigh the benefits. Specifically, the lifestyles of these communities are being threatened because of a dire water crisis.


These include Zimbabwe's mining legislation, environmental impacts of the mining industry at global level, in the SADC region and in Zimbabwe. Problems which confront the industry as well as their possible solutions in Zimbabwe are also examined. From a sustainable development (SD) point of view, mining poses a serious danger which …


Historically, the mining industry employed very few Indigenous workers. Figures show that in the early 1990s the number was measured "in the hundreds". By 2011, thanks to many Indigenous Land Use Agreements between the mining industry and Indigenous communities, that figure leapt to about the current level.

Pre-colonial mining in southern Africa

The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2000 49 Introduction Mining, as defined by Stocks and Down is the 'removal of minerals from their natural geological environment and their transport to the point of processing or use1'. As so defined mining has, in one form or another, been

Mining and Indigenous Rights: Legalities and Realities

Ecuador mining industry to grow eightfold by 2021 — report. Chinese Mining and Indigenous Resistance in Ecuador. Regulation to the Mining Law in Ecuador. The Law on Police Use of Force. National Debt of Ecuador. INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS* CASE OF FLOR FREIRE V. ECUADOR JUDGMENT OF AUGUST …

Blood money: Why mining giants are backing an Indigenous Voice to

Everyone knows the mining industry is interested in profits, but we've failed to grapple with the deeper questions about who has access to the earth's resources ― the very ground on which their ...


mining.ca millani.ca CANADA'S MINING SECTOR The mining industry in Canada has prioritized building and maintaining respectful, strong, trusting partnerships with Indigenous communities – First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples– impacted by, or with an interest in, mineral exploration and mining activities. From exploration to mine closure ...

Mining and Indigenous peoples

More than 3,700 companies provide a wide spectrum of services to the Canadian mining industry, with an increasing number of these being indigenous-owned businesses. A major challenge facing mining in Canada's north today is its lack of infrastructure. The north is our industry's future, but the territories and the northern …

Indigenous Governance & Mining

British Columbia Mining Law Reform Indigenous Governance & Mining 5 identifying appropriate areas for mining—if any—is through land or watershed planning led or co-led with the Indigenous communities whose traditional territory is involved. Second, there are no ongoing processes through which First Nations experiencing the

This time it's different? The rush to mine Indigenous lands

The rush to mine Indigenous lands. The Aspen Institute: The mining industry has a long history of failing to respect community interests, breaking agreements, destroying sacred sites, and forcing displacements. Indigenous communities have been …

Industry Events

The New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development invites you to participate in the 49 th annual Exploration, Mining and Petroleum Conference being held at the Delta Hotel in Fredericton on October 27-29, 2024.Keep your calendar open for this great opportunity to network with representatives from the mineral industry …

Mining and indigenous communities in Southeast Asia: …

Coal mining is the bulk of Sarawak's mining industry. The area has substantial coal deposits, which add to Malaysia's total coal output. Both open pit and underground mining techniques are used in the Sarawak coal mining area. Most of the coal mining in this area goes toward meeting the increasing electricity needs of the nation.

Working with Indigenous Communities

This handbook focuses on how the mining industry can work with Indigenous communities to contribute to improving present-day standards of living, generate …

Indigenous experiences and perspectives on a mining …

In Section 2 (S2), we review literature relevant to indigenous perspectives on CSR and CRD, chiefly in the mining industry and places where mining corporations …

Mining and Indigenous communities—what matters most …

One of the most interesting things about working with Indigenous Peoples—particularly in the Mining industry—is the impact of evolving technology. As the industry continues to feel the effects of technological innovation, labor demands are changing. The need for mine workers swinging a pickax is decreasing.

(PDF) 2000 years of indigenous mining and metallurgy in …

Metallurgy, and mining metal ores, was first introduced to southern Africa about 2000 yr ago by early farmers. During the first millennium AD iron and copper were exploited, with tin and gold ...

Indigenous Influence and Engagement in Mining …

Mine developments in Indigenous territories risk disrupting Indigenous cultures and their economies, including spiraling already high levels of conflict. This is the situation in Canada, Sweden, and Norway, as elsewhere, and is fostered by current state legal framework that reflect historical trajectories, although circumstances are gradually …

Gold mining, indigenous land claims and conflict in

4.1. Retracing the battle lines. The view among miners and dredge owners working in Mahdia is that local Amerindians are using both the Amerindian Act 2006 and the LCDS to apply for extensions to the existing Campbelltown land claim for the sole purpose of gaining greater control of local gold mining interests. A number of Mahdia-based …

2000 years of indigenous mining and metallurgy in southern …

Metallurgy, and mining metal ores, was first introduced to southern Africa about 2000 years ago by early farmers. During the first millennium AD iron and copper were exploited, with tin and gold being included by the beginning of the second millennium AD. Indigenous farming communities prospected for iron ore and malachite, and later gold …

Community as Governor: Exploring the role of Community …

With most mining sites in Canada located within Indigenous territory, SLO with Indigenous communities is often essential. This paper explores the governance of …

Land Alienation and Threats to Livelihoods of Indigenous …

Indigenous communities (hereby referred to as tribals) in India have faced various challenges to their life and existence, like social exclusion, poverty, lack of health and sanitation facilities, education, employment opportunities, migration and worse regular threats in their homelands and forests from mining, industrial projects, dams, …

Indigenous Peoples and Mining Encounters: Strategies …

Mining may empower indigenous peoples by a) providing opportunities for the realization of their goals, b) alleviating poverty and provisioning community and individual …

Full article: Indigenous co-ownership of mining …

Abstract. Negotiated agreements are now a commonplace mechanism for governing the relationship between mining companies and Indigenous peoples. What is not commonplace are agreements in which …

Indigenous Peoples and Mining: Good Practice Guide

This guide presents an updated version of ICMM's 2010 Indigenous Peoples and mining Good Practice Guide. Like the earlier version of the Guide, it is intended as a good practice resource for mining companies and others with an interest in ensuring that mining projects bring long-term mutual benefits to companies and host communities.