small scale stone quarrying

Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to People's …

Based on the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, findings revealed that small scale stone quarrying was both a poverty and market driven activity; that was enhanced by political stability and rural-urban population increase. Informal stone extraction however, was prone to human and economic shocks …

Environmental concerns and responses in small-scale stone …

Published in the Small Enterprises Development journal, the paper aptly situates quarrying of artisanal dimension stone in Nairobi in the context of small enterprises that contribute to employment ...

Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to …

Stone quarrying is one of the key extractive economic activities in the Ashanti Region, supplying the bulk of stone of varying aggregates to the construction industry within the …

Economic Importance of Stone Quarrying in Rural Livelihood and …

Pakur in Jharkhand is a classic example of large scale quarrying, whereas, the western part of West Bengal is still characterized with small scale stone quarrying. Till the end of 70s of the last century, agriculture was the prime source of livelihood to the large proportion of the population of Saltora C.D. Block.

Environmental and Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Stone Quarrying …

Table 2: Socio-economic impact assessment of stone quarrying in Tororo district Response Benefits Employment opportunities Standard of living enhancement Revenue generation for local government Social amenities Small scale trade Costs Labour competition Accidents at quarry sites Child labour and school dropouts Escalation of HIV …

Building stone quarries: resource evaluation by block …

The production of building stones shown an exponential growth in last decades as consequences of the demand and developments in the extraction and processing techniques. From the several conditioning factors affecting this industry, the geological constrains at quarry scale stands out as one of most important. Globalization …

A Snapshot of the Mechanized Stone Quarrying Industry in …

The studies focused on the small scale hand crushers in the stone quarrying business totally ignoring the mechanized stone quarry operators whose value chain can equally benefit from the policy recommendations of these baseline assessments. ... Admittedly the stone quarrying industry in Uganda is poorly documented but not severely …

Economic Importance of Stone Quarrying in Rural …

Pakur in Jharkhand is a classic example of large scale quarrying, whereas, the western part of West Bengal is still characterized with small scale stone quarrying. Till the end of 70s of the last century, agriculture was the prime source of livelihood to the large proportion of the population of Saltora C.D. Block.



Sand, gravel, and UN Sustainable Development Goals: Conflicts

For example, the World Bank 119 estimates that more than 12 million people are employed in the artisanal and small-scale quarrying sector in India, and there are at least 170,000 known sand and stone miners in Uganda. 120 As mining becomes more formal and mechanized, its contribution to livelihoods becomes more modest. …

Environmental concerns and responses in small-scale stone …

In Kenya the artisanal stone quarrying industry has grown rapidly in recent years, employing many, but also having adverse effects upon the environment in terms of the low recovery rate of usable stone, hence large amounts of waste, and the lack of rehabilitation of quarries after use. Alternative ways of addressing these concerns, whilst …

Environmental and Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Stone Quarrying …

The study aimed at assessing the environmental and socio-economic impact of stone quarrying in Tororo district. To achieve this, we used questionnaires, interviews and focused group discussions, where the information obtained was confirmed by field observations. The data was analysed using simple descriptive statistics like …

Environmentally sustainable mining in quarries to reduce …

According to the data published in 2021 by Montani, from the total 318 million tons of gross quarrying from dimension stone quarries, during the quarry stage, about 163 million tons, or in other ...

Assessment of Environmental and Socio-Economic …

This questioner is prepared to assess the impacts of stone quarrying on environment and livelihood of local community in Addis Ababa the case of NifasSilcLafto Sub city. The …

Bluestone Exploration And Mining

This guide provides information regarding the overview of the application process, financial security requirements, annual regulatory fees, how to apply for a permit, the minimum …

Searching and Cracking: Stone Quarrying, Livelihood and …

Stone quarrying is a form of land use method concerned with the extraction of non-fuel and non-metal minerals from rocks. Using the qualitative model, …

(PDF) The Effects of Small-scale Stone Quarrying on …

The paper examined the effects of small-scale stone quarrying on poverty reduction among youths in Zamfara State. The paper is based on the argument that small-scale stone quarrying has the potentials to reduce poverty in low income settings.

Impact of Stone Quarrying on the Environment and the …

Further the operations in stone quarrying, whether small or large-scale, are inherently disruptive to the environment, producing enormous quantities of waste that can ... Thus [9,14] have identified that small-scale stone extraction in rural areas is a major source of livelihood in spite of the dangers it poses to the

Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to People's …

Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to People's Livelihoods. : A Case Study Kasenge Parish, Nama Sub-County, Mukono District (Uganda) …

(PDF) The Effects of Small-scale Stone Quarrying on

The study found out that small-scale stone quarrying had a positive effect on poverty reduction among youths in Zamfara State. This is because after joining small …

Quarrying and surface construction | Epiroc US

In a large-scale operation, the first stage in production is to loosen individual blocks that may contain thousands of cubic meters of material, from quarry benches 10 …

Table 3 from The Effects of Small-scale Stone Quarrying on …

The paper is based on the argument that small-scale stone quarrying has the potentials to reduce poverty in low income settings. Zamfara is one of the poorest states in Nigeria where youths are engaged in small-scale quarrying. The paper examined the extent to which smallscale quarrying has been able to reduced poverty among youths in the State.

Economic Importance of Stone Quarrying in Rural Livelihood and …

characterized with small scale stone quarrying. Till t he end of 70s o f the last ce ntury, agriculture was the prime sour ce o f livelihood to the large proportio n of the population of Saltora C ...

State-Ofthe-Art : Ornamental Stone Quarrying in Europe

DRAFT REPORT STATE-OF-THE-ART: ORNAMENTAL STONE QUARRYING IN EUROPE Nicos Arvantides Tom Heldal 1 OSNET quarrying sector Nicos Arvantides Institute of Geology and Mineral exploration (IGME) 1. ... Several prototypes of the system have been manufactured and tested with small-scale blocks in the laboratory and full …

Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to People's Livelihoods

  • NTNU Open…

    Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to …

    WEBBased on the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, findings revealed that small scale stone …

  • Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to People's …

    Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to People's Livelihoods. : A Case Study Kasenge Parish, Nama Sub-County, Mukono District (Uganda) @inproceedings{Birabwa2006SmallScaleSQ, title={Small-Scale Stone Quarrying: Its Contribution to People's Livelihoods.

    Assessment of Environmental and Socio-Economic …

    Assessment of Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Stone quarrying i Impacts of Stone Quarrying on Environment and Livelihood of Local Community in Addis Ababa Peri-Urban Areas: ... MSEs Micro and Small-scale Enterprises NEC National Environment Commission NREC Natural Resources and Environment Committee (National Council) ...

    Wastes production in dimension stones industry: resources …

    The main purpose of small-scale optimization, that is implemented in the quarry bench being excavated, is to optimize the excavation pattern of the face to maximize the value of the blocks. ... Life cycle inventory of techniques for stone quarrying, cutting and finishing: Contribution to fill data gaps. J Clean Prod 225:684–696. https://doi ...

    Discontinuity modelling and rock block geometry …

    The large-scale optimization indicated a maximum difference of 17% in the yield among several quarrying directions. On a small scale, however, a 120% increase in quarry yield was achieved with the optimal interval between the cutting planes. ... Following that, a new method for optimization of block extraction in dimension stone quarries was ...