resonant frequency concrete breakers

Rubblization Using Resonant Frequency Equipment

Rubblization Using Resonant Frequency Equipment. Since the early 1980s, resonant rubblization has evolved from a process used to prepare existing portland cement …

Study on the Equivalent Stiffness of a Local Resonance …

This paper addresses the pressing scientific problem of accurately predicting the equivalent stiffness of local resonance metamaterial concrete unit cells. Existing theoretical models often fail to capture the nuanced dynamics of these complex systems, resulting in suboptimal predictions and hindering advancements in engineering …


A Resonant Frequency Breaker uses a high-frequency, low amplitude striking force to break the concrete. The breaker head covers a small area, requiring up to 20 passes per lane to cover the pavement width. Since one side of the machine travels on rubblized concrete, deformation of the underlying base or subgrade may occur.

RLC Resonant Frequency Calculator [Series/Parallel] • …

Series Resonant Frequency. The resonance of a series circuit occurs when the inductive reactance is exactly equal to capacitive reactance. However, the necessary condition is a phase difference of 180 degrees at which they should cancel each other. A series resonance circuit has a minimum impedance at resonance. The series resonance …

Shanghai's Experience on Utilizing the Rubblization for …

As agencies continue looking for cost-effective methods to rehabilitate deteriorated jointed concrete pavement (JCP), rubblization using a resonant breaker …

Concrete Breaking

Concrete Breaking RMI's Resonant Breakers can rubblize pcc pavement for an overly or break concrete into pieces and debond steel reinforcement for removal projects at 80% or better. In many cases wire mesh …


Recommended State Specification • High Frequency Low Amplitude Resonant Breaker • Resonant Breaker shall apply 900 kg. of pressure per strike at 44 Hz • Removal of any Existing Asphalt Overlay • Majority of Particle Size of Less than 15 cm. • Maximum Particle Size of 20 cm. • 10 Ton High Frequency - Low Amplitude Vibratory Roller •3 Passes …

(PDF) Concrete pavement rehabilitation procedure using resonant …

Resonant frequency breaker used in trial sections. ... [2][3] [4] [5] Using impact compactors and guillotine breakers produces large blocks of cement concrete pavement after crushing. If the hot ...

The Art of Rubblizing

All of the data showing the benefits of Rubblization have been derived from concrete broken by Resonant hammers. The "fractures" throughout the slab of low amplitude, high frequency resonant broken concrete …

Dynamic Response of Tunnel Lining to Resonance Rubblization …

Size of resonance rubblization machine is approximately 7.5 m × 3 m (see Fig. 5), and its weight is 27.2–31.8t . The machine has one breaker in the middle and 1 tire in each corner. Hitting frequency of breaker usually lies between 45–55 Hz [14,15,16]. In this paper, weight of resonance rubblization machine was set to be 28t, and 50 Hz was ...

SPECIAL SPECIFICATION 3107 Rubblizing Existing …

A self-contained, self-propelled, resonant frequency breaker, capable of producing low-amplitude, 2,000 lb. blows, at a rate not less than 44 Hz. B. Type II Rubblizer. A self-contained, self-propelled, multiple-head breaker with each hammer independently adjustable and capable of rubblizing a width of up to 13 ft. in one pass.

Evaluation of Elastic Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete …

This paper determines the effect of steel, glass, and nylon fibers on the elastic modulus of concrete. The effect of different fiber volume fractions (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, and 1.5% vol.) and water-cement ratios (w/c: 0.32 to 0.6) on the elastic properties of concrete was investigated using the fundamental resonant frequencies.


Rubblizing, multi-head breaker, resonant frequency breaker, bituminous concrete overlay 18. Distribution Statement 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. ... frequency resonant energy is delivered to the concrete slab, resulting in high tension at the top. This causes the slab to fracture on a shear plane, inclined at about 35 degrees ...

Concrete pavement rehabilitation procedure using …

of the Resonant Frequency Breaker (RFB) machine used in the project. The RFB delivered a low amplitude (<19 mm) and high frequency (42!46 Hz) energy by a shoe to the slab. The work frequency is near to the harmonic frequency of the slab. The vibration energy causes high tensions at the top of the slab that fractures and breaks the slab into …

About Resonant Machines | Resonant Machines

Resonant Machines is a provider of concrete rubblizing and concrete breaking services and equipment. RMI's industry leading "resonating beam" technology breaks concrete into uniform particle sizes down to 6 inches and de-bonds rebar and wire mesh for better removal. RMI's resonant rubblizing process provides many benefits versus other ...

Q: Can resonance be used to destroy anything? Is the "brown note

Physicist: Nope! "Resonance" is a "driven harmonic oscillation", where the driving force pushes and pulls at, or near, the "resonant frequency" of whatever it is that doing the resonating. There are two big issues involved with destroying stuff using sound, or gentle taps, or whatever you're using to drive the motion.

Understanding Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity & Resonant.

Resonant Frequency (ASTM C215) ‐ cont'd • In fundamental resonance frequency testing the concrete sample is impacted with a small hammer and the response frequency is monitored with an accelerometer. • Purpose of this test is finding the dynamic modulus of elasticity of concrete from frequency of vibrating.

Vibration Analysis on Worn Cement Concrete Pavement

Resonant pavement breaker is an excellent technique to reform worn cement concrete pavement (PCC). When the frequency of the machine adjusted to the resonant frequency of the worn cement concrete pavement, the pavement will be broken to discrete blocks. For the full use of this technique, this article studied the dynamic properties such as …

Resonant Frequency Calculator

An LC circuit (also called a resonant circuit, tank circuit, or tuned circuit) is an idealized RLC circuit of zero resistance. If you are looking for the "non-ideal" circuit, head to our RLC circuit calculator!. An LC circuit contains only an inductor and a capacitor, in a parallel or series configuration:

In-Place PPC Recycling

The MCR-300 is designed to match the smaller particle size produced by the Resonant Frequency Breaker. With, on average, only 10-15% of the material needing to be crushed, the MCR-300 screens the vast majority of the material to maintain a high rate of production.


The concrete pavement is rubblized using one of the following methods: A Resonant Frequency Breaker uses a high-frequency, low amplitude striking force to break the …

Strength monitoring of concrete based on embedded PZT transducer …

In addition, combining with the index of the resonant frequency, the correlation between concrete strength and the resonant frequency of the PZT admittance is founded. In the study, the feasibility of the EMI method based on embedded PZT transducers for monitoring the concrete strength development in early ages is verified, and it is found that ...

Dynamic behaviour of concrete containing aggregate resonant frequency

The equivalent stiffness obtained by finite element calculation is 5.63 10 kN/m. From Figure 5b in the literature [42], it can be seen that the starting frequency of the bandgap curve is 0.95 kHz ...


CONCRETE RECYCLING / DEMOLITION with ... Resonant Rubblizing High Frequency (44Hz) Low Amplitude (20 mm) Interlocked rubble distributes loads Flat Bottom maintains load-bearing capacity of rubble No displacement into base . 2005 13; 10 30 . nmg RB 500 BREAKER . Title: PowerPoint Presentation


Rubblization Technology Summary. Rubblization technology eliminates the source of reflective cracks. Rubblization technology is a process of fracturing concrete slabs into …

Quasco Resonant Rubblizing Process for Concrete Breaking

Figure 2 shows the pictures of the Resonant Frequency Breaker (RFB) machine used in the project. The RFB delivered a low amplitude (<19 mm) and high frequency (4246 Hz) energy by a shoe to...

Resonant Frequency Calculator | LC Calculator

Where: f is the resonant frequency in hertz (Hz), L is the inductance in henries (H), C is the capacitance in farads (F), π is the constant (3.141592654…) An example of a resonant frequency calculation. Let's say we wish to determine the resonant frequency of an LC circuit that has an inductor of 3 mH, and a capacitor of 3 µF. Solution: The ...

Fundamental Transverse, Longitudinal, and Torsional …

resonant frequency that can be excited when the impactor strikes a concrete specimen with surfaces formed by a metal or plastic mold. NOTE 4—A 19 mm diameter solid steel ball mounted on a thin rod to produce a hammer is capable of exciting resonant frequencies up to about 10 kHz when impacting a smooth concrete surface.A110 g steel ball peen

Modulus of Rubblized Concrete from Surface Wave …

Modulus of Rubblized Concrete Rubblization Procedures (Equipment) Two types of equipment typically used:Two types of equipment typically used: 1. Multi-head breaker (MHB) • R bbli ti th h d f lti l hRubblization through drops of multiple hammers on the slab 2. Resonant frequency breaker (RFB)Resonant frequency breaker (RFB)