In crushing a certain ore, the feed is such 80% is less than 50.8 mm in size and the product size is such that 80% is less than 6.35 mm. The power required is 89.5 kW. The power required using the same feed so that 80% is less than 3.18 mm is roughly around . Assume that Bond's Law applies.
Bond Work Indicies obtained from bench scale crushability and grindability tests or from pilot plant tests are used in the Bond Equation to determine the energy required to produce the required size reduction in comminution circuits. The Bond Equation is: W = 10Wi/p0.5 – 10Wi/F0.5. Where: W = kwh per short ton.
but the the Bond law as a feed size pass- size passing a certain spent on a specific bren function by the batch equation size in a faster grind than what was to the Bond law with a factor of 100, further as determined bren 121. Many reasons may be possible, is that defining ground determine results parameter.
The Bond's equation is:) 1 1 36. . .(2 1. b b ... In dry crushing of limestone, lumps of 50 mm size have their size reduced to 10 mm. Estimate the theoretical power required for a feed rate of 20 tph. Solution: According to Bond's law, the power is:)
Crushing and Grinding Calculations by Bond - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document presents equations for calculating particle size reduction in crushing and grinding processes. It begins with an overview of the three main theories of comminution: Rittinger's theory which states work input is proportional …
Bond valuation is a way to determine the theoretical fair value (or par value) of a particular bond. It involves calculating the present value of a bond's expected future coupon payments, or cash ...
The work index (Wi) is calculated in a laboratory-scale ball mill with Bond equation. The Bond work index has been widely used in designing full-scale mills but the Bond test is rather complex, lengthy susceptible to procedural errors and this is why attempts have been made to abbreviate and simplify Bond test procedure (Weiss, 1985).
The Bond's Equation is commonly used to predict the size-reduction energy in tumbling mills. The calculation of the Bond Equation requires the Bond Index, which is estimated through the results of the locked-cycle grinding tests. ... The crushing energy of coal plays an important role in mining, gas extraction, occurrence of outburst ...
The test determines the Bond Impact Work Index which is used with Bond's Third Theory of Comminution to calculate net power requirements when sizing crushers*. It is also used to determine the required open-side settings (jaw crushers and gyratory …
In crushing a certain ore, the feed is such that 80% is less than 50.8 mm in size and the product size is such that 80% is less than 6.35 mm. The power required is 89.5 kW. What will be the power required using the same feed where 80% is less than 3.18 mm ? Use the Bond equation (Hint: The work index Wi is unknown but
You need a two-stage solution, first stage open-circuit mill and then second stage closed-circuit mill. First stage, will be broken into two parts as well, you use a Bond rod mill work index for the coarse component of the ore (+2.1 mm) and the Bond ball mill work index for the fine component (-2.1 mm).
Morrell (2004) proposed a modified Bond's equation in which relationship relies on a particle size exponent that is a function of size. Bond also introduced a number of correction factors, as the deviations were observed in tests conducted on a lab scale and when the same was used for a full-scale plant (Rowland and Kjos, 1978).
The Bond' Crushing Work Index is common to calculate the power needed to crush rocks from a given F80 size to a resulted P80 product size. ... The resulting consumed power is calculated using …
The Bond Work Index is material specific and is obtained from laboratory crushing tests on the feed material. Hard and brittle materials have a work index in the range 4 × 10 4 − 8 × 10 4 J/kg. Bond's law holds reasonably well for a variety of materials undergoing coarse, medium and fine size reduction. (Eq. 14.3a) can also be reduced to
The Bond work index is a measure of ore resistance to crushing and grinding and is determined using the Bond grindability test. Its value constitutes ore characteristic and is used for industrial ...
for grinding and crushing is directly proportional to the new surface area produced. Based on this theory the surface area of the feed and the ground product has to be known. ... Bond's equation ...
The Bond crushing work index test (sometimes called the "impact work index" test) is noisy, and the difference you observed is perfectly reasonable. The paper by Angove & Dunne (1997) reports a standard deviation in crushing work index tests across laboratories as 4.5. ... I did some research for Bond equation and I found at SME Mining ...
lowing Bond equation (Bond, 1960) to determine the energy required to produce the required size reduction (1 ) Where W is the power requirements (kWh/st), Wi is the work index determined from comminution test ... Bond( 1960), in a paper titled "Crushing and grinding calcu ...
This Grindability Test or Bond Ball Mill Work Index Procedure is used to determine the Bond Work Index of minus six mesh or finer feed ore samples. These equation application methods are used …
Smith and Lee (1968) compared the data obtained by the standard Bond test and the data from the open grinding cycle, i.e. the first grinding cycle of the standard …
Calculate the power required if the same feed is to be crushed such that 80% of the product is less than 2.5 mm using: (a) the Rittinger equation and (B) the Bonds' equation. (C) Comment on the answers of part a and b
In his criticism of my arguments in The Crushing-Surface Diagram, he might have analyzed by Stadler's method the two crushing-surface diagrams given as Figs; 4 and 5 in my paper. (The two cuts were transposed in making up the forms, and certain box areas were not marked thereon, although referred to on the cut.)
Crushing and grindability are the parameters that characterize the resistance of raw materials to crushing. There are several procedures for determining the brittleness and grindability, and in practice, the most widely …
The Bond work index is a measure of ore resistance to crushing and grinding and is determined using the Bond grindability test. Its value constitutes ore …
Crushing and Grinding Calculations by Bond - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document presents equations for calculating particle …