the conversation a look inside the mining life

The Moon's top layer alone has enough oxygen to

The breadth of oxygen. Oxygen can be found in many of the minerals in the ground around us. And the Moon is mostly made of the same rocks you'll find on Earth (although with a slightly greater ...

Drilling for oil in the Great Australian Bight would be …

The Great Australian Bight is home to a unique array of marine life. More than 85% of species in this remote stretch of rocky coastline are not found anywhere else in the world.

What's hidden behind the walls of America's prisons

Discover the hidden realities of America's prisons and why they matter for democracy. A Pulitzer Prize-winning historian reveals the truth behind the bars.

Harry Oppenheimer biography shows the South African mining …

In Harry Oppenheimer: Diamonds, Gold and Dynasty, his outstanding biography of the South African mining magnate who died in 2000, Michael Cardo shows that there is still mileage to be made in the ...

Rio Tinto just blasted away an ancient Aboriginal site. Here's …

In the expansion of its iron ore mine in Western Pilbara, Rio Tinto blasted the Juukan Gorge 1 and 2 – Aboriginal rock shelters dating back 46,000 years. These sites had deep historical and ...

To reach net zero the world still needs mining

Disclosure statement. Bridget Storrie worked as a consultant for Rio Tinto for eight months in 2010-11. Her husband was a Rio Tinto employee from 1996 to 2022 and has now left the mining industry.

Acid drainage: the global environmental crisis you …

The ratio of waste to metal recovered in gold mining is vastly disproportionate: the Fimiston Super Pit, near the West Australian town of Kalgoorlie, and until recently the largest open cut mine ...

Robots to the rescue: Saving lives with unmanned vehicles

Drones and unmanned aerial vehicles are already saving lives in search and rescue operations, but they still need improvements if they're to be widely used in the most dangerous situations.

Life on a mine site: what's it really like?

MEC mining engineer Daniel Li gives you the lowdown. Recently, I had my first experience working at an open-cut mine in Central Queensland. This was a big change for me after spending a year in Brisbane, so I thought I'd share my experience and insights with non-mining people who are curious about what it's like to live and work on a mine site.

The stages of mining: 5 lifecycle processes explained

Mining companies need to integrate environmental and social impact assessments into mining projects. These assessments are the process of determining, analysing and evaluating the potential environmental and social impacts of a mining project, and designing appropriate implementation and management plans for the mining life cycle. …

Inside the Largest Bitcoin Mine in The U.S.

The ban on mining in China has caused a mass exodus, and some mining operations are moving their facilities to the United States. We go to Rockland, Texas to a look inside the largest...

Deep sea News, Research and Analysis

But before the mind leaps to all things dark and spooky, take a fresh look at life in the deep sea. A large robot, loaded with sensors and cameras, designed to explore the ocean twilight zone.

Watch Inside the Largest Bitcoin Mine in The U.S.

The ban on mining in China has caused a mass exodus, and some mining operations are moving their facilities to the United States. We go to Rockland, Texas to a look inside the largest bitcoin mine ...

Visualizing the inside of cells at previously

All life is made up of cells several magnitudes smaller than a grain of salt. Their seemingly simple-looking structures mask the intricate and complex molecular activity that enables them to carry ...

A Look Inside the Illegal Mining Industry

A Look Inside the Illegal Mining Industry in the Democratic Republic of Congo By Sahara Borja on September 16, 2015 War for Minerals is photographer Erberto Zani 's visual investigation of the men who mine for coltan, manganese, and other rare metals in the Democratic Republic of Congo, often under unclear, dangerous, and …

Why do astronomers look for signs of life on other planets …

A view of the soil on the surface of Mars, as taken by Viking 1 lander on Aug. 1, 1976. NASA/JPL, CC BY. Scientists knew that life on Mars could be really different from life on Earth, so they ...

All mines close. How can mining towns like Mount Isa best …

For towns built on mining, mine closures have huge impacts. Because mines inevitably close, communities should be involved from the start in planning for that time.

Beyond Juukan Gorge, the relentless threat mining

The destruction of one ancient rock shelter is devastating. But there's a greater loss to cultural heritage that is occurring from the 'cumulative impacts' of mining operations in WA.

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Getting to the bottom of things: Can mining the deep

Deep-sea mining has not begun yet on a commercial scale, but companies are developing the required technologies. The machines will collect the nodules or grind the hot vent and seamount deposits ...

Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in …

2. The many ways mining activities impact biodiversity. Mining affects biodiversity at multiple spatial scales (site, landscape, regional and global) through direct (i.e. mineral extraction) and indirect processes (via industries supporting mining operations, and external stakeholders who gain access to biodiversity-rich areas as the result of …

The 5 Stages of the Mining Lifecycle

Stakeholder inclusion demonstrates the company's commitment to transparency, accountability and integrity. This proactive community relationship based on mutual understanding and input lays a critical foundation for responsible mining. 4. Production. Two of the most common methods of mining are surface and underground …

Coal mining: we're documenting the voices of

Coal-mining communities are disappearing in the UK so it's more important than ever to authentically document their way of life. Coal mining: we're documenting the voices of unsung English ...

Life in maars: why it's worth protecting a spectacular fossil …

One of New Zealand's most exceptional fossil sites may soon be open to scientists again following a land purchase that saved it from commercial mining.. Foulden Maar is a small, deep lake that ...

Mining the Moon

If you were transported to the Moon this very instant, you would surely and rapidly die. That's because there's no atmosphere, the surface temperature varies from a roasting 130 degrees ...

Gold, silver and lithium mining on federal land

That's why a company called Energy Fuels Inc. just started mining uranium in January 2024 at a site in Arizona 10 miles from the Grand Canyon and inside a new national monument.

Deep sea mining: coming soon to an ocean near you

A deep-sea mining operation consists of a mining support platform or vessel; a launch and recovery system; a crawler with a mining head, centrifugal pump and vertical transport system; and ...

The evidence of early human life in Australia's arid interior

The Warratyi rock shelter in the Flinders Ranges, 550km north of Adelaide, is an impressive place. The South Australian cave is a natural geological feature and it stands out from the surrounding ...

The Conversation: A Look Inside the Mining Life

April 6, 2010 -- The West ia mining community suffered a huge blow Monday afternoon when a massive mine explosion killed 25 people and left four others …