in situ granite rock line cutting machine

(PDF) A review of rock cutting for underground …

November 2016; Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 116(11):1011-1026

The History of Machining

It's also theorised that the earliest line boring processes were invented to quarry the granite stone needed. Then, they would use this basic boring machine to drill a hole into the rock, which made removing the large pieces whole possible. Boring Machines Throughout History. Over the centuries, boring machines changed slowly.

Effect of artificially induced microcracks near the rock …

The in-situ stress in the deep rock increases significantly, ... Hartlieb et al. 17 discussed the effect of microwave-induced microcracks on the mechanical cutting of granite and found that artificially induced microcracks reduced tool cutting force by 17 ... which means that the microcracks propagate almost along a straight line. However, as ...

Evolutionary and Revolutionary Technologies for Mining

The development of better and faster rock-cutting and fragmentation methods, especially for applications to hard rock and in-situ mining, would result in dramatic improvements in productivity and would have some ancillary health and environmental risks and benefits.

Determining the optimum cutting direction in granite …

For this purpose, 12 granite samples along 12 different directions with 15° intervals were cut by a special laboratory wire cutting machine. The obtained cutting …

Excavation of underground research laboratory ramp in granite …

Granite, volcanic rock: 14: New York Line 7 Extension (double shield) USA: 6.81: 198: 1.283: ... Evaluation of cutting efficiency during TBM disc cutter excavation within Korean granite rock using linear-cutting-machine testing and photogrammetric measurement. ... In situ TBM penetration tests and rock mass boreability analysis in …

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences

Nevertheless, the effect of in-situ stress on breaking rock for TBM cutter and conical pick was widely studied in the tunnel and mining industry. 21 studied the effect of in-situ stress on TBM cutter performance by linear cutting test in full-scale granite rock. The results indicated that the normal force increases and the rock fragmentation ...

Experimental studies using a new portable linear rock cutting …

This study aims at verifying the experimental results of a newly developed portable linear rock cutting machine (PLCM) and its usability for proper selection, …

Comparisons Between Experimental and Semi-theoretical …

Then, a series of full-scale linear cutting machine (LCM) or rotary cutting machine (RCM) tests on these representative rocks can be carried out using disc …

YUKON® II | Semi-Automatic Bridge Saw for Stone Countertop Cutting

Countertops or dimensional stone cut speeds up to 15 ft/minute.Configure your saw with up to a 24″ blade with a max sawing depth of 7.25″ on countertop models, and up to a 28″ blade with a max sawing depth of 9.25″ for dimensional sawing.

Waterjet cutting Stone

Waterjet cutting stone. Granite, marble, limestone, slate, sandstone and more. Waterjet cutting of stone is a fascinating technology that enables even the hardest types of stone to be processed precisely and gently.In doing so, it opens up new manufacturing possibilities, as even the finest contours can be realized with minimal kerf widths.

Your Trusted Source for Stone and Granite Cutting

A Guide to BACA's Granite Cutting Machines April 3, 2024; Can You Cut Marble With a 3-Axis CNC Router? December 26, 2023; 3-Axis CNC Machines for Stone Cutting: Capabilities, Limitations, & Considerations December 26, 2023; Choosing the Best CNC Machine for Granite Cutting November 30, 2023; Reduce Downtime With the …

Cutting Stone With Water Jet Cutter

A waterjet stone cutting machine can easily cut 12 inches of stone at high speed. It is possible to cut more than 12-inch-thick granite, marble, and other similar stone. ... For cutting soft rock, a water jet cutting machine of about 2,000 psi is enough. For harder stones such as granite, water jet cutting might require a pressure of up to ...


{"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"2022":{"items":[{"name":"1.html","path":"2022/1.html","contentType":"file"},{"name":"10.html","path":"2022/10 ...

Comparisons Between Experimental and Semi-theoretical Cutting …

The first in situ measurement of ... Chang SH (2013) Evaluation of cutting efficiency during TBM disc cutter excavation within a Korean granitic rock using linear-cutting-machine testing and photogrammetric measurement. ... Gong Q, Wang J, Yin L, Zhao X (2016) Study on the influence of confining stress on TBM performance in …

Estimating in situ rock mass strength and elastic modulus of granite

Knowledge of the strength and elastic modulus of a reservoir rock is important for the optimisation of a particular geothermal resource. The reservoir rock for many geothermal projects in the Upper Rhine Graben, such as those at Soultz-sous-Forêts and Rittershoffen (both France), is porphyritic granite. High fracture densities (up to ~ …

Situ Portable machines is a supplier of portable machine tools

DESIGN SERVICES. Portable machine tool engineering design services that ranges from sourcing the right solution to overseeing engineering design in a tool, providing custom solution concepts and routes to supply using the wealth of experience gained from the last 35 years designing and manufacturing the SILK and Mirage standard range of portable …

Cutting Granite using a Waterjet Cutter

A water jet can cut stone up to 12 inches, which is suitable for most stone-cutting applications. Most granite cutting jobs involve a thickness of just a few inches. Benefits of Cutting Granite With a Water Jet Machine. There are many advantages to using a water jet to cut granite instead of other stone-cutting techniques. Cold-Cutting …

Laboratory-Scale Limestone Rock Linear Cutting …

Full-scale linear cutting machine (LCM) testing is the most reliable method for predicting the performance and design of excavation machines [].This test is commonly employed to determine the optimal …

Assessing cutter-rock interaction during TBM tunnelling in …

In this paper, we conduct a series of large-scale standing rotary cutting tests and DEM simulations on granite, considering different cutting parameters (i.e. …

What Is The Best Saw For Cutting Rocks? Try These 3 Saws

For comparison, common lapidary rocks have a Mohs hardness of 5.5. to 6 (opal), 6.5 to 7 (agate and jasper), and 6.5 to 7.5 (various varieties of garnet). Amethyst, being a variety of quartz, has a hardness of 7. Whether going by Mohs hardness or absolute hardness, a diamond is much harder than any rock you will be cutting and can cut …

Waterjet Cutting Stone with VICHOR Waterjet …

Granite. Granite, known for its hardness and durability, is a favorite in construction and decoration. Cutting granite can be a challenge, but not with VICHOR Waterjet. Our system cuts through granite with ease, …

(PDF) Borehole breakouts and core disking in Westerly granite

Step 8 Advances in Civil Engineering the triaxial experiments performed on samples of Westerly granite, and by drawing the Mohr-Coulomb envelope, the internal friction angle for this type of rock ...

Development and in-situ application of a real-time cutting …

A real-time cutting force monitoring system is established for the widely used 17-inch and 19-inch TBM disc-cutters based on the proposed cutting force measurement method. Then the feasibility and effectiveness of the monitoring system are verified using a laboratory rotary rock-cutting test.

Fracture Slip Behavior in Granite Under High-Temperature

Precise knowledge of the thermal and mechanical properties of polycrystalline rocks is vital for the assessment of geothermal targets. However, although the slip behavior of rough fractures in granite under high temperatures and true triaxial stress is closely related to that corresponding to hydroshearing and induced earthquakes during geothermal recovery, it …

Performance prediction of TBM disc cutting on granitic rock …

However, in-situ data are typically scarce and difficult to obtain, and thus, it is impossible to work under optimal settings. Chang and Rostami [4] proved that the full-scale linear cutting ...

Experimental studies using a new portable linear rock cutting machine

The early in-situ cutting test machines were seen in the literature for assessing the ploughability of coals (Binns and Potts, 1955), with difficulties arising due to testing on-site. ... and optimum line spacing to depth of cut ratio is found for all of the rock cutting tests performed at 20 mm line spacing and different depths of cut for the ...

Study on the tunneling response of TBM in stressed granite rock mass …

Some studies analyzed the influence of the in-situ stress on the rock-breaking mechanism with the action of cutters through the confined indentation test, linear cutting test, and numerical simulation, and found that the in-situ stress had an impact on both the cutter force and crack propagation which determine the breaking efficiency …

sbm in situ granite rock line cutting machine

sbm in situ granite rock line cutting... Find file Blame History Permalink lab · 319909c3 maekesi authored Nov 01, 2022. 319909c3 ...