cost of dc ferrochrome smelter

High Carbon Ferrochrome Technology

A 42 MW DC arc furnace (which was later upgraded to 60 MW) was built at Middelburg Ferrochrome in 1996 and was followed by another 60 MW DC arc furnace on the same site in 2009. Swedechrome produced high carbon ferrochrome on a transferred plasma furnace with three 6-MW nontransferred torches between 1987 and 1990 in …

Development in the design and construction of DC arc

If the cathode is simple solid carbon, then we expect it will be subject to erosion similar to or greater than the very high mass losses of carbon electrodes that are seen in the operational ...

Lion ferrochrome smelter, Eastern Chrome mines restart – …

Operations at the Lion ferrochrome smelter and Eastern Chrome mines of the Glencore Merafe Chrome Venture have recommenced, but the Boshoek, Rustenburg, Wonderkop, Lydenburg smelters and Kroondal mine will remain on care and maintenance until the macroeconomic environment improves, Merafe Resources said on Friday. …


High Carbon Ferrochrome Technology. Johan Basson, Jorma Daavittila, in Handbook of Ferroalloys, 2013. 9.1.1 High Carbon Ferrochrome and Its Production Base. High carbon ferrochrome represents a group of alloys with a chromium content typically between 60% and 70% and a carbon content typically between 4% and 6%. To meet this specification …

An Overview of Currently Applied Ferrochrome Production …

The vast majority of mined chromite, estimated at approximately 90–95%, is used to produce various ferrochrome (FeCr) grades. Subsequently, the stainless-steel …

Xstrata Expanding Lion Ferrochrome Smelter in South Africa

Xstrata plc has approved development of the second phase of its Lion ferrochrome complex near Steelpoort in Mpumalanga province, South Africa. The expansion will involve construction and commissioning of a 360,000-mt/y capacity smelter and will increase the Xstrata-Merafe chrome venture's total ferrochrome capacity to more that 2.3 million mt/y.

South African ferrochrome industry 'running out of time' …

South Africa's ferrochrome industry has taken its first steps towards independent power generation, with plans to generate up to 750 MW of its own electricity (comprising wind, solar and ...

Noront plans to build ferrochrome smelter in Sault Ste.

Work to build the smelter is expected to start in 2025 and will take about three years to build with an estimated cost of about $1 billion. The city adds that timeline is based on the development ...

Ferrochrome commits to 750 MW self-generation, junior …

South Africa's 15 ferrochrome smelter sites are located from Boshoek and Rustenburg in the west to Lydenburg on the east, with Tubatse to the north and Mogale to the south. ... electrification ...

Lion ferrochrome smelter, Eastern Chrome mines restart – …

The Lion smelter uses 37% less electricity than conventional ferrochrome processes to produce the equivalent volume of ferrochrome. In addition, the smelter needs far less coke than conventional ...

Reductant Formation Enthalpy in DC Ferrochrome Smelting: …

An accuracy of 0.5% equals 200 kW on a 40 MW furnace. With such a furnace having heat losses in the range of 4−8 MW, the 200 kW is 2.5−5.0% on the heat losses, and only 0.56−0.63% on the metallurgical energy consumption of 32−36 MW.

Off-gas flow diagram at the smelter plant

The same measurements were made at the ferrochrome smelter plant. The off-gas will be analysed in a similar manner as for the ilmenite smelter as to determine what the energy content of the gas is ...

Ferrochrome Smelting In Zimbabwe

some small-scale smelter installations exploiting Dyke ores, namely MonaChrome in Chegutu, CINA, Jin An Corp & Xinyu and Wel Mining all based in Gweru. Historically, ZIMASCO and ZimAlloys represent more than ninety per cent of Zimbabwe's ferrochrome smelting capacity, producing three ferrochrome

Technology slashes power use at Glencore's huge S African chrome smelter

The Lion ferrochrome smelter owned and operated by the Glencore Merafe Chrome Venture, uses 37% less electricity than conventional ferrochrome processes to produce the equivalent volume of ...

ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd: The benefits of overseas partnership

Meanwhile, at the smelter, charge chrome is produced through a single stage process by smelting a mix of chromite, reductant and fluxes at temperatures in excess of 2000°C. Today ASA Metals operates at Dilokong with 2 smelters and is able to produce charge ferrochrome with an annual capacity of 120,000 Mt.

Glencore's ferrochrome output dips as it idles Rustenburg smelter …

In the quarter to March, Glencore's attributable ferrochrome production amounted to 297 000 tons, dipping by 26% or some 103 000 tons below output for the same period a year ago.

DC Arc Furnaces — Past, Present, and Future | SpringerLink

DC arc furnaces were first used industrially for the reductive smelting of chromite fines to produce ferrochromium thirty years ago. Since then, they have been used for a variety of applications, including the smelting of ilmenite to produce titania slag and pig iron, the recovery of cobalt from non-ferrous smelter slags, and the smelting of nickel …


High carbon ferrochrome represents a group of alloys with a chromium content typically between 60% and 70% and a carbon content typically between 4% and 6%. From: ... of these materials are chosen to produce the target stainless steel composition and quantity at the lowest possible cost (that is, with 'the lowest cost mix').

Simulation of ferro-alloy smelting in DC arc furnaces using …

DC arc furnace technology is regarded as one of the lowest-cost options for the production of ferrochromium.


ferrochrome in a 30MW (40MVA) DC arc furnace[1]. This furnace has been a low cost producer of ferrochrome for more than 20 years. During the 15 years prior to the present INFACON, three more DC arc furnaces were designed and built for the production of ferrochrome in South Africa. The smallest of these is a 10MW unit, which

Outotec DC Smelting

The Outotec DC (Direct Current) Smelting Furnace is a cost-efficient, sustainable, and compact solution for ferroalloy processing. It can be used for direct smelting of fine ores, even those with highly variable chemical or …

Lydenburg ferrochrome smelter placed on care and …

Lydenburg ferrochrome smelter placed on care and maintenance September 9, 2020 September 9, ... but also to lower realised cost, insurance and freight (CIF) ferrochrome and chrome ore prices. Merafe's operating income is primarily generated from the Glencore-Merafe Chrome Venture (Venture) focusing on …

Glencore's Rustenburg ferrochrome smelter remains idled

Pending an improved price and cost environment, Glencore said in its first-quarter 2024 production report on Tuesday that its Rustenburg ferrochrome smelter in South Africa's North West province ...

Ironveld Smelting – Ironveld

In 2022 Ironveld agreed the acquisition of the Ferrochrome Furnaces (Pty) Ltd, the smelter complex in Rustenburg. The business name will be changed to Bokone Smelting (Pty) Ltd. The refurbishment project was substantially completed by the end of 2023

Low cost ferroalloy extraction in DC-arc furnace at …

Low cost ferroalloy extraction in DC-arc furnace at Middleburg Ferrochrome. Middleburg Ferro-Chrome (MFC), a company in Samancor Chrome, commissioned a …

Outotec DC Smelting

The Outotec DC (Direct Current) Smelting Furnace is a cost-efficient, sustainable, and compact solution for ferroalloy processing. It can be used for direct smelting of fine …

Cr(VI) formation in ferrochrome-smelter dusts | Request …

Dusts generated during ferrochrome smelting in a pilot-scale DC arc furnace were sampled from the furnace freeboard and from the off-gas handling stream (cyclone and baghouse).


ABSTRACT. Middleburg Ferro-Chrome (MFC), a company in Samancor Chrome, commissioned a new Ferro-Chrome smelter in March 2009. This is a 60 MW DC-arc furnace with a DC power supply for the smelting of Transvaal chromite ore fines.

Development in the design and T construction of DC arc …

ferrochrome in a 30 MW (40 MVA) DC arc furnace1. This furnace has been a low cost producer of ferrochrome for more than 20 years. During the 15 years prior to the present INFACON, three more DC arc furnaces were designed and built for the production of ferrochrome in South Africa. The smallest of these is a 10 MW unit, which was commis-