nickel cobalt sulphide flotation process

Principles and practice of sulphide mineral flotation

This paper presents both the fundamentals of sulphide mineral flotation and the practical aspects of sulphide ore flotation. The fundamental aspects of the flotation of sulphide …

The Direct Leaching of Nickel Sulfide Flotation …

Nickel; cobalt; pentlandite; nickel sulfides; hydrometallurgy 1. Introduction The extraction of nickel from sulfidic resources was described in Part I where it was shown that direct hydrometallurgical processing of nickel sulfide flotation concentrates has several distinct advantages over pyro-metallurgy.

Recovery of copper, nickel and cobalt from acidic pressure …

Based on the data listed in Table 3, it was calculated that the percent copper extraction by XD 5640 reached 99.9%, and its percent stripping recovery reached 95.5%.The total recovery of copper in the process reaches 95% or more. It is also indicated that the co-extraction rate of nickel and cobalt was near to 0%, with no loses in the …

Ferronickel Generation from Nickel Sulfide Concentrates by …

Nickel sulfide concentrates are critical materials for the production of metallic nickel. The disadvantages associated with the conventional nickel extraction process are the considerable amounts of sulfur dioxide emissions in the smelting process and the complex Ni refining steps to produce a marketable product. The authors …

Flotation of nickel-copper sulphide ore : optimisation of process …

Proceedings of the International Conference on Mining, Material and Metallurgical Engineering Prague, Czech Republic, August 11-12, 2014 Paper No. 113 Flotation of Nickel-Copper Sulphide Ore: Optimisation of Process Parameters Using Taguchi Method Trust T. Masiya University of Zimbabwe, Institute of Mining Research P.O. Box MP167, …

Ammonia leaching process for selective extraction of nickel and cobalt

1. Introduction. Nickel and cobalt are essential strategic metals that are widely employed in alloy materials, battery materials, and other industries because of their beneficial properties [1], [2].Nickel resources are broadly classified as nickel sulfide ore and laterite ore, with nickel sulfide ore accounting for only about 30% of total nickel …

Recovery of copper, nickel and cobalt from acidic pressure …

DOI: 10.1016/J.MINENG.2007.01.011 Corpus ID: 98573418; Recovery of copper, nickel and cobalt from acidic pressure leaching solutions of low-grade sulfide flotation concentrates

The Direct Leaching of Nickel Sulfide Flotation …

The extraction of nickel (Ni) from sulfide resources commences with flotation to produce a concentrate which is then smelted to produce a nickel-enriched …

Production of Nickel Concentrate from Ground Sulfide Ore

The valuable minerals in copper and nickel sulphide minerals can be easily oxidized and lead to the reduction of flotation recovery. To solve the problem, the reaction mechanism of the hydroximic ...

Flotation and Tailing Discarding of Copper Cobalt Sulfide …

The mineral composition of copper–cobalt ores is more complex than that of copper sulfides, and it is also difficult to discard tailing efficiently in primary flotation for the fine-grained disseminated of ore. In this work, a mineral liberation analyzer (MLA) was employed to study the characteristics of minerals. As a significant mineralogical …

Nickel processing

From sulfide ores. Sulfide ores are crushed and ground in order to liberate nickel minerals from the waste materials by selective flotation. In this process, the ore is mixed with special reagents and agitated by mechanical and pneumatic devices that produce air bubbles. As these rise through the mixture, the sulfide particles adhere to their ...

Nickel and Cobalt Production

The first stage of froth flotation separates the nickel-, cobalt-, and copper-bearing minerals from the gangue rock and pyrrhotite. The second stage of froth flotation separates the nickel- and cobalt-bearing minerals from the copper-bearing minerals. ... The simplest process is the leaching of sulfide precipitates. The main reactions are: …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Characterization of a Nickel Sulfide

In anticipation of future demands, a comprehensive understanding of the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of nickel-bearing minerals is a prerequisite to devising effective nickel beneficiation methods. Of particular importance are markers in the mineralogy of the flotation concentrate that inform beneficiation strategies to improve …

Ni/Co–Cu Sulphide Ores, Key Contributors to Sustainability …

Nickel and cobalt are among the strategic metals contributing to sustainability. ... when inefficiently depressed in the flotation process, report to the nickel concentrates causing dilution and finding their ways to smelter furnaces and build up at the bottom. ... The role of carboxy methyl cellulose in the flotation of a nickel sulphide ...

Selective sulphidation and flotation of nickel from a …

A thermodynamic analysis of the selective sulphidation process ( Harris, 2011) reveals that there is an operating window, where a nickel sulphide phase can be …

Flotation of Nickel-Copper Sulphide Ore: Optimisation of …

optimum conditions for the flotation of nickel, copper and cobalt from a nickel-copper sulphide ore. The parameters investigated include collector dosage, percentage solids, …

Unlocking Disseminated Nickel Sulphides Using the …

4 CESL Nickel Process The CESL Nickel Process offers a method of unlocking the nickel from disseminated nickel sulphide ore bodies. It is capable of treating lower grade nickel concentrates and those with a high content of magnesia. The process can also treat bulk nickel-copper-cobalt concentrates with no need for metal

Lime use and functionality in sulphide mineral flotation: A …

Ni and Ni-Cu sulphide ores. Nickel-copper sulphide ores can differ significantly in the mineralogy of both the sulphide and the gangue minerals. Pentlandite is the major source of nickel, and often carries with it cobalt or precious group elements in economic concentration. Vast pentlandite deposits are processed in Canada, Australia, …

Selective Sulfidation and Electrowinning of Nickel and Cobalt …

For selective electrowinning of nickel and cobalt from liquid sulfides, the electrolyte consisted of nickel sulfide (Ni 3 S 2, 99.7% metals basis purity, Sigma Aldrich) cobalt sulfide (CoS, 99.5% metals basis purity, Fisher Scientific), barium sulfide (BaS, 99.7% metals basis purity, Alfa Aesar), and lanthanum sulfide (La 2 S 3, 99.5% metals ...

Pressure Oxidation of Nickel Concentrates to Prepare Mixed …

Nickel concentrates typically are smelted and refined to produce Class 1 nickel products which can be used to manufacture metal salts. Alternatively, a process has been conceived to pressure oxidize nickel sulfide flotation concentrate to produce mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP) containing nickel and cobalt.

Nickel / cobalt mining extraction procedures

Sherritt Gordon Process. The nickel and cobalt metallurgy processes begin with an initial treatment of the mineral, re-concentrating it through crushing and flotation/gravity and obtaining a "speiss", rich in cobalt and nickel. The process begins by adding the sulfide-associated mineral to a reactor with sulfuric acid and pressurised air.

Recent advances in various applications of nickel cobalt sulfide …

In recent years, nickel cobalt sulfides (NCSs) have received much attention as promising functional materials in various application fields, mainly due to their much lower price, abundant raw materials and considerable reactive activity with relatively higher electrical conductivity, weaker metal–sulfur bond Celebrating International Women's …

Extraction of Nickel and Cobalt from Sulfide Ores

The extraction of Ni from sulfide ores is much simpler relative to laterites and is dominated by pyrometallurgical processing. This typically involves comminution and flotation to produce a nickel ...

Nickel and Cobalt Ores: Flotation

The nickel extraction process is dictated by the mineralogical assemblage of the sulphide and oxide nickel ores from which it occurs. The rejection of pyrrhotite, which occurs commonly with ...

Selective extraction of nickel and cobalt from disseminated sulfide

Economic Ni resources are usually found in either sulfide or laterite-type ores. Although about 60 % of world land-based Ni is associated with laterites, it remains dominantly produced from sulphide (∼60 %) resources (Meshram et al., 2019).Ni in sulfide ores is usually presented as pentlandite ((Ni, Fe) 9 S 8) and, sometimes, as …

Investigation of the flotation performance of nickel sulphide …

The flotation treatment of nickel–copper sulphide ore at the Western China nickel mine has historically been difficult due to the presence of large amounts of serpentine minerals.[1] ... Investigation of the flotation performance of nickel sulphide by high intensity agitation pretreatment ... State Key Laboratory of Nickel and …

Full article: The Direct Leaching of Nickel Sulfide Flotation

2.1. Ammoniacal lixiviants. The ability of ammonia (NH 3) to selectively dissolve Ni, Cu, and Co from sulfidic materials (concentrate, matte, and mixed sulfide precipitate) underpins the Sherritt-Gordon process, an ammoniacal pressure oxidation process that was described in Part I of this review and that has seen commercial …

The Direct Leaching of Nickel Sulfide Flotation …

Nickel; cobalt; pentlandite; nickel sulfides; hydrometallurgy 1. Introduction Nickel (Ni) is an essential metal for society with stainless steels being its major end use, though high purity nickel sulfate, a key raw material for production of …

Extraction of Cobalt and Nickel from a Pyrrhotite Rich

This paper reports on the development of a flotation and stirred-tank bioleaching process for recovering nickel, cobalt, and copper from pyrrhotite -rich tailings. Results of a high-level Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) study of the proposed flowsheet are used to guide future R&D efforts. ... 82% Co, and 95% S Sulphide in 69% …