the role of bentonite in concrete

Developing a sustainable concrete incorporating bentonite …

The presented study investigates the role of bentonite clay (BC) and its synergistic effect with silica fume (SF) as partial replacement of cement on strength, durability, and microstructure of ...

Investigating the properties of bentonite and kaolin …

Incorporating bentonite in concrete produced better results than the mix with kaolin. When used on its own to replace cement, kaolin compromises both compressive …

The alkaline reaction of FEBEX bentonite: a contribution to …

ANDRA, 2005), have addressed the effect of the alkaline plume induced by concrete on bentonite. The group working on applied clay geochemistry at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) has ...

Bentonite replacing part of cement concrete for …

bentonite. The concrete cylinders were used to the hydrochloride acid attack test after 28 days of curing. All the concrete specimens were kept in a curing cabinet and cured at a laboratory ambient temperature of 21 ± 1 ° C and 95% relative humidity until testing. The mixes were abbreviated in one way, LXBX. ...

Bentonite Clays from Southeastern Spain as Sustainable …

The role of bentonites in the process of refining and the catalytic cracking of petroleum is well known [12,13,14]. However, one of the most widespread uses is in the drilling of wells during prospecting and the exploration of metallic, non-metallic and gas–petroleum deposits; In these operations, bentonites play a very important role in the ...

Role of Bentonite in Improving the Efficiency of …

Role of Bentonite in Improving the Efficiency of Cement Grouting in Coarse Sand T. G. Santhoshkumar 1, B. M. Abraham 2, A. Sridharan 3, and B. T. Jose 4 1 Principal, JBCMET, JB Campus, Kochi ...

Response of compacted bentonite to hyperalkalinity and thermal …

Thermal history on the samples. The effect of cement water (CW) on swell pressure of all thermal history induced bentonite specimens (B 1 and B 2), compacted at various densities (1.5 Mg/m 3, 1.75 ...

Formation of C-A-S-H phases from the interaction between concrete …

Formation of C-A-S-H phases from the interaction between concrete or cement and bentonite - Volume 51 Issue 2. 22 August 2024: Due to technical disruption, we are experiencing some delays to publication. We are working to restore services and apologise for the inconvenience. ... (2006) The role of Al in C-S-H: NMR, XRD, and …

SikaProof® Bentonite | Basement Sheet Membranes

SikaProof® Bentonite is a needle‐punched thermally locked Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) used to waterproof below ground concrete structures. It is a waterproofing system which efficiently protects reinforced concrete structures, preventing the penetration of water and subsequent attack by aggressive chemical substances present in the surrounding soil.

Full article: Study of the impact of bentonite on the physico

The use of natural bentonite and organo-bentonite as partial replacement of cement in concrete has been studied (Lima-Guerra et al., Citation 2014), the introduction of bentonite as partial cement substitutions in concrete shown that the consistence, workability, density of concrete and water adsorption/absorption decreased.

Full article: Study of the impact of bentonite on the physico

Cement-based grouts have been used successfully to repair cracks in many concrete structures, to ensure the stability of slopes or retaining walls and to reinforce …

Effect of a calcined Westerwald bentonite as supplementary cementitious

Bentonite is a natural pozzolanic material mostly composed of SiO 2 and employed in cementing materials for the reduction of cement consumption and CO 2 emission besides improving performance of cement composite material by consuming portlandite to form extra C-S-H gel. So, many researchers studied on partial …

Bentonite in Construction: A Key to Sustainability

Bentonite plays a significant role, particularly in geotechnical engineering, where it's used as a sealing agent in the construction of dams, landfills, and borehole drilling. One of the key factors driving the growing demand for bentonite in construction …

The role of bentonite in two-component grout: A …

DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2023.105412 Corpus ID: 264068758; The role of bentonite in two-component grout: A comparative study @article{Todaro2023TheRO, title={The role of bentonite in two-component grout: A comparative study}, author={Carmine Todaro and Davide Zanti and Andrea Carigi and Daniele Peila}, journal={Tunnelling and …

Effect of Bentonite Blend on the Compressive Strength …

concrete. Here, coarse aggregate of size 20 mm and angular crushed shape is chosen. 3. Bentonite The bentonite used was a sodium type, manufactured by Changsha May Shine Chemical Co., Ltd [Province: Hunan, China] but purchased from Lagos. 4. Water Water plays a major role in concrete mixing in that it starts

What Is Bentonite Used For In Construction | Storables

Conclusion. Bentonite, with its unique properties and versatile applications, is a valuable material in the construction industry. From soil stabilization and foundation works to drilling fluids and waterproofing, bentonite plays a crucial role in enhancing the stability, durability, and performance of construction projects.

The role of smectite composition on the hyperalkaline …

The buffer/backfill material of bentonite acts the most important role for the safety of high-level nuclear wasterepository. ... In order to make the study of bentonite/concrete interaction more ...

Effects of bentonite on pore structure and permeability of cement

Moreover, the added bentonite could transform large capillary pores into small capillary pores more obviously compared to the same particle dimension quartz. Besides, it is worth noting that the large capillary pores could be fined to be medium capillary pores under the role of bentonite, which was highly consistent with the results …

Micro- and nano- bentonite to improve the strength of …

soil improvement: Bani Baker et al. 7, uLi 8, Cheng et al. 9 and Taha and Taha 10 developed the role of nano-bentonite ... It is used as an adjuvant in the manufacture of concrete, as a

Influence of various bentonites on the mechanical properties …

Bentonite is currently widely used to improve the performance of cement mortars. Bentonite is a type of hydrated clay mineral consisting primarily of …

Effects of natural zeolite and sulfate ions on the mechanical

One of the strategic materials used in earth-fill embankment dams and in modifying and preventing groundwater flow is plastic concrete (PlC). PlC is comprised of aggregates, water, cement, and bentonite. Natural zeolite (NZ) is a relatively abundant mineral resource and in this research, the microstructure, unconfined strength, triaxial …

The role of smectite composition on the hyperalkaline alteration …

The hyperalkaline pore waters emanating from concrete will react with the bentonite barrier transforming its initial properties ( and Berger, 1998, ... Although the present results do not focus to resolve what the role of the accessory mineral in the alteration of bentonite and formation of secondary minerals is, the initial composition of ...

Elastic properties of two-component grouts at short curing …

In fact, at the present time, the scientific literature has recognised the role of the bentonite only in component A stabilisation and in the SCS at short curing times. In this paper, the geophysical UPV technique made it possible to highlight the role of the bentonite also in the elastic parameters of the hardening grout.

The role of bentonite in two-component grout: A …

A laboratory testing campaign was planned, with the purpose of highlighting the role of bentonite and the importance of the activation phase. According to previous research (Todaro et al., 2022, Todaro and Pace, 2022), the effects of the bentonite have been evaluated in three different stages.The first stage is related to component A when …

Developing a sustainable concrete incorporating bentonite …

The presented study investigates the role of bentonite clay (BC) and its synergistic effect with silica fume (SF) as partial replacement of cement on strength, …

What Is Bentonite Used For In Construction | Storables

Yes, bentonite can be used in concrete construction as a mineral additive to improve the workability and durability of concrete. It can also be used as a grouting …

The effect of low-pH concrete on microbial community development …

The experiment was performed under strictly anoxic conditions (O 2 < 1 ppm) at laboratory temperature in a glove box. Each sample was prepared in a separate reactor bottle to avoid contamination during sampling (Fig. 1).For samples containing bentonite and concrete, eight reactor bottles were prepared with 15 g BaM bentonite, …

An experimental study investigating the effects of bentonite …

The increased porosity of concrete with the use of bentonite mineral makes the heat transfer difficult. ... Ashraf et al. [18] investigated the role of BC and its synergistic effect with silica fume as a partial replacement of cement on the strength, durability, and microstructure of concrete. The usage of supplementary materials in concrete ...

Uses of Bentonite in Construction – …

Bentonite is valued in foundry sand binding, drilling mud, iron ore pelletisation and as a waterproofing and sealing agent in civil …