gypsum lime in semi arid

Soil Stabilization in Semiarid and Arid Land Agriculture

This review considers the potential of four types of soil amendments, namely gypsum, organic polymers, organic matter waste materials, and fly ash, as soil stabilizers. Addition of gypsum to soil can limit clay swelling and dispersion, and thus improve soil structural stability, by both soil solution electrolyte effects and cation-exchange effects.

Long-term effects of gypsum on the chemistry of sodic soils

Gypsum is commonly applied as an ameliorant but there are few field studies into its long-term (> 10 years) effects on soil chemistry, especially at depths greater than …

OMRAN GypSim application menu to calculate gypsum content in arid …

Gypsophily, i.e. the relationship between plants and gypsum soils, has been extensively studied only in arid and semi-arid regions, in contrast to tropical areas, where gypsum outcrops act as ...

Effect of gypsum content on soil water retention

This work compares the effect of three increasing grazing intensities (low, medium, and high) on the hydraulic properties of the upper soil layers, measured on two areas with increasing gypsum content (56 and 73%, respectively) located in a semi-arid region of the Middle Ebro Valley (NE, Spain). 90 soil samplings were taken on bare soil …

gypsum lime in semi arid

This paper determines the influence of lime and gypsum on the rehabilitation of a degraded sodic soil in a semi-arid environment 12 years after application. The aim was to assess rehabilitation strategies for sodic soils as alternatives to …

Stabilization of Gypsum Clay Soil by Adding Lime

Stabilization of Gypsum Clay Soil by Adding Lime. Often, the temperature and water variation exist in semi-arid areas of a clayey soil leads to vertical and horizontal settlements, cracks in the soil and in general disorder to the building installed on this soil. The objective of this work is to stabilize the local gypsum clay soil, which poses ...

Influence of adding gypsum on the properties of lime …

In present investigations locally available lime and gypsum of commercial grade has been used for studying the effect of lime and gypsum mixture on the plasticity and swelling properties of ...

Wheat yield and physico-chemical properties of a sodic soil from semi

DOI: 10.1016/J.GEODERMA.2012.10.001 Corpus ID: 129640222; Wheat yield and physico-chemical properties of a sodic soil from semi-arid area of Iran as affected by applied gypsum

Soil pH | Nutrient Management | Mosaic Crop Nutrition

For instance, gypsum (CaSO₄) contains Ca in appreciable amounts, but does not reduce soil acidity. ... HYDRATED LIME. Hydrated lime (Ca (OH)²) is calcium hydroxide, sometimes called slaked or builder's lime. ... Many soils in the semi-arid and arid regions of the United States have a naturally high pH. They may contain significant ...

The Use of Gypsum and Lime on Lawns and Gardens

Lime and gypsum are valuable soil amendments in certain areas of the United States. Many s is often …

Soil seed bank recovery occurs more rapidly than expected in semi-arid …

Our model ecosystem was a gypsum semi-arid community, which has a well-known and diverse seed bank with shifts in composition and density at contrasting spatial and temporal scales from yearly fluctuations to shifts along secondary succession (Caballero et al., 2003, 2005, 2008a, b; Olano et al., 2005; Martínez-Duro et al., 2009a ...

Applying Gypsum and Lime Together | Soil Solutions LLC

If you have variable soils and areas with high pH you won't want to apply lime in those areas, but still may want to apply gypsum. In those situations, a mix of lime and gypsum may not be ideal. Applying lime/gypsum mixes are becoming more common by our customers. A 50:50 lime/gypsum mix is most often used in our area.

Gypsum Physical Soil Crusts and the Existence of Gypsophytes in Semi …

The role of shrubs in spatially structuring the soil seed bank of perennial species in a semi-arid gypsum plant community Article 29 June 2020. ... penetration resistance and microphytic crust composition in contrasted microsites within a mediterrean semi-arid steppe Soil Biol. Biochem. 34 895–898 Occurrence Handle 10.1016/S0038-0717 ...

Native plant diversity is a stronger driver for soil quality than

In semi-arid landscapes, the rehabilitation of native vegetation on post-mining sites is hindered by erratic and unreliable rainfall, high annual temperatures and low soil quality (Anaya-Romero et al., 2015, Gwenzi et al., 2014). ... Influence of lime and gypsum on long-term rehabilitation of a Red Sodosol, in a semi-arid environment of …

Small-scale spatial soil-plant relationship in semi-arid gypsum

As occurs in other arid and semi-arid systems, depositional sites of basal zones, which receive runon water, support grasses (Stein and Ludwig, 1979; Wondzell and Ludwig, 1995) like Lygeum spartum L. tussocks inour case. In contrast, steeper slopes which 145 Figure 1. Biplots from the three significant CCA models of the soil data set.

Gypsum Soils – Their Morphology, Classification, Function, …

Gypseous (high-gypsum) soils generally occupy sparsely populated land with minimal land use intensity in arid and semiarid climates. Gypsum content in …

David TONGWAY | Environmental and Rural Science

This paper determines the influence of lime and gypsum on the rehabilitation of a degraded sodic soil in a semi-arid environment 12 years after application. ... many semi-arid landscapes in ...


Bennett JM, Greene RSB, Murphy BW, Hocking P, Tongway D (2014) Influence of lime and gypsum on long-term rehabilitation of a Red Sodosol, in a semi-arid environment of New South Wales. Soil Research 52, 120–128. | Influence of lime and gypsum on long-term rehabilitation of a Red Sodosol, in a semi-arid environment of New South Wales.

The occurrence of thaumasite in newly built concrete …

Moreover, the hot semi-arid climate of northeastern Algeria combined with the aggressive geological nature of the soil favored the penetration of sulfates into structural concrete through groundwater containing soluble sulfates or soils loaded with sulfates, leading to the formation of expansive minerals, mainly gypsum and thaumasite, and ...

The long-term effects of lime (CaCO3), gypsum (CaSO4

In 1994 a long-term field trial with 9 lime–gypsum combinations and 2 tillage treatments (reduced tillage and direct drill) was established on a sodic red-brown earth soil [surface pH(water) 6.5] at a property near Peak Hill, NSW, Australia. The lime-gypsum treatments were: L0G0 (lime 0 t/ha, gypsum 0 t/ha), L0G1, L0G2.5, L0G5, …

The benefits of gypsum for sustainable management and …

Amiri A, Tabatabai MA, Ghodsi S (2021) Impact of gypsum application on soil pH, N2O emissions, and wheat yield in a semi-arid region. Soil Sci Socie America J 85(4):1123–1134 ... Peoples , Keerthisinghe G, James TR, Garden DI, Tuomi SS (1994) Effect of surface applications of lime, gypsum and phosphogypsum on the alleviating of …

Part 5 | Indian Soils – Arid, Saline and Alkaline

Areas: They occur in arid and semi-arid regions, and in waterlogged and swampy areas. These are more widespread in western Gujarat, deltas of the eastern coast and in Sunderban areas of West Bengal. ... These soils can be reclaimed by improving drainage, by applying gypsum and/or lime, and by cultivating salt resistant crops like …

Anhydrite and gypsum

Anhydrite (CaSO 4) and gypsum (CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O) are the two most abundant minerals of ancient marine evaporite deposits and are also common in non-marine evaporite deposits. Sedimentary gypsum forms by direct precipitation out of evaporating seawater under arid climatic conditions in hydrologically restricted marine …

The Efficacy of Lime, Gypsum and Their Combination to …

Results indicate using lime and gypsum singly, or in combination, at low agronomic rates is not necessarily viable for broadacre-irrigated-agriculture on alkaline clayey soils. ... This paper determines the influence of lime and gypsum on the rehabilitation of a degraded sodic soil in a semi-arid environment 12 years after …


This paper determines the influence of lime and gypsum on the rehabilitation of a degraded sodic soil in a semi-arid environment 12 years after application. The aim was to assess rehabilitation strategies for sodic soils as alternatives to the application of gypsum alone. An experimental site was used where lime and gypsum …

Effect of gypsum rates and lime with different reactivity on …

The low solubility of lime (CaCO 3) and the absence of soil disturbance in fields under no-tillage (NT) may diminish the effectiveness of surface to reduce exchangeable Al 3+ (toxic to plants) and increase the base saturation in deep soil layers. However, the effects of subsurface soil acidity can be attenuated by applying agricultural …

Seed bank structure along a semi-arid gypsum gradient in Central Spain

The aim of this paper is to evaluate seed bank density and composition along a semi-arid gypsum gradient in Central Spain. Seed bank density was relatively high (16,214 seed/m 2) with a very clumped spatial distribution.Landform and microslope were the best predictors for seed density, indicating that density can be at least partly …

Small-scale patterns of abundance of mosses and lichens …

study has evaluated such relationships in semi-arid gypsum areas. As observed in other semi-arid areas (Eldridge 1996, 1999; Eldridge and Tozer 1996, 1997), we hypothesised that subsurface soil attributes would exert a significant influence on biological-crust abundance at small spatial scales, and that this fraction of variation would not be

Soil Modifiers (Ca-Zeolite and Gypsum) as Ecosystem

At present gypsum helps to mitigate the adverse effect of climate change from humid to semi-arid during the Holocene. The present sustainability of crop productivity in such soils would however be further improved by using good-quality irrigation water as gypsum (Fig. 5.4c ) has been available for the last several thousands of years (Pal et al ...